How can this have happened?? Totally gutted!

Well this effing sucks. Have stuck to 1200 cals max, exercised well and in 4 weeks I have gained 300g muscle and 800g of BLOODY FAT!!! Yet my weight is the same and waist supposedly 1cm less. How the feck can that have happened - how the hell do you gain FAT on a calorie deficit?? And yes I have accounted for every bite I have eaten. Really disheartened and wondering what's the point :-(

Nutritionist says to stick to current plan, don't increase calories, keep on going bla bla She is at a loss to expain the FAT GAIN and it makes no sense to me either. Totally gutted right now:sad:

Edited to add the body composition was done with a metagenics impedance test. The gain in muscle and FAT was offset by decrease in fluid.


  • belleflop
    belleflop Posts: 154 Member
    Question, are you net eating 1200 calories each day or eating 1200 calories total?
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    That's only 1.7 lbs.

    Are you sure it's fat? Nutritionists don't have to go to school or even be properly educated. I could legally set up shop tomorrow and call myself a nutritionist. DIETITIANS are actual doctors. I, personally, wouldn't trust a nutritionist or his/her tools.

    But, anyway. Don't freak out. I KNOW it sucks. But long-term trends will show results as long as you have a deficit.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    Went back through your diary for the past week or so. You are under eating. You need 1200cal minimum per day to keep your metabolism moving or your body will store fat and eat muscle. I know it is scary to eat more when you are trying to lose weight, I went through the same struggle, but it does work.
  • Islasgirl
    Islasgirl Posts: 19 Member
    Hang in there and as your weight and waist size is still good keep doing what you are doing. I do believe our fat grimlins are doing their best to drive away all our good habits. And the scale could be wrong. You are so young and can make this happen. Just don't get discouraged. I gave up on myself years ago and now that I am almost 68 with multiple health problems it is a huge struggle. But I am determined to win! And I know you can also!
  • geraldm55
    I don't have any anwsers on it, except that whoever is measuring you might not have done it the sameway as the first time. my question for you is how do you feel. if your feeling good thats what's important the rest will take care of its self if you stay on track.

    Your can do it I believe in you don't give up!!!!
  • Bluejay789
    What he said????

    Wonder if your in starvation mode (body storing fat) due to exercise calories not being consumed. You dont have to eat all of them but at least eat half so you do not go in this mode.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Went back through your diary for the past week or so. You are under eating. You need 1200cal minimum per day to keep your metabolism moving or your body will store fat and eat muscle. I know it is scary to eat more when you are trying to lose weight, I went through the same struggle, but it does work.

    This. Unless you're like 4 feet tall, if you're consistently eating less than 1000 calories per day you actually may have difficulty losing weight.
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    I just looked at your food diary, and you are NOT eating enough! In the last 2 weeks, I saw only ONE day in which you were remotely close to 1200 calories. One of those days said 600???? Starving yourself is not the answer to losing weight. Making healthy choices with the food you take in to fuel your body and the exercise you do to expend that energy is.

    If you put gas in your car to make it go, you may want to try feeding yourself to see if your body will release some of the fat it is holding onto for dear life.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Went back through your diary for the past week or so. You are under eating. You need 1200cal minimum per day to keep your metabolism moving or your body will store fat and eat muscle. I know it is scary to eat more when you are trying to lose weight, I went through the same struggle, but it does work.

    Ditto this.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Did you print out your food diary to show your nutritionist? He/she might be able to pinpoint some things.

    Also, those impedance devices aren't always very accurate. I've had them done a couple times. Too many variables, imo, to keep them accurate, from what I've researched.

    I'm going to join others and say you need to be eating AT LEAST 1200 calories a day. Not 1000 or 900. 1200, which is also what your nutritionist advised.

    Again, I'd show them your food diary.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    I have showed her my diary she says don't up calories. I have had years of disordered eating which i'm not going to go into here, plus am on heart meds which affect metabolism. If anything I believe I am netting more calories now than in past many years. However fact SHOULD remain that you don't gain fat in a calorie deficit. Not lose easily maybe, but not gain. Hell i've lost on way less calories than this hence my current confusion!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I have showed her my diary she says don't up calories. I have had years of disordered eating which i'm not going to go into here, plus am on heart meds which affect metabolism. If anything I believe I am netting more calories now than in past many years. However fact SHOULD remain that you don't gain fat in a calorie deficit. Not lose easily maybe, but not gain. Hell i've lost on way less calories than this hence my current confusion!

