Either I'm Wrong or I have Haters!



  • BeginningNoStop
    BeginningNoStop Posts: 78 Member
    I'm curious as to what degree your working towards??
    I've been worried about my weight as I'm in nursing school right now. I know what I need to do, what nutrition is, but just can't seem to lose the weight yet!

    If your goal is to become a runner you have to work up to it! Have you looked online at the program couch potato to 5k? Search c25k on google. It has a planned out way to work up to running!
    Maybe I'll don that once I lose a bit of weight, but for now the impact on my joints and the bouncing women's parts I'll stick to hiking and walking!

    Good luck!

    I'm getting a degree in Kinesiology I want to do either Athletic Training (in a Orthopedic Clinic) or be a Cardio Rehab Specialist..I don't want to be a runner. I just want to be health and be able to do some sit ups.
  • Autumn15
    Bull*** and tell them all to **** ****.

    Stick to eating healthy and increase your exercise as your body allows you to do so.


    ...you sound like your handling it right and they are just being jerks...Keep up the good work!
  • BeginningNoStop
    BeginningNoStop Posts: 78 Member
    I need to start giving assertiveness classes, really. WHO in God's name would say such a thing!? Did you ask for their advice? If not, tell them to MYOB and you will do the same but IF they're going to start giving life advice, YOU can hand out some too. I'm sure you have ideas how THEY can improve, right?
    GO - the best defense is a good offense - and these people offend easily. Just give them a piece of your mind and they will NEVER offer personal opinions again.

    lol you sound like my roommate when I finally told her what happened! BUT i didn't ask the girl for her opinion it was random. She came up and told me if i'm going to work with athletes I should lose more weight...i gave her a blank stare.
  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    Really? Who in the world says things like that? How motivating and supporting are those comments from your co-workers? What the heck are they thinking? Oy! Ofcourse, as everyone else has said.. ignore them. Keep up exactly what you are doing.. Increase activity or levels as you are comfortable with. You need to LIKE what you are doing.. or you won't keep it as a lifestyle!!

    Keep us posted.
  • TiffanyA2008
    The ignorance of some people! Geez....Please don't listen to them. Just eat healthy and exercise as your body allows you to. It sounds like you're on the right track. They just sound like a bunch of HATERS for real. Get out there and show them what you got!!! :)
  • Bluejay789
    OMG! You do not need to talk with these people anything about loosing weight or exercising.

    When I started my lifestyle change, I started with walking. I started out walking 3 times a week for 30 minutes. Then I went to 45 minutes and now I am up to an hour and and walk every other day. On the weekends I ride my bike 45 minutes on Saturday and sometimes Sunday.

    Each week I am adding something different like sit ups or dancing - something to change up the routine so my body does not go into a plateau. I am 5'4" and I have gone from 190 to 172 and I started out walking. My knees could not handle the weight of running when I was at 190.

    Do not listen to these haters!
  • BeginningNoStop
    BeginningNoStop Posts: 78 Member
    OMG! You do not need to talk with these people anything about loosing weight or exercising.

    When I started my lifestyle change, I started with walking. I started out walking 3 times a week for 30 minutes. Then I went to 45 minutes and now I am up to an hour and and walk every other day. On the weekends I ride my bike 45 minutes on Saturday and sometimes Sunday.

    Each week I am adding something different like sit ups or dancing - something to change up the routine so my body does not go into a plateau. I am 5'4" and I have gone from 190 to 172 and I started out walking. My knees could not handle the weight of running when I was at 190.

    Do not listen to these haters!

    That's how I built up to walking an hour! listening to others I tried the elliptical, I should've listened to the staff guy. He told me to just do like three minutes a day until I can go longer. The female I was with told me I can go ahead and do 15! My ankle has been hurting since Friday. smh, I learned my lesson that day! I seriously can't wait to start back at the gym tomorrow!
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    If that's what it takes then I am in SERIOUS trouble. I have MS and I can't run or do anything high impact, yet I have managed to lose 43 lbs. watching my calories and doing water aerobics, walking when my body will let me. Everyone has to do what works for them!
  • RaeNegron
    i have lost 90lbs and ABSOLUTELY none of that was from running because I HATE IT!!!! I juat started running and that is only because i signed up for a 5k. I ate six times a day and counted calories and sat on a bike. Its all in how you feel about yourself....even though people may hate on you and it may lower your spirits..its all about the way you feel at the end of the day!!!!
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    I hate running. My cardio is 10 minutes on the stair master, 10-20 minutes on the elliptical, and then 35 minutes on the treadmill at alternating inclines at 3.5. This was set up for me by a trainer at the gym. I do this 3-4 times a week, and then do strength training 2x a week, and have lost 21 pounds in two months.

    If you're comfortable with what you are doing, and it's working for you, AND it goes along with what you are learning.. then go with it. Just tell them, "well, this is working for me, so thanks for the input but I'll stick with what I'm doing."

    People just suck sometimes. *hugs*

    God bless!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    All exercise is good exercise. There are always those who think they know best. I think you're doing grand.