New on here and need some friends

Hey, my name is Emily. I need to lose about 20 lbs, give or take. I spills like to get some friends on this site because its difficult to lose weight on your own.


  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    Hi, Emily! I'm Ruth :) MFP is awesome
  • Welcome, I'm a newbie here too!
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member

    Feel free to add me, as I said somewhere else I am mostly here to watch my food and get support while doing some fitness programs, I'm sure you will find what you need on MFP!
  • Tinks2007
    Tinks2007 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Emily, feel free to add, always good to have mfp friends to encourage and get support :)
  • Hi Emily,

    Ii'm new too! and need to lose just over a stone so we are in the same boat, happy to be be a friend as i'm gonna need some inspiration as my other half won't let me mention the word 'diet' :) We can do this! xxx