Biggest tearjerker movies



  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    I agree with all of addition would be Top Gun - LOL! Poor Goose!! I end up sobbing....I'm such a sap. All the animal ones, for sure - especially Marley & Me (uncontrollable sobbing during that one).
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    any movie where an animal dies
    Recent movies that I have cried at....
    The Help
    Sarah's Key
    Crazy Stupid Love
    Movies that always make me cry.....
    Love Story
    The Notebook
    Brokeback Mountain
    Dances with Wolves
    Life is Beautiful
    Movies that made me sob....
    The Road
    Iron Giant
    The English Patient

    I could go on & on. These are just the ones on my mind right now.
  • TiffanyA2008
    The Notebook.

    I love when it is showing them as an elderly couple and Noah is visiting Allie at the nursing home with their children. The nurse comes out to take Allie back inside and their children are basically telling Noah that what he is doing is crazy because Allie doesn't remember him or any of them for that matter. I cry when Noah says, "This is my home now. Your mother is my home." It gets me EVERYTIME! :sad: (several parts do, but this is one of my favorites! -beautiful love story)

    "If you're a bird, I'm a bird" GAH!!!! So romantic :heart:
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    The Seventh Sign
    City of Angels
    American History X
    Pay It Forward
  • Dolphingirlie81
    Oh, and I forgot Remember Me. Gaah. :brokenheart:

    I watched that movie a few weeks ago and it was sad in the beginning and then i was like umm ok, kinda getting boring and THEN the end happened. That was unexpected and I started crying, that date 9/11..

    The Notebook
    P.S. I love you
    A walk to remember
    The Last song
    The Lion King (yes, it still gets to me)
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    I know what you mean. I was fine until I saw the date on the board. Then my tummy clenched up because I knew what was going to happen. Ugh.

    I cried like a baby at The Lion King. Come on, when Mufasa died, I thought I'd lose it. LOL

    Oh, and Untamed Heart. That one still makes me bawl.
  • crosa527
    crosa527 Posts: 35 Member
    My Sister's Keeper
    City of Angels
    Lovely Bones
    And sooooo many others. I cry at everything!
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    OHH well I am not going to lie, my husband will be the first to tell you I cry at Long distance commericals BUT a few I know make me cry no matter how many times I seen them is The Notebook, My sisters keeper, nights in Rodanthe, the story of us and so many more but I wont embarrass my self anymore lol
  • Kristy144
    A Walk To Remember, it was so emotional.. about true love, friendship and death of a loved one. I cry like a baby EVERY time I watch it!

    I actually cry at alot of movies lol, just recently Soul Surfer, I'm such a sap.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Life is Beautiful! If you haven't seen it, you need to. Title is kinda cheesy but the movie is very very good. And heart wrenching.

    Remember Me has the be the most depressing movie ever. I was too depressed to cry.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    A Walk To Remember, it was so emotional.. about true love, friendship and death of a loved one. I cry like a baby EVERY time I watch it!
    loved this one, so much I had to watch the trailer just now on Youtube. :blushing: :tongue:
  • lottywood
    lottywood Posts: 55 Member
    Steel Magnolias
    Little Women
    The Notebook

  • MrsMills712
    There has only been one movie in my 26 years of life that made me cry.
    Marley & Me. And I even knew what was going to happen!!!
    And it wasn't in the privacy of my home, I was at the theater. Grr. Only thing good about that was, I heard everyone around me sniffling, even the men. So, why do animals dying make me more sad than human characters? *shrug*
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Better ask me at which movies I DIDN'T cry!

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 1&2
    Schindler's list
    Brokeback Mountain
    Hotel Rwanda
    Sense and sensibility
    Remains of the day
    Bridge to/of Therabitia
    The Notebook
    Love Actually
    The House of Mirth
    And the list goes on and on and on

    Movies I won't watch because the book made an emotional wreck: Sarah's Key and The Road