Why we get fat and what to do about it



  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,022 Member
    EDIT: see that cupcake in my hand? that's why I'm fat. Sugar and empty carbs ... bad calories ... problem is sugar and empty carbs are so ingrained into almost everything we eat it's hard to get away from it all.

    If that were true then everyone that eats sugar and empty calories in the world would be obese. Overconsumption of sugar is documented to cause problems, and a multitude at that......otherwise they make a good energy source for a lot of the worlds population and athletes of every description......Everytime one of these debates erupts, context and dosage is tossed out the window and extremes are uses as examples and templates of justification. Sugar and carbs in NA are the foundation of the general population, which needs to be changed to a diet that has less processed and fast food to a diet that is more naturally processed, it isn't rocket science.

    I agree that it isn't as simple as saying calories in vs out for people that are obese and have a problem losing weight. Limiting refined carbs and refined sugar is a step in the right direction, which in a lower carb diet that that change facilitates, satiety is elevated and people consume fewer calories by default. But to say people aren't obese because they eat too much and that carbs are the reason we get fat is like replacing the lipid hypothesis, with the carb hyposthesis.......extremes lke that are the scape goat of confirmation bias.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    EDIT: see that cupcake in my hand? that's why I'm fat. Sugar and empty carbs ... bad calories ... problem is sugar and empty carbs are so ingrained into almost everything we eat it's hard to get away from it all.

    If that were true then everyone that eats sugar and empty calories in the world would be obese. Overconsumption of sugar is documented to cause problems, and a multitude at that......otherwise they make a good energy source for a lot of the worlds population and athletes of every description......Everytime one of these debates erupts, context and dosage is tossed out the window and extremes are uses as examples and templates of justification. Sugar and carbs in NA are the foundation of the general population, which needs to be changed to a diet that has less processed and fast food to a diet that is more naturally processed, it isn't rocket science.

    I agree that it isn't as simple as saying calories in vs out for people that are obese and have a problem losing weight. Limiting refined carbs and refined sugar is a step in the right direction, which in a lower carb diet that that change facilitates, satiety is elevated and people consume fewer calories by default. But to say people aren't obese because they eat too much and that carbs are the reason we get fat is like replacing the lipid hypothesis, with the carb hyposthesis.......extremes lke that are the scape goat of confirmation bias.

    wait are you saying a single macronutrient is not the cause of obesity!?
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,022 Member
    EDIT: see that cupcake in my hand? that's why I'm fat. Sugar and empty carbs ... bad calories ... problem is sugar and empty carbs are so ingrained into almost everything we eat it's hard to get away from it all.

    If that were true then everyone that eats sugar and empty calories in the world would be obese. Overconsumption of sugar is documented to cause problems, and a multitude at that......otherwise they make a good energy source for a lot of the worlds population and athletes of every description......Everytime one of these debates erupts, context and dosage is tossed out the window and extremes are uses as examples and templates of justification. Sugar and carbs in NA are the foundation of the general population, which needs to be changed to a diet that has less processed and fast food to a diet that is more naturally processed, it isn't rocket science.

    I agree that it isn't as simple as saying calories in vs out for people that are obese and have a problem losing weight. Limiting refined carbs and refined sugar is a step in the right direction, which in a lower carb diet that that change facilitates, satiety is elevated and people consume fewer calories by default. But to say people aren't obese because they eat too much and that carbs are the reason we get fat is like replacing the lipid hypothesis, with the carb hyposthesis.......extremes lke that are the scape goat of confirmation bias.

    wait are you saying a single macronutrient is not the cause of obesity!?
    Actually i'm writing a book that proves that 1 specific technically advanced device is the cause of obesity, and especially in NA due to it's enormous availability and potential user saturation which is growing exponentially. :devil: soon to be released.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,022 Member
    Gary Taubes:
    1. Pick your hypothesis so a book can be written.
    2. Cherry pick data to support hypothesis.
    3. Ignore OVERWHELMING evidence that contradict hypothesis.
    4. Receive money from book proceeds.

