Hundred Pushups Challenge for 2009! (January)

cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
Hello everyone! If you are just joining us, we have been working on the "100 pushup challenge" from Head over there to read about the program, then come back here to post on your progress!

We are all on different levels - some just starting out, many somewhere in the middle, and a few nearing the final stretch. I am not sure if anyone from our little group has made it to 100 yet - I know I myself have been working on this "six week program" :laugh: since August and am finally getting close. Don't feel intimidated if you've never been able to do a pushup. Many folks start out doing a modified form on their knees or against the wall. I started out on my knees for a few weeks and then went back and restarted once I was able to do 6 "regular" (or "plank style"). I am now up to 85!

Congratulations to everyone who joined us in December or earlier and stuck with us through the holidays! And welcome back to anyone who got derailed that wants to get going again. :wink: It's easier to do something hard when you have other people doing it with you! :flowerforyou:


  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hello everyone! If you are just joining us, we have been working on the "100 pushup challenge" from Head over there to read about the program, then come back here to post on your progress!

    We are all on different levels - some just starting out, many somewhere in the middle, and a few nearing the final stretch. I am not sure if anyone from our little group has made it to 100 yet - I know I myself have been working on this "six week program" :laugh: since August and am finally getting close. Don't feel intimidated if you've never been able to do a pushup. Many folks start out doing a modified form on their knees or against the wall. I started out on my knees for a few weeks and then went back and restarted once I was able to do 6 "regular" (or "plank style"). I am now up to 85!

    Congratulations to everyone who joined us in December or earlier and stuck with us through the holidays! And welcome back to anyone who got derailed that wants to get going again. :wink: It's easier to do something hard when you have other people doing it with you! :flowerforyou:
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    i think i'm going to do it!

    have you seen progress in your arm strength?
  • supermom1114
    I'm going to take the plunge! I used to be in JROTC and Civil Air Patrol and then my freshman year of college I was in Air Force ROTC and the hardest things for me to do was push-ups and run, so two of my new years resolutions are to overcome those to obstacles from my past. I'm pumped, I'm going to do my initial test tomorrow and then probably start the program on Sunday! :bigsmile:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Welcome, healthy_is_best! Take a look at the program, and pick a day to do your initial test. A lot of folks like to try and go M-W-F and test on the weekends, but whatever works for you is fine.

    I absolutely have seen HUGE progress in my strength. I originally couldn't do ANY regular pushups. Now I am doing 85! And I've got a nice little muscle that is starting to pop out just a tiny bit on the side of my upper arm. :tongue:

    So I just started over week 6 on level 3 (the far right column), day 1. I did:

    1: 45
    2: 55
    3: 35
    4: 30
    5: 70 (minimum 55)

    235 in all! :bigsmile:

    Happy New Year! :drinker:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    we're on week three around here-- didn't get to day two yet, blasted holidays-- we may have to begin again Monday-- but we're here with ya
  • Wynnie
    Wynnie Posts: 225 Member
    Cool! I'll try!

    Funny - I took the initial test, and now my arms are too weak to type... aggghhhh.
    (yup, I work out so I can be THIS strong!)

    20, btw, but a few of them were pretty lame.
    Thanks for pointing out the site/program! Holler when you do that first 100!
  • RunningRachel
    RunningRachel Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks... I will *try* it. My only problem is that my wrist is weak (childhood injury) and it hinders me from doing many . Hopefully this training will help strengthen everything (including my wrist) :happy:
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome, healthy_is_best! Take a look at the program, and pick a day to do your initial test. A lot of folks like to try and go M-W-F and test on the weekends, but whatever works for you is fine.

    I absolutely have seen HUGE progress in my strength. I originally couldn't do ANY regular pushups. Now I am doing 85! And I've got a nice little muscle that is starting to pop out just a tiny bit on the side of my upper arm. :tongue:

    So I just started over week 6 on level 3 (the far right column), day 1. I did:

    1: 45
    2: 55
    3: 35
    4: 30
    5: 70 (minimum 55)

    235 in all! :bigsmile:

    Happy New Year! :drinker:

    that sounds fabulous! is the goal to eventually be able to do 100 pushups all in one set or to jut do 100 overall even if it's like 20 per set?
  • dgrubb5
    I just took the initial test. I think this will be fun. I have a messed up wrist from old falls rollerblading and recently snowboarding but I am good to go. I am also going to try the two hundred situp challenge. It will be fun to check back here to see how everyone is doing with the pushups.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    okay-- call me kooky-- I just did my week 3, day 2, level 1 at 3:30 in the morning-- I need to get me some sleep-- sheesh.


  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Wow, it is great to see all of you pumped for pushups in the new year. :bigsmile: Marla, I love your dedication - but 3:30 in the morning may be a BIT much! Get some sleep!! :yawn: :laugh:

    supermom - welcome to the challenge and good luck on your initial test. I bet you will be amazing yourself with how many you can do before long.

    healthy_is_best (I'll refer to you hearafter as HIB :tongue: ), yes - the goal is to get to 100 *consecutive* pushups. You'll be doing 100 in a day before you know it, though!

    Wynnie - you are off to a great start. And I know what you mean - sometimes my arms get shaky for awhile because they are so tired!

    dgrubb5 - welcome! I haven't seen the 200 sit-up challenge, do you have a link for that? That might be a good one to try next.

    RunningRachel - you may want to start out doing a modified form if the regular style bothera your wrist. I have heard of doing them on your fists as well so you can keep the wrist straight, though I don't know if that helps. Welcome and good luck!
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers!
    Today I did week 2, day 2, level 2. I get to test this weekend to see what level I'll be on next week.

    I'd be interested in the sit up challenge to. I never do sit ups.
  • dgrubb5
    For those who were interested the link to the sit-up challenge is this I haven't taken the initial test yet I plan on doing it tomorrow and then starting the push-ups and sit-ups on Monday. I just did the push-up initial test and was able to knock out twenty. I guess it is a place to start. Good luck to all.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Thanks for the link. I'm taking the test tomorrow and will start on Monday. Are you going to start a challenge thread for it?
  • supermom1114
    Well I ended up doing my initial test tonight and I only got 10 knocked out of girl pushups(on my knees) Well I havent lifted anything too heavy in the past 4-5 months due to pregnancy so I guess thats what I get. I'm going to do week 1 day 1 level 2 on Sunday!

    I'm really interested in the 200 sit up challenge, are you going to start a link for it??
  • DelTonious_Max
    Alright, ya'll talked me into giving this a shot. What worries me is that on Tues. Thurs. and Sat. I spend a couple hours at the gym doing cardio, weights and racquetball. The site suggested a day of rest in between. I can't give up my gym time. So... we'll see.

    I bet I can do it.
  • aodier
    aodier Posts: 42
    So, is there a thread on one hundred sit ups?
  • kmdougherty
    I just joined the challenge! its going to be hard but I can't wait :smile:
  • FloridaGranny
    FloridaGranny Posts: 154 Member
    I just did the inital test and will start the challenge tomorrow.......

    Level 2 - I could only do 8 full form push ups! But still, I did full form instead of the knees.... I do the knee form in the P90X routines -- I want to be able to do the full forms on this challenge!:laugh:
  • Jennnnnnnny
    Jennnnnnnny Posts: 373 Member
    from cheerleading i can do probably about 40ish in one set. but ive never done 100.