Should I give up???



  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I noticed your exercise diary is off the charts, how are you doing 60 minutes of 30 day shred with swimming, walking etc. all in one day. You might be adding you workouts wrong and over eating or if you are working out that much you might be under eating and that can cause weight gain too.

    I do the 30 day shred but I do each level, each day, so I work out for 60 minutes. Then I will do an hour of housework and finish with a swim or yesterday I went to a waterpark and walked around for three hours solid from ride to ride, but put down just one hour because I think the calories are overcalculated for walking.
    On top of this I do ironing and food preparation. So I am getting my exercise in. I like to keep busy, once I sit down I get bored and veer towards the cupboard, for some reason when I am exercising I am not hungry.

    Ok, I'm getting nit picky but walking around a water park, food prep and ironing are not exercise.. thats just a part of everyday life!

    Swimming and 30 day shred are exercise.

    As far as your original question goes, if you are going to freak out over 1 pound that doesn't mean anything other then you did something your body is not used too, then yea I'd say quit until your ready to do this without freaking out over every little change that happens to your body.

    Plus, you don't have that much weight to lose.. only 20 pounds. So really you should be looking at between a pound and half a pound a week loss. 2 pounds is a bit much with only 20 pounds left.

    I am set at a sedentary level, according to MFP walking (It was a quickened pace continually to get to the rides quick as the children were running ahead all the time even though I walked for 3 hours I only put one hour in), housework, ironing and cooking are all exercises, they all burn calories.

    20lb feels like a lot to me though. I started with 34lb to lose and lost 14lb within a month, which I why I lessened the goal to 10lb as I am aware it can often slow down, which is why I have really been working hard and will continue to, I have cut all coffee, coke, taking in my water that I need to, exercise etc. When I am trying so hard 1lb gain to me is like a kick in the face, sorry if you cannot understand that.

    I started out with 40 pounds to lose.. I'm down 25 with 5 pounds till I re-assess and see if I need to lose more or not. I lose roughly 3 pounds a month.

    This weekend, I ate like crap and am up close to 3 pounds. So what am I doing? Drinking water and going to the gym because thats all it is.. water weight. In order to gain 3 pounds, I would have to eaten 10,500 extra calories this weekend... Def. did not happen. Just like you would have to have eaten 3,500 extra calories to gain a pound... and I highly doubt thats what happened.

    A lot of that 14 pounds was prob. water weight.. most of it generally is the first month. You can't realistically expect to lose 10 pounds a month with so little left to lose.. it doesn't work that way.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Eat more, your diary shows that you're way under most days....up what you're eating close to what you SHOULD be...don't get in the mindset of less is better, because it does not always work out that way. I'm betting if you eat're going to actually lose more than now.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    You should go see a Dr and tell them this. No joke.
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    Eat more, your diary shows that you're way under most days....up what you're eating close to what you SHOULD be...don't get in the mindset of less is better, because it does not always work out that way. I'm betting if you eat're going to actually lose more than now.

    You need to eat. more. really. 1200 calories, and burning 1250 calories? that's like negative calories for the day. How are you still alive? and exercising? I say:
    1. 10 lbs a month for your weight is unrealistic. try .5 to 1 lb per month.
    2. Net 1200 calories per day (that's after working out)
    3. Drop it down to 1 level of the 30DS per day, and give it all you got. If you want to add a walk or jog, go for it. Try to make changes that are maintainable.

    I know this seem crazy, but it actually works. I lost 7.5 lbs by the time I finished the 30DS (I posted sometime around the end of August if you want to see).

    Now go eat something for crying out loud.

    Note: Read this in a nice, supportive and helpful voice, cause I'm not trying to be rude.
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    ^^^ I meant .5-1 lb per week. So 2-4 lbs per month.