Diet Coke



  • Sheeshy
    Sheeshy Posts: 133
    My first question would be; do you live in California? Everything causes cancer in California. Other than that everything now days is related to cancer in some way or another. All the artificial stuff we put into our bodies is terrible for us.

    :laugh: I'm so glad someone else has noticed this!
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    Almost everything causes cancer these days.

    The Daily Mail (Newspaper UK) are always saying things cause cancer... Including dieting!

    Here's a list:

    My favourites of their list of things that cause cancer:

    Menstruation - How is that unavoidable?
    Being a woman
    Being a man
    Sun cream - isn't used to avoid cancer?!

    Anyway, broccoli is anti-cancerous.
  • PalmettoparkGuy
    PalmettoparkGuy Posts: 212 Member
    All I know is that for me, I recently realized that artificial sweeteners caused intense joint pain which I've been suffering from for years and blamed it on my weight. When I lost the weight I still had the pain. 24-48 hours after giving up all artificial sweeteners, I had no pain after years of suffering.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    All I know is that for me, I recently realized that artificial sweeteners caused intense joint pain which I've been suffering from for years and blamed it on my weight. When I lost the weight I still had the pain. 24-48 hours after giving up all artificial sweeteners, I had no pain after years of suffering.

    My daughter gets hives and her tongue swells up when she eats pineapple. So, YOU better stop eating pineapple. ALL OF YOU!
  • Paddy31
    Paddy31 Posts: 115 Member

    What you are most likely referring to is Aspartame. ASPARTAME=FAT STORING FAKE SUGAR CRAP. On a biochemistry level, the compound aspartame is arranged in such a way that your body doesn't think there are any calories in it, which means it NEVER breaks down. This means that it is stored away in your body and it's nothing but junk.

    Stay away from it. It has 92 different side effects and there are actually aspartame support groups.

    IT WAS DENIED 8 TIMES BY THE FDA. One would think "oh, well it had to be approved for some good reason." NOPE, people got paid off (yes, it does happen). The guy who "invented" it, is now sitting back and making millions (aspartame is even in gum and most things that say "sugar free").

    It turns into FORMALDEHYDE once it reaches above a temperature of 86 degrees Fahrenheit. AKA....CANCER CAUSING!
    If you really care about your health (not necessarily just losing weight), PLEASE DON'T DRINK DIET ANYTHINGS!
    let me repeat:

    ******DON'T DRINK DIET COKE, PEPSI, ETC.*********

    I'm not sure that anything in your post is scientifically correct.

    Aspartame IS digested by the human body. It breaks down in to a number of chemicals (including formaldehyde) that the body is happy to digest.

    (Formaldehyde is a normal metabolite that is dealt with by the body. You will have formaldehyde in your body as part of the digestion of fruit.)

    Aspartame is NOT stored in your body in fat. It is digested and excreted normally.

    Aspartame is approved for human consumption by over 100 different food regulators, including the UKFSA, EFS, Health Canada and the FDA.