Pet Peeves While Running Outside



  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    People who think getting up at 5am for a run is crazy. It's lovely out, join me!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Builders who have wheelbarrows, piles of dirt, bricks, utes, pallets etc on the footpath. In most of my suburb there is only a footpath on one side so if they have filled it up, I have to run on the road.
    VERY annoying.
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    1) Loose dogs. Cooper and I got charged twice today. For someone who loves dogs, but is somewhat afraid of them, that is two times too many!

    2) Overgrown bushes, trees, any type of foliage. I either have to duck, go around, or get poked. It might seem petty, but at this time of year there are dozens of overgrown spots along my usual route. One of these days I might just bring along my cutters.

    3) Cars parked blocking the sidewalk.

    4) People who want to talk as I run by. I appreciate your friendliness, but I am breathing hard and have music playing. I can't hear you, and I definitely don't want to stop.

    Those are mine. What are yours?

    Yep, you hit my big ones right there except for one -- People who don't stop at stop signs and roll into the cross-walk, especially after I've made eye contact with them coming up to the intersection. And what's amazing is this always seems to happen to me at CHURCH PARKING LOTS! The less than 15 seconds it's going to take me to cross in front of your car will take less time than how long you're going to have to wait to merge into traffic.
    Bikers on the trails that do not say "On your left!" to let me know they're coming so I can scoot over before they zoom by and scare the p*ss out of me and/or take my arm off.

    To go along with that, I usually shout out "Clear left" or something similar when coming up on a slow group of walkers or a slower runner. I like to let them know I'm coming. And I do say "Thank you," as I run past (I also say "Mornin'" or "evenin'" as I'm running to others or give the "guy head nod" if the person is wearing earphones, to answer one peeve, but I've not had any desire to actually stop and talk with anyone yet). However, if I have to say it three times and you still don't move? Well, you get a hearty "get the **** out of the way!" Runners can be just as rude as the bikers in this case.
  • eixxie
    I hate it when people start feeding bread to the geese on the narrowest part of a pathway where there's no place to run around them. It's one thing if there's a grassy area next to them and i can avoid them, but some people decide to herd them all onto a little bridge and I have to either turn around or run straight into a flock of geese... and those things are ruthless when bread crumbs are involved.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I think about all of the above have bothered me at one point! haha I have given up sidewalk running, there are more nuisances on the sidewalk than on the road and not enough pavement to avoid them all in a 3ft wide sidewalk. I get in my truck and drive to different safe/quiet areas of town to do my running on the road. The benefit is that its fun to run through different neighborhoods and a change of scenery.
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    these all sound awful. Evidently I live in a jogger's haven, because the only thing I deal with is freak thunder storms and muddy/slick paths. :smile:
  • mimaduck83
    mimaduck83 Posts: 175 Member
    smokers! groups of teenagers blocking the pavement/corner! smoking teenagers!

    And the usual loose dogs, dog crap on the pavement/grass, damaged paving, chewing gum on the floor.

    I think I am really lucky when it comes to where I run - no one ever stares/honks/whistles at me...should I be offended?! :laugh:
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    The ONE d-bag who always has to run in the opposite direction from everyone else on the track...which then requires us to dodge him. GRRR.
  • Amanda_Runs
    Amanda_Runs Posts: 169 Member
    For my half last Saturday I made a point to run through each sprinkler I saw. Twice. LOVE THEM.
  • lucythinmint
    3. People who don't clean up after thier dogs-especially when it gets on the sidewalk!

    This! I can't believe I forgot to b*tch about people who let their dogs crap in the middle of the sidewalk!!!

    Seriously here in Las Vegas that has got to be the worst damn problems I run into. I have to stare at the sidewalk to avoid stepping in dog yuck! People are so lazy.

    I have a problem with dog walkers who don't make enough of an effort to not let their dog run full length of its leash to run after me, or not move you *kitten* over so I can stay on the sidewalk. I usually have to jump out into the road.

    Construction workers (men sorry) are the worst, I am sweaty and I smell worse than your *kitten* at that point, there is no way in hell that I am attractive during my run, STFU. :mad:

    Oh and people who stare at you while you are waiting for the crosswalk.....not a cool feeling. :grumble:
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    Typical less-than-nice neighborhood stuff - loose dogs, inconsiderate drivers (to people on foot and bicycles alike) that either yell/whistle or pretend you don't exist at all and almost kill you, and parked cars that block the sidewalk (and sometimes block the way around by parking in the yard, too :sick: ).

    I know where to carry a stick for loose animals and it seems that running with my mace in hand (a little big for the pocket) seems to quiet things down a
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I just want to say that I haven't been able to run since July 3rd and I would love to be *****ing about my peeves.... My only peeve at the mo is I WANT TO GET BACK RUNNING, dogs, poo, cyclists, smokers I'd love to be pissed off by them..... Soon I hope to be back.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    I just want to say that I haven't been able to run since July 3rd and I would love to be *****ing about my peeves.... My only peeve at the mo is I WANT TO GET BACK RUNNING, dogs, poo, cyclists, smokers I'd love to be pissed off by them..... Soon I hope to be back.

    Ha yeah, and it can't all be that bad since most of us are still facing the world out there on foot! :smile:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    LOL! I ran past a car parked on the sidewalk this weekend and "oops!" smacked the side mirror with my aluminum water bottle. Nothing was broken but it sure made a loud "thunk". Probably didn't make any impact on the bad parker but it made me feel better for a few minutes.

    My biggest pet peeve after this weekend's run though is the lack of sidewalks. I decided to try a new route and came to a certain point where the sidewalk just flat out ended... And in the middle of a fairly high traffic area too. No crosswalks, no signage, no nothing.. Gee, thanks public works!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Bikers on the trails that do not say "On your left!" to let me know they're coming so I can scoot over before they zoom by and scare the p*ss out of me and/or take my arm off.

    This!! I have had a few heart attacks this way!
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    Got to agree with the pet thing. I've had to mace a dog more than once.
  • jessicamckay13
    Hecklers. I don't mind the "keep it up!" or stuff like that, but if you are driving past me and yell or honk, F off. The "eat a burger!" wasn't helpful either, it just made my stomach growl.

    The creepy guy in the ****ty mustang that was driving around randomly at 6am the other day. Made me glad I have a big dog. CREEPY.

    Smokers. The smoking hecklers are the worst.

    Teenage boys. Thanks for looking, but please move on. And stop standing in groups on the sidewalk practicing your new swear words, no one is impressed.

    Yappy dogs that bark their balls off at my dog. Your dog is still a DOG. Take its sweater off and make it behave. If my dog acted that way, you'd probably call animal control or sue me for something.
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    Mine is people camped out or sleeping under the water fountain at the park. I don't mind at all if you are sleeping in the park, but please don't obstruct my access to the water fountain!
  • mcmcmcshane
    mcmcmcshane Posts: 32 Member
    1) Loose dogs. Cooper and I got charged twice today. For someone who loves dogs, but is somewhat afraid of them, that is two times too many!

    2) Overgrown bushes, trees, any type of foliage. I either have to duck, go around, or get poked. It might seem petty, but at this time of year there are dozens of overgrown spots along my usual route. One of these days I might just bring along my cutters.

    3) Cars parked blocking the sidewalk.

    I can’t agree more!!!

    If I could eliminate just one pet peeve though it would be the trees.. I can’t stand the daily dodge, dip, dive, duck, and dodge!!
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    1) loose dogs that charge me
    2) cars that don't move over to give me room (no sidewalks)