I've hit a Major Plateau - HELP!



  • duckpond11
    duckpond11 Posts: 197 Member
    So I lost 28 pounds in three months and since then (June) I haven't moved an oz on the scale. I'm not sure how to shake it up. I read about exercising more and eating more OR exercising less and just eating the same to stay under calories. I can say that I work out a lot(6 days a week 600-1000calories/wkout) and have begun training for a half marathon to see if that helps shift my body to do something else. Some tell me I'm not eating enough but my calories vs my workout usually balance out or I am under by at the most 300 calories. Any suggestions or advice fro how to keep things moving ........I still have about 20 to go. Help!

    Are you doing a lot of endurance type exercise (i.e. steady state running?). I would back off on that for a few days a week and try incorporating more strength training if you aren't doing it already. If you are, then I'd just back off the endurance stuff and focus harder on the strength training.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    This website is designed for you to get your daily calories as close to zero as possible. Having 200, 300 or more calories leftover defeats how this website is supposed to work.

    Aim to get those calories close to zero for awhile. Make sure you are drinking enough water. Switch up your gym routine (if you've been doing a lot of cardio - add in strength training. If you do circuit training - do a different routine). Our bodies get used to what we're doing and when they get used to it, they get comfortable. Gotta confuse it.