


  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    There are reduced fat cheeze it's and they taste like the regular ones....
  • Danied13
    Danied13 Posts: 117 Member
    Before giving up grains, I still ate them. A serving of the hot and spicy kind were the perfect processed indulgence.
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    They're what I eat when I forget to pack a lunch for work and wind up eating lunch out of the vending machine. Not great but at least there's a little protein in there.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Oh, Cheez-Its. How I love you. They are my kryptonite. In my mind, a serving size is whatever size the box is. I must keep those evil unnaturally orange squares out of my hands. Even when overweight, I didn't eat much junk food, however, once a week I would grab a bag (2 ounce bag!) of Cheez-Its from the vending machine.
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    That was one of my favorites too. I try to count out 1 serving and put in a bowl and just put the rest of the box away. I don't keep a lot of my weakness in the house, because on the days I have no willpower, I don't want to eat a lot of crap and then be mad at myself for eating it all.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    They do not really have any nutritional value. But some now and then and not the whole box will not hurt you!

    Cheeze itz (Cheez-It)
    Serving Size: 27 crackers (about 30g) Calories: 150 Total Fat: 8g Carbs: 17g Protein: 3g

    Read more:

    It is becoming a pet peeve to me when people say something has *NO* nutritional value, when it fact, it does have *SOME* nutrition in it.
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member

    as *I* personally can not manage portion control around stuff like that,:blushing: i am very drawn to salty, fatty foods:love: ..........oh i might *think* or plan to have one (1) handful,
    but, later, there i am, with half a box in my stomach.:indifferent:

    but for more disciplined ppl than i am, who DO have calories to spend and have already mostly met all their nutrient needs, go for it. Some ppl feel deprived if they can't indulge in their favorite snacks, and that could lead to bad attitude/going off track, maybe.

    but for *me*, eating that kind of stuff seems to set off a whole unhealthy-ish crave, :love: :love: :love: so for right now, for me, i am trying to avoid such items,
    but, i am still new and still not real strong inside yet. Maybe when i am really stronger and more disciplined, i can indulge in small amounts of heroin, er, i mean fatty salty crunchy processed foods! heee hee, that IS nutritional heroin for ME, haha!
  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    cheez-its used to be my breakfast every morning along with a diet coke...i still love them...and now i can amaze myself with how long the 3lb box has been sitting on my counter:)