No Headphones For 5K - WHAT?!?!



  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    It is a safety and insurance issue. That being said, most people use their iPods anyway. I have seen race directors tell people that they can't wear them, but this is rare. I have learned from running trails that it is IMPORTANT to pay attention and to be able to hear noises around you. This is what I do... I do NOT turn my music loud and I only wear ONE headphone and I tuck the other one in my shirt. This way, I can hear my music but I can also hear what is going on around me. If you must use music, this is a very smart practice in races and in training.
  • themyriadthings
    themyriadthings Posts: 225 Member
    I will often run with just one of the earbuds in - best of both worlds.
  • Cornpuff32
    I used to always run with one or both of my earbuds in. I thought I couldn't run without music. There are some interesting articles out there that say you actually run slower when you are listening to music...hmm. I'll try to find the link. When I run in the afternoon I listen to music, when I have to run in the morning, when it's still dark out, I go without my tunes, for safety reasons.

    I did a race this summer and some of the people had mini clip-on speakers on the collars of their shirts.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'd run without if that's what the race directors suggest, but I have to wonder if I don't have some kind of super-human senses because I always hear traffic, people coming up behind me, dogs running, etc. when I have my ear buds in. Heck, I can even hear if someone has their air conditioner going in a house I'm about to jog past.
  • brookiefbabyy
    the rules for the 5k that i did said the same thing, for safety reasons..i still took mine and there were a ton of other people using them..i just kept one ear bud in and one out to make sure that i was alert of people around me! if it helps you, i would bring it and play it by ear!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I would't worry too much about a 5k with no earbuds, it will be over before you know it, now if it was a 1/2 marathon they can go (fill in the blank) themselves. I wouldn't sign up for a race longer than a 5k that doesn't allow headphones they wouldn't be getting a dime from me.
  • staceypellegrin
    if you wear the little earbud type headphones, you can wear only one ear so you can still pay attention to whats happening around you!