
Are we allowed to criticize our friends on MFP? I know it’s all about being positive and supporting each other and I think that is great, it certainly has helped me tremendously. An example of where I would think that a little constructive criticism would be helpful is when someone’s food diary has one huge meal and then they starve the rest of the day or if they are WAY below on their calories. I normally just don’t say anything, no “good job”, just no comment but I wonder if some feedback would help. I’ve had a couple of comments when I’ve gone over in my sodium and my first reaction was “hey, screw you” but then I thought about and it was actually a helpful comment and now I monitor my sodium intake better.

So, what are your thoughts? Are my 2 cents helpful or hurtful???


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    It's going to depend on the person. Some will be highly defensive and will probably drop you as a friend. Others like me would welcome the criticism, so long as it was constructive and not like "Put down the cookies, fatty!" :bigsmile:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    BTW there is nothing wrong with having just 1 huge meal a day, read up on IF and meal frequency
  • zumba89
    I think if you come at someone the right way. If your telling them "hey do you think your going to loss weight eatting like that". Then yes they will stop being you friend and you will feel like crap. Just be nice about it but still let them know what they can do to make them eat better like saying " hey just seen your under your calories it ok to eat some more" or " skipping meals are not. good maybe just add some snacks". See nothing mean people that are lossing weight the last thing they need to hears "your sucking at this weight loss thing". So just be a little nice about it.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I think it depends on whether it's something they do regularly. If I ate well most of the time and had one off day and someone felt the need to comment, yes, I'd be annoyed.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Are we allowed to criticize our friends on MFP? I know it’s all about being positive and supporting each other and I think that is great, it certainly has helped me tremendously. An example of where I would think that a little constructive criticism would be helpful is when someone’s food diary has one huge meal and then they starve the rest of the day or if they are WAY below on their calories. I normally just don’t say anything, no “good job”, just no comment but I wonder if some feedback would help. I’ve had a couple of comments when I’ve gone over in my sodium and my first reaction was “hey, screw you” but then I thought about and it was actually a helpful comment and now I monitor my sodium intake better.

    So, what are your thoughts? Are my 2 cents helpful or hurtful???

    My opinion is unless someone asks for advice or help, I never say anything one way or the other. Like someone else said, some people eat one meal and day and have made this decision based on the research they have done for themselves.

    I would never said anything to you about your sodium had you been my "friend" on here. One of my friends on my list has to actually keep her sodium levels HIGHER than most people. So, if I just butted in and said, " need to cut your sodium way down" I would look like a JA.

    I actually never look at my friends journals unless I'm looking for ideas. One of my friends is a brick house and a triathlete...her journal is private. I think nothing of it.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I would take some criticism. I did have a full fat coke one time and one of my mfp friends did comment on it. for a split second i was offended but then i realised it was just a minor comment and not a personal attack, that person is still on my friends list, the same person reminds me to drink water too which i do need reminding. Most on my friends list realize i struggle with cutting down on sugar and are nice enough not to mention it. after months i'm still just working on cutting calories and not measuring anything else. I'd not appreciate it at all if people kept going on about say sodium when i was struggling to keep the calories under control.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I tried giving unsolicited constructive criticism/advice a few times but it seems like most people just don't care for it. They have their way and unless something goes wrong, even if they're not eating enough or drinking too little or whatever, I won't offer input until it's asked for. And that's fine with me...I don't necessarily care for other people commenting on my choices either.
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    My opinion is unless someone asks for advice or help, I never say anything one way or the other.

    I agree. People usually reach out if what they are doing is not working, and that is the time to offer advice.
  • AimingHighWeighingLow
    Do you know what, I hate having to be restrained, people have come online to get the best out of exercise if they are doing stuff wrong, they should be told.

    Why do we all pretend to be nice online, if people get offended by what people who they don't know think then they should NOT be online!
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    This is tricky and I was wondering the same thing myself. Since you probably don't personally know all the friends on your list, it's hard to say how they would take the criticism. I usually don't say anything unless they ask for advice.

