The OFFICIAL University/College Challenge



  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Wow, good luck with everything!!! Make sense about trying to be in the low end of your range before you get home... it's annoying when are bodies don't respond the way we expect... I wouldn't surprised if you end up a little lower once you start eating more crazily at home. Lol, that stuff happens to me all the time.

    My goal for right now is to make it through finals week without eating my body weight in snacks...

    OH!! My dad bought me a triatholon bike for christmas when he came out to visit!! I'm so stoked!!!! I might start competing in spring.
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Urgh. I have an addiction to chocolate bars. Just mindlessly eating them whilst revising. Had to have them physically taken off me today to stop me finishing off an entire 100g bar. Definitely need to work on that, but not sure I can deal with it right now because I feel like I've got so much going on in my head, that my brain is just going to explode if I put much more in. I guess there isn't that much longer until my exams and then I can make up for it by being super healthy. Still managing to make it to the gym though most days, so could be worse.
  • andforpoise
    One 100g chocolate bar shouldn't kill you... if you eat 100 of them in one day... maybe that might be a problem :P I actually kind of want one now haha

    Just think how close we are to the end of exam period!! EEEK! I'm excited :)

    Might as well check in today too so I don't forget... I've got 4 lbs to lose to reach my Christmas goal... down to 154 now :) 150 or less by Christmas! Haven't been running this week due to school stress... I'm going to try to go tomorrow, and if not, then I'll start again on Saturday! Been doing a fair share of walking though :)

    Anyways, we will get through this period of stress!! All of us!! Good luck to everyone!

    P.S. that date I was excited about... turned out to be the date from hell :P Just sayin'!
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Oh no! I'm sorry to hear your date didn't go well!!
    I hope everyones exams are going better :).

    In about 3 hrs I'll be done with my last exam, at which point I'm heading straight to the gym. I think I might sleep there tonight! Lol. I've been pretty good with food this week, but my gym time has been very limited. I managed to do some pilates and pushups, but that's about it! I'm so excited to spend basically this entire break off biking and enjoying the gym... yay for living in a warm climate!

    Also I've definitely replaced meals with chocolate before... just sayin.


    Now to make it through the celebratory period without gaining a whole ton of weight, BUT, if we count this mornings weight (142) as my check in weight, than I overshot my goal by 3 lbs!!
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    At least you went on one! (And it's better to find out now than in 3 or 4 dates time when you actually think it might go somewhere!)

    And yay! Even if you do go off track, then it isn't the end of the world. At least we know we have a support network here to help us get back on track. Not sure how I'll cope without scales for 2weeks! At least I have a tape measure, lol.
  • andforpoise
    At least you went on one! (And it's better to find out now than in 3 or 4 dates time when you actually think it might go somewhere!)

    This is true!

    And congrats on overshooting your goal Swinginchandra! At the rate I'm at these last few weeks I'll have reached my Christmas goal! And yes! support system here for holiday slip ups! I know I'm gonna need it :P Though I won't be without a scale... and ah, the trusty tape measure :P It rolls up nicely and fits into the smallest of pockets....

    Good luck everyone with upcoming exams and with keeping it together during the holidays!!
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    so, with the end of semester ethiopian all you can eat buffet pig out, I ended up at 144.6 this morning. Still hit the goal though so woo! Also 40~50 mile ride this morning felt awesome!!

    Now I need a new goal / reward... any ideas?

    yes! We need to keep up our support group over the break! Good luck and congrats with your re-engagement by the way, andforpoise!
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    so, with the end of semester ethiopian all you can eat buffet pig out, I ended up at 144.6 this morning. Still hit the goal though so woo! Also 40~50 mile ride this morning felt awesome!!

    That is a crazy long bike ride! Very impressive!

    Hmm, it's always difficult setting up new goals. And at this time of year when so many things are out of our hands. I think maintaining and then getting back into it is probably a goal enough!

    Only a couple more days then my exams are done. Stir crazy at the mo. Going down to London for a few days first, during which I'm going to work out so much to make up for the last few days of being lazy and eating anything. At least there is the weather is bad, we have an indoor bike so I can do something. Then I'm off to my Mum's for a couple of weeks. During that time I'm going to try and take better care of myself in a non-exercise way - stop biting my nails and lips (it's become a nervous habit whilst revising!), use moisturiser, eat less chocolate, things like that. Make an effort to come back to uni feeling more refreshed.
  • andforpoise
    yes! We need to keep up our support group over the break! Good luck and congrats with your re-engagement by the way, andforpoise!

