The OFFICIAL University/College Challenge



  • mcva929
    mcva929 Posts: 73 Member
    I've kinda updated already... but, weight stable at 124.5lb, pretty happy. My timetable this year looks like it'll allow me to work out before uni which is much better than expected, I'm totally a morning person, so I'm quite hopeful about being able to stick to my training plan. Now to get rid of my shin splints before my first race... sighs :)

    You are one amazing woman to be a morning person. Mornings are my nemesis, even though they seem to be the time I can get the most done (if I actually get up)!
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    I just find that I end up with so much to do, that if I don't get up and get on with things, then it won't all get done. And this year I don't want to let the exercise slide like it happened last year. So, despite class not being until 11, I'm up at 730 and dressed for the gym. Go me!
  • ABetterBalance
    Well, I sucked this weekend. Yep. :frown:

    I weighed in this morning- up 6 lbs from my starting weight last Monday. A giant combination of the start of AF (stupid 21 day cycles!:grumble: ) using a weekend campout as an excuse to eat a lot of junk, and skipping the water in favor of soda! :embarassed:

    I know that, if I drink my water today and clean up the diet, I'll be down 3-4 lbs in the morning (I put on and take off water weight pretty quickly) but that's still a 2 lb gain my first week.

    Ok- done feeling sorry for myself. I'm putting "announcing" my screw up and moving on!
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    I sucked too. With moving home, meeting new roommates, seeing all my friends again... Gosh, I ate soo much food, I was still full for like two days!

    Anyway, I'm two days into paleo now, and trying to workout a solid exercise plan for college... we'll see how that goes!!
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Check in day :) Weight is 124.4 this morning so stable, go me. Did have a bit of a peak at the weekend, was my anniversary, ate insane amounts, it's allowed, lol. But back under control which is good.

    Went to the circuits class last night. Expected more instructions to say the woman who took the class knew a lot of us hadn't done anything like it before, so the first set was a bit hopeless, as I just had to watch what the people around me were doing. It was a pretty steep learning curve for me! Next two sets went a lot better, and I stayed behind to get some advice from the instructor to make next time even more effective. Was fun! Totally booked to do it again next wed and thurs.

    What's the challenge for next week? :)
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Check-in Day! This week definitely has been a trip ... I've been struggling without having a specific workout that I'm committed to. I did go for a run twice, walk to school most days (3 miles-ish), plus some yoga, pushups, ab rippers, pilates, and I went rock climbing tonight... Without a solid gym schedule though, I feel kinda lost. NEED A PLAN!

    Ok, so, I went ahead and signed up for a gymnastics oriented bootcamp two mornings a week. Now I just need get my butt to the gym tomorrow and do some weights... a long run sometime this weekend.

    My challenge for this next week is to actually set foot inside the gym at least 3 days. And it's free week at the rock climbing gym, so I kinda want to go boulder pretty much every day!

    Oh, as far as weight goes, basically same as last week, 149ish. Happy to be back down there so soon after my crazy weekend binge. Diet is going well so far, I've stuck to paleo really well!
  • andforpoise
    So, I was right frustrated this week after having our frisbee tourney a week ago... thought for sure all that running would help me drop at least 1 lb... but I gained 4 from muscle inflammation and water rentention... so this week was me focusing on resting to get rid of that and I finally got back to my 165 lb mark this morning (hence why I am late writing this post).

    As for trying something new, my something new wasn't anything to do with fitness - I tried a new recipe which was fairly good - not as tasty as I had hoped, but decent and really easy to make! It was weight watchers balsamic chicken with mushrooms :

    The other thing I did was attend a conference for students who are involved in the research field for Multiple Sclerosis - this is where I want to eventually be, so the endMS network in Atlantic Canada (which happens to be "stationed" out of Halifax where I am) told me to RSVP... so I consider that something new! I learned a lot of new things and met a lot of new people that I will be interacting with in the future!

    Does someone else want to announce the new challenge for the week? Anyone?
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member

    I'm having to take rest days this week and only do my (very tiny) runs because have first race on Sunday and I want a good time. Am so insanely tired as well, think this week has to be all about being good to myself. Plus what I thought was dehydration from drinking sat night turns out to be actual weight loss so I'm below my range and need to eat more. But, I have discovered I can cook and it's quite fun!

    Maybe we should all do something that makes us feel good?
  • andforpoise
    Sounds good! I need some feel good in my life right now... I'm sick and stressed :P Good luck with your race!
  • ABetterBalance
    I forgot to check in on Monday- I am back down to 150, so I was able to undo the 6lb gain from the week before.