    T. Colin Campbell:
    1. Pick your hypothesis so a book can be written.
    2. Cherry pick data to support hypothesis.
    3. Ignore OVERWHELMING evidence that contradict hypothesis.
    4. Receive money from book proceeds

    This is not an attack post directed at the poster of this list. (I have no idea what diet you follow) I just felt that there was another author deserving similar accusations and sharp wit.

    I'd never heard of Taubes before reading this interesting thread but having read this thread and looked him up, I would say this comment is extremely unfair.

    Taubes: Studied physics and engineering, then journalism...then develops an interest in nutrition and writes a book.

    Campbell: Spent entire career as a researcher in nutrition, now Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University, author of 300 research papers.

    If I had to pick one of the two, I know who I would rather trust.
    Ask yourself why the china study was never used by his peers for supporting data? Campbell was also a vegan and through cherry picking his raw data supported his hyposthesis that a vegan lifestyle showed better health. Someone actually took a look at that raw data, and came to a different conclusion. Here you go, take a look. http://rawfoodsos.com/2010/07/07/the-china-study-fact-or-fallac/
  • CLA2801
    CLA2801 Posts: 50 Member

    At 125 pounds the doctor didn't put me on a diet..............I started gaining weight for no reason and then he put me on the low calorie low fat diet and it made me gain faster.

    Yes, there were some medical issues that the Doctor did not diagnose - but I was in no way overeating to make me fat.

    So there was an underlying medical issue causing your weight gain. That being the case, wouldnt you expect that traditional dieting methods might not be helpful? Of COURSE traditional dieting won't help someone whose weight gain is caused by an untreated medical problem.

    Thank you. I kept thinking to myself---wth, why isn't anybody else pointing this out???

    That being said--- I totally support low-carb if it works for you. And I support high carb. And medium-carb. Seriously, we are all very different, and our bodies (and minds) all respond drastically different to different methods.

    For those who couldn't lose weight on a more traditional higher-carb, lower fat plan, then I can see where Taube's book is a real eye-opener and very helpful.
  • mtntrailrunner
    wait are you saying a single macronutrient is not the cause of obesity!?

    being a smart *kitten* is not conducive to anything except ignorance. no one pointed out a single entity by itself. And I highly doubt you've read GCs BCs in it's entirety, either that or you simply didn't understand it.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Gary Taubes:
    1. Pick your hypothesis so a book can be written.
    2. Cherry pick data to support hypothesis.
    3. Ignore OVERWHELMING evidence that contradict hypothesis.
    4. Receive money from book proceeds.

    T. Colin Campbell:
    1. Pick your hypothesis so a book can be written.
    2. Cherry pick data to support hypothesis.
    3. Ignore OVERWHELMING evidence that contradict hypothesis.
    4. Receive money from book proceeds

    This is not an attack post directed at the poster of this list. (I have no idea what diet you follow) I just felt that there was another author deserving similar accusations and sharp wit.

    I'd never heard of Taubes before reading this interesting thread but having read this thread and looked him up, I would say this comment is extremely unfair.

    Taubes: Studied physics and engineering, then journalism...then develops an interest in nutrition and writes a book.

    Campbell: Spent entire career as a researcher in nutrition, now Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University, author of 300 research papers.

    If I had to pick one of the two, I know who I would rather trust.

    Academic credentials do not prevent cherry picking and ignoring of of contradictory evidence.

    The same could be said about Ancel Keys' academic record. Would you trust him despite the large amount of evidence that his lipid hypothesis isn't true?

    Let's all do ourselves a favor and start reading peer-reviewed research and stop continually citing hacks like Dr. Oz, Taubes, and T. Colin Campbell.

    ...Stinson OUT.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    That being said--- I totally support low-carb if it works for you. And I support high carb. And medium-carb. Seriously, we are all very different, and our bodies (and minds) all respond drastically different to different methods.

    So true! The best diet for you (whoever you are) is the one that works best for your body and your life and you will adhere to long term.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    wait are you saying a single macronutrient is not the cause of obesity!?

    being a smart *kitten* is not conducive to anything except ignorance. no one pointed out a single entity by itself. And I highly doubt you've read GCs BCs in it's entirety, either that or you simply didn't understand it.

    I've read both GCBC and Why We Get Fat and other then his stuff on the lipid hypothesis, it's easily debunked nonsense