Team Jungle Jewels (Tribal Sept) - Week 2 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • littlemount
    Weighed today 189.7lbs. The sodium from eating outside might have contributed to my slow weightloss.

    Thank you again to everyone in Jungle Jewels team ,everyone is so encouraging.
    The team captains are wonderful leaders they keep the team together and encourage us. I have never been on an online team but it seems to be very good in our weightloss journey.

    Another week starts tomorrow and again our goal is to do our very best.:smile:
  • ruelman83
    ruelman83 Posts: 97 Member
    Well I said I was only going to weigh myself on Monday mornings, but I couldn't resist this morning (and figured you'd ask what we're at anyways!). The scale said.... 223.8! Sooo glad I got another 2pounds off this week! I'm halfway to my goal for the month! 4 more to go!! I know I can do this! And so glad I am on a team that is sooooo supportive! :)
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS - there's losses all round so far!!!

    My word, we ARE good :love:
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I hit a 235.4 yesterday :)

    Im going for my 5k walk shortly aswell. No intense exercise tho (I just LOVE long walks :))
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Hope everybody had a great rest day!! I TOTALLY took advantage and did NOTHING was decadent!!

    I guess we'll have to wait a bit to see if our esteemed co-captain makes it back tonight...she mailed me warning me of the hurricane and the possibility of power going out...yikes!! Sooooo....let's make her proud when she gets back and make sure we've all done our challenges....even though today is just under cals and the water requirement (thank God...hahah!).

    Hugs to all and on to week 3....we're kickin' BUTTINSKY!!
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    Oh under cals over water
  • DavyRockhit
    under calories and over on water,

    I weighed in this morning at 215.4 this is not good, a gain of 2.6 in just one week!!!!!

    I dont understand because I worked my butt off and I ate back most of my exercise calories to see if that would help. I am discouraged about this and I am not sure what to do or think. the only thing I was hoping was maybe that I was gaining muscle because I have usually been focused on cardio and nothing that had to do with strength training but my measurements were the same as well.

    i wonder if I am overdoing it and should go back to Pygmy... anyone have any suggestions? frustration has a hold on me right now but I hope to shake it off!
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    under calories and over on water,

    I weighed in this morning at 215.4 this is not good, a gain of 2.6 in just one week!!!!!

    I dont understand because I worked my butt off and I ate back most of my exercise calories to see if that would help. I am discouraged about this and I am not sure what to do or think. the only thing I was hoping was maybe that I was gaining muscle because I have usually been focused on cardio and nothing that had to do with strength training but my measurements were the same as well.

    i wonder if I am overdoing it and should go back to Pygmy... anyone have any suggestions? frustration has a hold on me right now but I hope to shake it off!
    Crystal I feel for you! Please be strong and carry on - it's not unusual for muscle to retain water after extensive workouts - good news is that's its temporary and it should right itself again quickly. I told Jill the exact same thing middle of last week - I had put on - but it had come off again by weigh-in day.
    You are doing fantastic - you are able to achieve more now than at the start of the challenge - so you are definitely fitter!! The weight loss will also come.
    Big HUG
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
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