Sexy in Six Weekly Challenge PURPLE TEAM



  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    I know sakus! I wonder if the teams will change or if the remainging members can still be on the same team with registered members put on teams. Anyway.....I wish every purple good luck in meeting their end challenge goals. AND since there wasn't a team winner this week I think we're still in the lead!!! So let's see if we can pull it thru this week! We can do it! GO TEAM PURPLE!!! WOOOOOHHOOOOOOO!
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    well purple team, i've had a great time with you guys! stinks that we weren't able to be on the same team for round two :( BUT i'm glad we're still friends with everyone to give each other support. good luck with weigh ins tomorrow! i'm on the edge. i have no idea how i'm gonna do. been snacking like crazy. TOM is almost here so any water i drink is staying put i'm afraid. but maybe some bloat medicine will help. only 1.4 lbs away from original sexy in six challenge goal. gonna be praying hard and psyching my mind up during sleep tonight lolol

    have a great one! GO TEAM PURPLE!!!! WWWWOOOHHHOOOOOO!!!!!!