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50+ Women



  • Booksarenice
    Booksarenice Posts: 70 Member
    :frown: I am having a hard time getting in my exercise now that Iwinter break is over. I was determined to exercise everyday. I set my alarm to get up at 4am so that I can at least walk on the treadmill for a couple of miles. I did it once and then wake up exhausted and don't walk. Sit and drink coffee before getting ready for work. By the time I get home (hour drive each way) I am again to tired to work out. Any suggestions/ Being middled aged stinks!:yawn:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    This week-end has been a little bit of a setback. No willpower and just downright lazy.:explode: Reading all your posts I feel like a bum. I thought about walking, but decided it was too cold. Feel like such a wimp! I thought about going to the Y, but didn't feel like rushing, pushing myself. So, here I am reading how energetic and disciplined the other 50+ women are, and all I do is think about it. So I'm going to get off the computer and just get on the elliptical.
    Bye for now.
  • chatione
    chatione Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to join your group...I just turned 50! and have 50 lbs to lose. I would love to hear yours and others suceeses to help keep me motivated
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Welcome chatione

    It is nice to have another member to our group. I have found this whole site very helpful but in particularly this thread. It is wonderful to know that there are other women that can relate to many of the issues that affect some or all of us. I feel that we can use this board to search for answers, solutions and celebrate our victories. Isn't life wonderful?

    Looking forward to your sharing and wishing you lots of luck:flowerforyou:
  • Imogene
    Imogene Posts: 12
    Hello all,

    I think this is for the age of 50+ right? If so, I definely want to join. I'm 53 years old and feeling it! Thank God for this website with so much support and helpful tools.:flowerforyou:
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Welcome Imogene

    Glad to have you join our Fabulous Fifties:flowerforyou:

    Our group is expanding. Yeah for us:happy:

    Cheers:drinker: and best wishes.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Here we are booksarenice. Hope you found us.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    oh - bookarenice already found us. Oops.

    Do you have steps at work you could walk instead of using the elevator? Can you park your car farther away from the door? Anything that gets mores steps in will help. It takes awhile for our bodies to get into another routine that what it is used to. Keep on keeping on. It will get better.

    Have a good evening everyone.

  • Booksarenice
    Booksarenice Posts: 70 Member
    :grumble: Hey- spent the better part of the day sitting at the computer trying to finish an online class and trolling myfitness. I decided I better get off my behind so I walked a mile as a warm up and started on a stregnth training routine. I have had a tendancy to baby my shoulders (to my own detriment) due to 4 ops on one side and two on the other.Now that I have very little muscle I am starting very light and work my way up.
    What kinds of exercise does everyone else get? Grannymax- no stairs at school-flat,flat,flat. However since we often have indoor recess due to the wind and snow I remembered what I did last year at this time. I make all the children join me in jumpin' jacks, running in place, deep knee bends and stretching. My little third graders think its great to do recess in the classroom!
    There is a biggest loser comp. going on at work but I refuse to join 'cause I'd be up again 20 somethings and men. Geezzzzz- postmenopasual and fat up against tose groups- no way:tongue:

    Welcome Imogene. Great support system and resources. Pop in anytime.
    Have a great evening all-don't forget to finish that water quota for the day!
  • Donna2
    Donna2 Posts: 14
    Hi everyone, sounds like this is the group I need to belong too! :smile: To be encouraged and to hopefully encouraged others. :flowerforyou:

    I'm 51 soon to be 52 in March... don't know what to think of that. :ohwell:

    My body is getting old, but my mind still says I'm young! :laugh:

    I weighed 216 lbs back in 2005. My hubby and I both decided to loose weight together, and we both have been at it ever since..lol. I haven't got to my goal weight of 150 yet. I had a few surgeries, and then injured my foot this last summer, which caused set backs in reaching my goal. I hope this year I'll be able to do it.....

    Walking is my favorite form of exercise :smile: which I should go do right now. :wink:

    TTYL and thank you for having this group :flowerforyou:
  • Booksarenice
    Booksarenice Posts: 70 Member
    Welcome to the group Donna2. We all have to start somewher and those blasted injuries show up all too often these days. Just stay with it. Be sure to log your food intake- it helps to stay on track, drinks lots of water tto. (I'm 52 in April and also young in my mind just the body feeling it.)
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Welcome Donna2. Look how far you've come and how little you have to go in comparison. Great job.
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  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Good morning all.

    How is everyone doing on this Monday morning? Hopefully the weekend went well and if not rememer, Today is A New Day!

    Have a good one.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    I just noticed that we have two threads going at once. Should we put a message on one to go to the other one and just keep one going?
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Hi All. Please go to the other thread with the same name. We had two going and it was getting me confused:laugh:
    Have a great week.
  • Donna2
    Donna2 Posts: 14
    Off to find the other thread, and thanks for the welcome :smile:
  • Just add a little exercise a day. A year ago I could't walk more than a few feet without stopping to catch my breath. Here I am a year later and I walk 3.5 miles per day and ride the stationary bike 6 miles. If I can do it I know you can. I'll be rooting for you.

    Less of me soon
  • Cindy41
    Cindy41 Posts: 5
    I'm back. I was off the website for too long. I watched my diet somewhat and exercised somewhat, but I am back. And very excited that I've losst 10 lbs. The exercise has made all the difference for me. I walked with an IPod this weekend, and it was great. :smile:
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