Getting discouraged already



  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    Remind yourself that this is a way of life. Eating healthy. Exercising. You are not defined by a number. You are living a healthy life. Embrace that. Sure we all want to see the losses...but when they don't come, what really would you be doing differently? Even when my weight has stayed the same for weeks, I'm not willing to give up the healthier way of eating and the exercise.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Also.. I need to ask a silly question.. how do you get your ticker to attach at the bottom of your post? I tried and all I saw was the actual link! Not too computer savvy here I guess... thanks!!
    Oh the main Community page, type in a search for "adding ticker to signature", you'll find the answer there. I'd tell you myself but I've forgotten how I did it, lol!
  • evafury
    evafury Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, is it near that 'time' or have you had more sodium, etc? Those and a bunch of reasons (including water in your muscles when you work out) can affect water retention, etc... I agree with another person's post that try and use the one week weight (i.e. every Saturday morning) as the goal. Especially women, I noticed will fluctuate every day... one other thing I'm curious about is... did you fill out your profile on here and have come in around or just under what mfp suggests for calories per day? If so, then it's correct that all of sudden you may see like a 2 lb drop, etc... please don't get discouraged, as it happens to the best of us! Do some interval training - mix it up and you'll see results, no worries!! Keep up the hard work :)

    Yeah, not to overshare, but it is that time of the month. I suppose that doesn't help. I've been trying really hard to get as close as I can to 1200 cal a day (it seems like a phenomenal number, but I'm giving it a try) and I refuse to completely starve/deprive myself in order to drop the weight (been there, done that and gained it all back). I'll try mixing up my workouts a bit, I've pretty much just been running, so maybe that will help. THanks!
  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    You're welcome... I've learned that That makes a huge difference which is why I had to bring it up:) as that could mean like 5 extra lbs!! I know it's frustrating but you're on the right path... I am also on 1200 calories a day and it can be tough for sure. I like you refuse to starve myself but I also do NOT want it to take forever to get to my goal... I'd rather lose it quicker (healthy wise) and get to maintenance quicker! Lol. I think running should definitely help, good for you - can't wait to see your success note soon... Hehe good luck!!
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    :bigsmile: I think you have it figured out...but just give yourself time....TIME.

    I have been here 145 days or so (consecutively ) and have lost 27lbs. I do 1350 or 1300 cals and 9 glasses of water. At least 2 snacks a day.
    Use the diary everyday...stay honest with myself. Never exercise (I hate it) and as long as I never got scale obsessive and knew that as much as 2 lbs could be up or down on any given day, it would all be good in the end.

    Just try to be patient and figure this is forever. :bigsmile:
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Just remember these two things:

    If the scales say you gained a pound, think to yourself " Did i eat 3,500 calorie excess?" If not, its not fat, dont worry.

    If the scales dont move, think "Have i made a 3,500 calorie deficit since i last weighed in?" If not, dont expect to lose 1lb of fat yet :)