    That changes things pretty significantly. It's going to take time, maybe a long time, depending on what your body has already been through, for it to right itself. I'd say definitely don't put all your faith in the nutritionist, eat more and be patient. Good luck.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    I have showed her my diary she says don't up calories. I have had years of disordered eating which i'm not going to go into here, plus am on heart meds which affect metabolism. If anything I believe I am netting more calories now than in past many years. However fact SHOULD remain that you don't gain fat in a calorie deficit. Not lose easily maybe, but not gain. Hell i've lost on way less calories than this hence my current confusion!

    1. I think your nutrionist sucks
    2. Go to a dietitian, as they actually have the proper tools/school/training
    3. Go eat a candy bar...Ok, not actually one of those, but adding MORE calories will be your BEST friend. I honestly couldnt care less what she says, science has proven you need to eat more in order to lose weight in a healthy fashion. If you dont give yourself enough food, your body stops working properly. Eventually, you will lose weight by eating such small amounts, however, youll lose muscle and not fat. Without muscle your metabolism, no matter the health problems, will eventually drop as well.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    based on looking at your food diary for the last few days, it's clear you're not eating enough calories. What's concerning to me is that tou're not getting nearly enough fat in your diet. I know it sounds crazy but trust me, I've helped several women at the gym break through their weight loss stumps by having them up their healthy fat intake. Try supplementing fish or krill oil and some CLA. It's unbelievable and counter intuitive to many, but you need to consume healthy fat to burn fat. Also, have a cheat day once a week to replenish your leptin hormone levels. After prolonged caloric deficit your leptin levels drop and makes losing weight more difficult.
  • phlumpet
    phlumpet Posts: 106 Member
    Hi, I just checked your food diary. You are under eating. There is not a single day where you are eating at least 1200 calories. I don't know what nutritionist you are seeing, but perhaps you need someone new because there is no way you are getting adequate nutrition to fuel and nourish your body and mind on that few calories. I agree with the previous posters, seek a Registered Dietitian, who have education and credentials. You mentioned you have had an eating disorder in the past. Are you currently receiving help which helps you manage this disorder?
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Firstly she is actually far more knowledgeable than any dietitian I know. Secondly nobody has managed to explain how you GAIN in a calorie deficit. Hard to lose I understand. But someone please explain how you gain?
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    When I was studying to become a RD I asked my professor this. Her response was that when you're "survival mode" your body will convert carbs to fat as an energy storage since the body does not know when it will be the next time it will have an adequate supply of calories. The body becomes more effecient at maintaining daily activity with less calories. Basically the body adapts to the caloric deficit.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    My chiro told me it is really important not to have worked out before having the impedance test for an accurate reading.

    Here is some additional info:

    Using BIA to estimate person's body fat assumes that the body is within normal hydration ranges. When a person is dehydrated, the amount of fat tissue can be overestimated. Factors that can affect hydration include not drinking enough fluids, drinking too much caffeine or alcohol, exercising or eating just before measuring, certain prescription drugs or diuretics, illness, or a woman's menstrual cycle. Measuring under consistent conditions (proper hydration and same time of day) will yield best results with this method.

    perhaps your previous and recent measurements were under different circumstances.

    sorry you are upset :(

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    bio impedance are notoriously inaccurate, the 2 most accurate measures of bf are from a dexa scan or bodpod. i'd shrug off the test results.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I actually gained 10 lbs. in a calorie deficit, held onto to it for a whole year, then gained another 5 lbs., for a total of 15 lbs. while eating very low calorie.

    You can read the whole story on my profile, but the gist is this: I did not realize that I was netting under 800, and sometimes even negative calories most days for 18 mos.

    Because I was already very physically active, I gained because I added in even more strenuous exercise to my schedule without knowing that I wasn't eating enough.

    Once I realized what was happening and I corrected my calorie intake, I lost 13 lbs. within 2 mos.

    Here is some great info on the subject of "starvation" or "catabolic" mode caused by undereating:

    See page 2 references on SHOULD I EAT MY EXERCISE CALORIES? .COM
