Girls- Short Hair?



  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member

    That's pretty much the style I have right now. I've never been accused of looking like an emo guy. Cute, yes. Emo, no.
  • jonbobfrog
    I personally like my very short hair. As you can see in my pictures (if you were to go to them, obviously) I usually keep my hair 2 to 3 inches in length. I also prefer it to be blonde, so I often bleach it and, when I can get away with it, add other colors, like the purple/blue/teal you see in my pics. As you can also see, I wear it spiky.

    My hair is very very thin and looks pretty limp and scraggly when it grows out too long, so I just keep it short. I like the punky look and it's the ONE THING that's non-negotiable about me. If you want to date me but want me to change my hair? Sorry buddy, keep on moving.

    In some ways it is harder to keep up with, though . . . I do get it cut every 4-6 weeks and it requires more than just plain scissors -- my stylist uses texturizing scissors to make sure all the ends aren't even and a razor blade to "rip" the hair for more unevenness. Obviously, this is just my hairstyle, not all short hairstyles! I can't just "get up and go" . . . I get terrible bed head and either need to wash it or, at the very least, add some water to re-energize the spiking glue so that I can rearrange.

    All that being said, try to pick a hairstyle that fits your personality! Short/punky/colored hair suits me, so I'm comfortable with it even when others don't like it.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I go in spurts with mine as well. I think I like it best just as it is now. For me.... short hair is more work. You HAVE to do something with it everyday. Theres product, more frequent cuts and colors, no pulling it up when you workout, etc.... I just have a choppy bob now and I can blow it dry and go. Its got bangs I can pull out if I want and it goes up into pig tails for the gym.
    But I LOVE short hair too so if youve got something in mind - go for it! Its so fun and cool!
  • cmonskinnylovee
    I have short hair, and I find that my self confidence has lowered since cutting off 12 INCHES in June :/ I see all these other girls with beautiful long hair and it makes me feel kind of boy-ish. But that just might be me, if you like the hair cut go for it! It's all up to what makes you the most comfortable :)