DH Isn't HELPING! *** VENT ***



  • kammiller
    It can be a challenge but it is a real challenge that we have to face when we walk out our doors. I am sure strangers are not gonna stop eating pizza in front of us or corn dogs we have to learn to say no when we have pizza I have one slice and a salad " a big salad". It seems to work because I feel like I am still getting a treat too. Or another suggestion cook pr order your special food on your day off.
  • MissGorgeous
    MissGorgeous Posts: 394 Member
    What do you guys do with children who know unhealthy cooking and getting them to eat new foods that aren't nuggets, pizza, mac and cheese, hot dogs, etc.. My kids are 2, 4, 7 and they are use to bad foods.

    just remove the food and replace with healthy????
    you cant give it to them if its not in the house right? haha
    maybe weekly if they are good reward them with a treat meal!

    i have three year and 13months and 1.5months
    (chick fil a & inn n out are the only fast foods i allow IF he will eat it)
    three year old wont eat ice cream or cookies or bread or pasta or cereal or rice or anything most kids will
    he will eat yougart cottage cheese fruit and veggies and if we are lucky he will eat chicken but not on a bone and not nuggets has to be grilled or baked
    we have to make him protien shakes everyday to make sure he eats enough because he is just way too pickey for his own good!
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    What do you guys do with children who know unhealthy cooking and getting them to eat new foods that aren't nuggets, pizza, mac and cheese, hot dogs, etc.. My kids are 2, 4, 7 and they are use to bad foods.
    just like a lot of people here, maybe try replacing one or two things at a time? make a list of all the not healthy foods you buy. write each one on a note card.
    made a list of healthy alternatives write them on a different color note card. each week when you do the shopping list have the kids each pick one unhealthy thing they are willing to give up and let them choose an alternative that is healthy. maybe you can reward the kids when you get all the unheathy things out by allowing them "treats" of there 2 favorites every so often. but not untill all the junk is gone?

    it might work and be fun too:bigsmile: