Sizzling in September! Week 1 (OPEN GROUP)



  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I'm also thinking of starting 30DS on Saturday - who's in?

    i just started it today.. Maybe we can still do it together...
  • MelanieOnTheRun
    I'm also thinking of starting 30DS on Saturday - who's in?

    I will start it with you :smile:
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Well, today, I had to stay over for a later surgery. I had a hour to kill before it started so I went for a walk! 1.45 miles. I didn't want to get too sweaty, and stinky... lol
  • Soccer_chick916
    Soccer_chick916 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm also thinking of starting 30DS on Saturday - who's in?

    I will start it with you :smile:

    I'm in I started day before yesterday. it hurts.
  • Soccer_chick916
    Soccer_chick916 Posts: 159 Member
    Fabulous work so far everyone! Glad you are all getting along ok with the challenges.

    Personally, I have been having a bit of trouble this week keeping up my exercise due to a starting a new full time job and also working on a terrible economic torts essay which is due tomorrow :grumble: I am really hoping that the small challenges along with my decent (though admittedly not amazing) eating this week will help me see some loss! Hitting training hard tomorrow night again and then PT first thing Friday again (had to push my usual Tuesday session back this week because of the essay, but I am soooo hanging out to get back there!), so next week will hopefully be smooth sailing again.

    I'm also thinking of starting 30DS on Saturday - who's in?

    Where can we look for next weeks challenges? Will they be posted on here?
  • zenJes
    zenJes Posts: 198 Member
    hey i would really like to join the group and the challenges its sounds really fun :D what do i need to do ?? sorry i am really new to my fitness pal, do i go onto the spreadsheet and add my details?
  • cterbogt
    cterbogt Posts: 21 Member
    Hi all - well I am back here after plateauing for the last few months and not really going anywhere. I haven't joined any groups yet so would love to be a part of this one.

    Re week 2 challenges - I have just started this week with the 8 glasses of water and its not easy and the constant trips to the loo are annoying though after 4 days I am only going after every 2nd glass now lol.

    Will fwd my details when I get home from work tonight ... though already sweating where I will find time for 3.5 hours of exercise :P

  • cterbogt
    cterbogt Posts: 21 Member
    Hmm will forget to do this if I wait till I get home.

    MFP'er - cterbogt
    Age - 39
    Height - 180cm
    Weight - 81kg
    Waist - ?
    Bust - ?
    Hips - ?
    1km - 5min (jog)

    PS - I am an Aussie too :)
  • tattereds
    tattereds Posts: 120 Member
    I'm so excited that a few of you are interested in sharing the pain and awesomeness of doing the 30DS with me! Always good to have that extra bit of support. For those who don't know, the 30 Day Shred is a workout program based around a dvd series of the same name. Basically, you do 10 days on level 1, 10 days on level 2 and 10 days on level 3. Not everyone loses a lot of weight, with 30DS alone but everyone I have seen has had AMAZING success stories of toning and inches lost! I hear it's a world of pain, but totally worth it :) What doesn't kill me will only make me stronger, right?
    If you want to know more, there is heaps of extra info posted by ppl on MFP who are much more well informed than I am, you can search for it by clicking on the word "Search" above.

    Challenges for next week (and the rest of the month) can be found here:

    Also, tomorrow is weigh in day! Who's excited?? *hands up* :happy: I am looking forward to sharing all your successes this week. That said, let's all keep in mind that this is a journey not a race, everything counts and we should be proud of all victories, not just seeing the number on the scales move.

    And lastly, glad to see a few new ppl popping in! If you have sent through your details, I have added you to the spreadsheet :) If not, just post them here or message them directly to me and I will be happy to add you!

    *fingers crossed for tomorrow!*
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    I'm so excited that a few of you are interested in sharing the pain and awesomeness of doing the 30DS with me! Always good to have that extra bit of support.

    YEAH! I am on Day 16 of the 30-day Shred... I think I'm losing inches more than pounds!
    Challenges for next week (and the rest of the month) can be found here:

    This document addy doesn't open for me? Is it the correct URL" Just double-checking... Thanks
  • tattereds
    tattereds Posts: 120 Member

    ^^ copy and paste into web browser, should work I hope. Can anyone access the document?
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Yep, I got it the first time around, and it just opened for me this morning.

    Weigh in day!!! I did horrible this week. I have put in some wicked crazy hours at work. Skipping meals, then over eating. bad, bad, bad. BUT... Tomorrow is a new day!

    Weight: 192.4

    This week I have not done any of the challenges. So sorry. It is so hard to drink that much water when I am scrubbed in surgery for 10 hours a day. Can't even stop to pee let alone drink. I have been doing calf raises while waiting on things to get going in surgery. Normally, I would be down about this, but I'm not. I can't help it when work is a freak show so I will just try hard over the weekend!
  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    WELL I was aiming for 2, but only lost 1 :( but I'm okay with that! Atleast I didn't gain!! :laugh: This week will be better. :)

    Weight: 219
  • MelanieOnTheRun
    last week= 168
    today= 165.6 =)

    chest= 38"
    waist= 36.5"
    hips= 38.5"

    hope everyone has a great weigh-in and weekend!
  • rklewis
    rklewis Posts: 21 Member
    Weight: 175 which is a 2 pound GAIN this week :( Not a very good start for sizzling in september. I went to the MN state fair and ate pretty much whatever I wanted, so I am not surprised about the gain. I also diid heavy lifting on Wed and have been having high sodium the past 2 days. My college soccer coach always said SOLUTIONS, NOT EXCUSES... so enough with the excuses, here are my solutions: 1. no fair this week-they are done for the year. 2. Watch sodium intake-eat more fresh foods, less processed, and no salt added. 3. Drink 96 oz of water a day-12 cups minimum. 4. Continue with exercise routine, and never give up! :)
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    that scale did not move on bit still the same as last week :(
  • poisongirl1
    poisongirl1 Posts: 93 Member
    I didn't lose any lbs this week, still 173 :( At least it didn't go up!
  • tattereds
    tattereds Posts: 120 Member
    Looks like some wins, and some lessons... Keep at it, we will get there together!

    I have had a really full on week... A 3000 word essay, started a new job, and now away for the weekend at a conference (1300km round trip in three days... Why did I drive here? Lol). I have done only 4/7 daily challenges and only just scraped in the 3.5 hrs exercise :( no chance to weigh yet and won't even be near a scale until Monday, so I'm thinking I might stay curious and wait it out to weigh next Friday instead... Let's see if I have the will power to stay away lol

    As I said, I'm away this weekend so wont have a chance to enter everyone's updates til I get home sorry - I'm writing from iPhone atm.

    I brought my DVD and weights along with me to start 30DS today tho, so will let you all know how I go.

    Have a fab weekend - Let's all kick some butt this week!
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    9/9/11 Weight 176.8

    Completed Day 17 & did BOTH level 1 AND level 2 today of JM 30 day shred. Wow! That got me sweating. I will get my 6 bottles of Water in today - so that is an accomplishment too! It seems like I am losing inches rather than weight, but I know the weight will start to melt off soon.....

    Off to ride a couple horses & take a LONG walk tonite to add to my calorie burn today! :)J
  • mabelebam
    mabelebam Posts: 150 Member
    Sorry for the late updates..I weighed in on Wednesday and lost about 1.5 pounds! It took me about a week and a half to lose I was really glad to see a change in the numbers.

    Btw thanks Tattereds for preparing the daily/weekly challenges! I tried the walking lunges, squats, yoga and tricep dips, and it really worked my muscles. Gave me some variety and alternative workout ideas to spice up my exercise routine! In total, I was astounded to find out that I completed about 7 hours of exercise on week 1.

    Hang in there, fellow Sizzlers! We're a quarter-way done!