    I too check out diaries at times... curious to see what others are eating... to help get suggestions, etc., and I find some who regularly (daily) eat sweets and drinks full of sugar and calories. I've struggled with... should I say something, but... figured I'd stay quiet for now. What I don't know is.... maybe like someone else posted.... they are just trying to watch calories now and cut down, and... maybe... even though they ate cookies today.... it's a small victory to them... because in the past they might have eaten the whole bag. If I said something, they might be offended, and it might set them back.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if people asked for help, and had open diaries then i would comment, but just in general i wouldnt. i had a friend on here who only drank 3 slim fast shakes per day to crash diet for her wedding, and she got mad and 'de-friended' someone who commented in a nice way about it, and after that i de-friended her, as i didnt agree with what she was doing.

    i like to look at diaries, and quite a lot of the time i like to think i know better!! but i'm sure lots of people could be critical of what i eat if they wanted to be, but it works for me, and you just have to assume that other peoples diets work for them.
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    i would take it as criticism, but i am very sensitive. also, i KNOW when i've done something wrong, i don't need it pointed-out to me. i think encouragement is the better route. instead of saying something negative when the friend has an off-day, say something really positive on the days when they have done really well. (ex: "your menu looks fabulous today! looks like you did everything really well!!!"
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    .... they are just trying to watch calories now and cut down, and... maybe... even though they ate cookies today.... it's a small victory to them... because in the past they might have eaten the whole bag.

    i totally agree with this ^^
  • jatcat310
    I want the 2 cents, that's what my friends are for!!!

  • ckspores
    Regardless of whether or not it is actually helpful, I usually assume comments are meant to be helpful and non-offensive. Sometimes, people really come off as rude but I truly believe it isn't intended that way by most.

    If the comment is helpful I use it. If it isn't, I thank the person for their suggestion and move on.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    if someone really criticised me either for a one off bad day, or consistently, id delete them. I dont need criticism. I dont do food diaries anymore, but when i did, i liked people being positive.
    A little bit of sensitive constructive criticism here and there would be ok, y'know, like suggestions of how to get more protein in, or such like. I think positive reinforcement works much better than negative
  • ChanMay
    There is nothing wrong with constructive critisism to an extent. We all need to remember that we do not walk in anyone's shoes but our own so we have no idea what they are going through. There are people on here who have addictions, struggle with anorexia, bulimia... for the people who pick apart someone who only has 1000 calories a day, maybe that person is anorexic and that is a huge step forward for them. So by picking them apart like that you are taking away the pride they had in that success.
    I guess I'm just trying to say, be careful and remember that behind that anynomous food diary is a person who has feelings :) Try offering a little advice and not critisim.
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    I want the critisim... hopefully it'll make me not want to make the same mistake again... for instance today at lunch I had a regular Dr. Pepper and that alone put me over my sugar. Call me out on it! That's why I make my diary public. Someone may have a helpful suggestion. Really.. you're not gonna hurt my feelings.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    If someone asked for advice or complains that they aren't seeing results sure, but otherwise I wouldn't. There are too many different paths people take to the weight loss finish line so something you think is bad for them might be their plan.

    I'll second the response on IF. I've been doing it for 2 months. I'm down 20 lbs and it's the easiest thing I've ever tried. I frequently get all my calories in 1-2 meals.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Do you know what, I hate having to be restrained, people have come online to get the best out of exercise if they are doing stuff wrong, they should be told.

    Why do we all pretend to be nice online, if people get offended by what people who they don't know think then they should NOT be online!

    Gee where was this bit of wisdom when I replied to your post yesterday... You seemed to be highly offended by what I said even though you don't know me.

    To Op;
    It is what it is. Sometimes it works, and other times it backfires.

    If I know what I'm doing wrong, I don't need you to point it out to me or give me advice.

    If I ask for advice though, then I expect you to be as honest as possible..even if it is blunt. I see nothing wrong with telling the truth.. may hurt at first, but in the end we're all better off.