    Re-engagement? With what? lol Or did you mean LittleMissAlx?

    By the way... would it be weird if we stopped using our screen names to refer to each other when we're responding? Or is anyone uncomfortable with using their real names? I'm not bothered by it... My name's Amber! You can call me that :P
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Lol, probably me :)

    Fine by me, you've probably all guessed I'm Alex anyway!
  • naturallykat
    naturallykat Posts: 118 Member
    Hi everyone, can I join?

    I'm in the last 6 1/2 months of my degree, and damn its HARD to avoid mindless eating while trying to write essays or revise. Hints and tips on avoiding eating unnesescarily, or what to eat if I've got the revision munchies are DESPERATELY needed! xxx
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Course you can!

    I find revision time a lot harder than actually being at uni. At least then you have specific times set for breaks and you only have the food that you've taken with you. At home I do the whole mindless eating thing too. I find I eat less if I drink lots of water or juice though (I make a 2L bottle up in the morning and just work my way through it all day), and I do try to stick to healthy snacks like dried fruit... it just hasn't gone so well lately.

    I swear, I'm completely losing my mind today. Crying at the tiniest of things, a proper emotional wreck. Thank god exams are over soon - I've got so many thoughts going through my head I'm literally going to explode. Need a good long run to clear my head.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Oh shoot! That's what happens when I respond too quickly!! Shoot! So Sorry!

    (As an aside, I do that all the time in real life too... people get pretty annoyed with me.)

    I'm Amy!

    As far as tips and tricks, here's what I started doing the last few weeks, that worked really well for me. The jury is out on whether or not it's actually healthy, but whatevs. I was having a hard time with procrastinating, and also a hard time with my diet, so I decided to try to kill two birds with one stone. So I would set bench marks in my work, that I should be able to meet by a meal time, and tell myself that i wasn't allowed to cook / eat until I hit that bench mark. I don't think it was particularly healthy, because there were times when something wouldn't work as planned and I'd end up going until pretty late at night without eating... so I don't know if I advise exactly my method... but you could implement something similar?
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Oh shoot! That's what happens when I respond too quickly!! Shoot! So Sorry!

    (As an aside, I do that all the time in real life too... people get pretty annoyed with me.)

    I'm Amy!

    As far as tips and tricks, here's what I started doing the last few weeks, that worked really well for me. The jury is out on whether or not it's actually healthy, but whatevs. I was having a hard time with procrastinating, and also a hard time with my diet, so I decided to try to kill two birds with one stone. So I would set bench marks in my work, that I should be able to meet by a meal time, and tell myself that i wasn't allowed to cook / eat until I hit that bench mark. I don't think it was particularly healthy, because there were times when something wouldn't work as planned and I'd end up going until pretty late at night without eating... so I don't know if I advise exactly my method... but you could implement something similar?

    Lol I think we all have a lot on our minds! :P

    I do that as well with the meals thing. I always want to be at a certain point in my revision by lunchtime - and if I'm not then I just feel under pressure, lol. It's my only target... but then I always really give up around dinner time because it's when the man finishes work and it just makes sense.

    I feel so much better than earlier. I've been obsessing about packing to go home (and how it would all fit in my suitcase) and generally sorting the flat out, so I took a couple of hours off revision and just got on with it. Sometimes I think you just need to do something like that, even if it isn't the most important thing in the world.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    I agree! Glad you're feeling a little less stressed!

    So my goal for the new year is well... to make goals!
    My roommate and I each bought daily planners, and we committed to each morning before we go to school, sitting together and writing down what we need to accomplish that day-- I'm going to use it to keep track of fitness, financial, and school goals too. I've tried things like this before without too much success, but I think it will really help me keep my life in hand during school..
  • andforpoise
    Goals are handy to have!! I just started to revamp mine... I went to Lululemon the other day (I'm in love with that store, but can't afford anything!) but I walked away with a free goal setting sheet. It's amazing! They recommend starting with your personal, career, and health goals for 10 years, then trickling back to 5 years and then again to 1 year. I'm going to incorporate this into my goal writing but I think I will also make a section for 3 months and 6 months. If anyone wants to check it out here's a link: ... go to the side under resources and they have the sheet you can follow! They have so many awesome tips about goal setting... I've actually become quite obsessed with the company itself and one day I think I may like to work in the head office in Vancouver BC! They send such a positive message - even if their products are crazy expensive!

    One of my goals so far for the new year is the half marathon I signed up for through Team in Training ( The ultimate goal is to fundraise enough money to make it to the race in San Diego... and if I don't get that far, then I have the locally hosted race here in Halifax. So Hali or Cali? We'll see!!

    How's everyone's exams wrapping up? Smoothly I hope! I have my first one tomorrow and last one the next day...then a couple days for relaxing and seeing friends and then on the plane home for 2 weeks or so... Not sure how I feel about that!
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Ooh, that looks good. I like the idea of really long term goals with little in between goals. I have fitness related plans for next year, but they only run until I hopefully do a marathon in October. Not sure where I'll go from there, and it's good to think about it now, then I don't just suddenly have nothing to do and feel all lost. Anyway...

    Mine are done, think they went ok. It's such a nice feeling to have literally nothing to do. Went to a theme park yesterday and screamed on the rides until I couldn't scream anymore. Came out feeling so lacking in stress that it was unreal.

    I guess we'll all see how Christmas goes - and not just in a healthy fitness sort of way. Families can drive us all mad after all when we're stuck in close proximity.

    Hopefully all your exams went ok too!
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Goals are handy to have!! I just started to revamp mine... I went to Lululemon the other day (I'm in love with that store, but can't afford anything!) but I walked away with a free goal setting sheet. It's amazing! They recommend starting with your personal, career, and health goals for 10 years, then trickling back to 5 years and then again to 1 year. I'm going to incorporate this into my goal writing but I think I will also make a section for 3 months and 6 months. If anyone wants to check it out here's a link: ... go to the side under resources and they have the sheet you can follow! They have so many awesome tips about goal setting... I've actually become quite obsessed with the company itself and one day I think I may like to work in the head office in Vancouver BC! They send such a positive message - even if their products are crazy expensive!

    One of my goals so far for the new year is the half marathon I signed up for through Team in Training ( The ultimate goal is to fundraise enough money to make it to the race in San Diego... and if I don't get that far, then I have the locally hosted race here in Halifax. So Hali or Cali? We'll see!!

    How's everyone's exams wrapping up? Smoothly I hope! I have my first one tomorrow and last one the next day...then a couple days for relaxing and seeing friends and then on the plane home for 2 weeks or so... Not sure how I feel about that!

    That sounds really cool! I'll take a look at the goal setting thing. Exams went well, grades back, 4.0 still intact. Lol. Every quarter it's a deep sigh of relief, really.

    OOOh, please let me know if you make it to the one in San Diego!! I'll totally come out and cheer you on! Or maybe run it too?
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Ooh, that looks good. I like the idea of really long term goals with little in between goals. I have fitness related plans for next year, but they only run until I hopefully do a marathon in October. Not sure where I'll go from there, and it's good to think about it now, then I don't just suddenly have nothing to do and feel all lost. Anyway...

    Mine are done, think they went ok. It's such a nice feeling to have literally nothing to do. Went to a theme park yesterday and screamed on the rides until I couldn't scream anymore. Came out feeling so lacking in stress that it was unreal.

    I guess we'll all see how Christmas goes - and not just in a healthy fitness sort of way. Families can drive us all mad after all when we're stuck in close proximity.

    Hopefully all your exams went ok too!

    Wow, that sounds really fun!!! Yeah, my roommate and I wracked up like 100 some odd miles on the bike within 3 days of being done with school. Good destressing. Unfortunately bike +snowboarding season means it's time for me to start studying for next quarter... If i can finish about half my classes over the break, then I don't die next quarter. Lol. I guess I'm lucky not to be going home, don't have to deal with the berserks from the fam.

    Good luck to everyone over the break!!!
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    I'm here to confess, I think I ate my body weight in cookies and cinnamon rolls yesterday. What started off as a nice brunch date with the boy thing ended as an all day / 2 bottles of champagne cooking fest. Yuck.
    Breaks are bad for me... no normalcy! I swing between a week of biking 40 - 50 miles a day, and then I undue all of those calories (probably and then some) in one fell swoop. Yuck, yuck, yuck.