    My biggest struggle this week is finding the time to exercise AND study. I was working out in the morning, but with midterms coming up I am staying up later and later at night to study for them, and then I can't get myself out of bed as early the next day, so I end up missing my workout.
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Hmm, totally see your problem. Could you try doing a workout dvd or something you could do from home, then you save the time you'd normally take going to the gym and get a bit longer in bed instead?
  • bitterbrownie
    hey! i just found this topic and thought i could join :)

    i'm at college and at 96ibs trying to maintain...but i'm struggling to find the right amount of calories and to hit it day in, day out :/

    other than that, i'm eating healthily, exercising as much as i can (i think ;p)

    so i thought i'd see what this thread was all about! :)
  • bitterbrownie
    hey! i just found this topic and thought i could join :)

    i'm at college and at 96ibs trying to maintain...but i'm struggling to find the right amount of calories and to hit it day in, day out :/

    other than that, i'm eating healthily, exercising as much as i can (i think ;p)

    so i thought i'd see what this thread was all about! :)
  • ABetterBalance
    Hmm, totally see your problem. Could you try doing a workout dvd or something you could do from home, then you save the time you'd normally take going to the gym and get a bit longer in bed instead?

    The only problem is, I *do* workout at home. I am doing P90X right now, and we have a pretty good home gym set up as well (treadmill, rowing machine, free weights, weight bench, bands, stability ball, etc...)

    Right now I am having to get up at 4:30 if I want time to workout for an hour and still take a shower before getting the kids up and getting everyone ready for school/work. With studying, I am staying up until 10 or 11, which isn't *too* late, but it is making it very difficult to not hit the snooze button every morning!
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Hey! We're all just trying to be healthy whilst at uni. I'm on maintenance also, some of us are trying to lose the weight. Just here to motivate each other. And we set challenges and stuff which you can join in with if it helps you stick with it. Doesn't have to be gym related :)

    Hitting calories is all about trial and error. I've been on maintenance a couple of months now I think, have kinda lost track of how long, and am still trying to work out what I should really be eating. Currently 123ish lb and meant to be eating 1700 (with exercise calories on top of this), but I'm not quite happy with it cos I'm at the low end of my range, and, I dunno, just thinking about upping it by another 100 to see what happens. I guess all I can suggest is upping it slowly and keeping an eye on things. Upping is scary - I thought I'd gain back a load of weight, but as long as you keep in control of it, it should be fine. Or try and average it out over the week - it doesn't matter if some days you're under and some days you're over :)
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    The only problem is, I *do* workout at home. I am doing P90X right now, and we have a pretty good home gym set up as well (treadmill, rowing machine, free weights, weight bench, bands, stability ball, etc...)

    Right now I am having to get up at 4:30 if I want time to workout for an hour and still take a shower before getting the kids up and getting everyone ready for school/work. With studying, I am staying up until 10 or 11, which isn't *too* late, but it is making it very difficult to not hit the snooze button every morning!

    430 am is crazy! I see why you're struggling, you must be perpetually exhausted! I guess maybe you have to let the exercise go a little until the exams are over, be happy with less workouts per week, then go back to it properly when you can; you can still eat healthy and everything in the mean time, just will slow down your loss. Or shorter workouts? (And I'm so jealous, I want your home gym!!)
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    I have the same problem with finding time for gym, when I feel like I need every second of my day to perform in a highly competitve, overloaded schedule...

    I've started doing "study circuits" - so basically, circuit training, where one of my "stations" is an hour or so of work -- a problem set, or a chapter of reading, what have you.
    So tonight was:

    10 kick ups,
    max rep military pushups
    some kind of ab workout
    45 min - 1 hr of studying. (1 timed practice test for tmrws physics exam tonight)

    repeat ad-nosium.

    Your roommates might look at you weird, but I think it works.
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    That's a totally awesome idea!
  • andforpoise
    That is a really good idea! :)
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Race went so well is crazy. Did 5k in 24:12, which is like 3 mins off my best time. And it put me in first 5 women to finish and first 30 people to finish out of 1300! Crazy, especially when I've spent the last few weeks complaining about getting slower. Proceeded to spend rest of afternoon in spa - bliss. Now to start training for half marathon in spring!

    Taking it a bit easier this week - haven't got a training plan yet anyway - do my circuits class and cross train a bit. Also, my man thinks I'm getting a bit too skinny - added muscle and lost fat maybe as my weight is stable, so going to try and not weigh, eat more, and put on a couple of pounds.

    So guess my challenge is to enjoy food and back off on the exercise, because I swear I'm an addict. And just want to be snug about my run, so please excuse me if I go on too much!