
Hey everyone!! So lately I have been losing a little bit of weight, but over the last few months or so, I notice that my weight stays around 160 and I do not lose any more weight after I hit this mark. I really want to get to 137 without any more of a struggle, but it appears that my body genuinely does not want to lose any more weight once I hit this mark. Any ideas on how to break through to get to the 150s and continue losing weight? I feel like I am stuck at 160!

Any advice would help. Yes, I stay within my calorie range! Is there anything that may "jump start" my metabolism again?


  • uniqute1888
    uniqute1888 Posts: 182 Member
    I know the feeling 160 has plagued me too!... I am so BUMP -ing this I need help on this subject too. I tried upping my cals lowering my cals.. I do P90x for exercise so the same routine isnt the issue...
  • mmildice
    I got stuck for a while as well. I just ate more calories for about a week or so and then took them back down and that was enough to get my body to start losing again. I only was allowed 1200 calories a day and don't know how many you are allowed. I would think that if its more than that maybe lower your calories.
    Try chaning up your exercises. After a while your body just gets use to it if its always the same over and over.

    Good Luck!!
  • Ifly4free
    Ifly4free Posts: 203 Member
    I am stuck right along with you. I can't get past 132-133. I almost got down to my goal about 5 years ago and I specifically remember being "stuck" at the same place. I did get past it, but for the life of me I can't remember what I did. I don't think I changed anything, I just kept at it, maybe more exercise but the scale finally moved. It took a while though. It's been almost 4 weeks for me and I am ready to throw my scale out the window!!!
    I do feel better and that is a positive return on my efforts.
    Good luck!
  • LycosNyctereutes
    I have read that mixing up your calorie intake for a few days will help. Increase by 10-15% for a couple of days, then come back down and your body should be triggered back into losing.
    I was stuck at 160.8 as well. I just saw 159.8 this morning! I was getting so frustrated. I ate all my calories yesterday (not more) but was totally inactive, so I guess that gave the same effect as consuming more calories. I think sometimes your body just decides that it has to stop losing weight because it doesn't know you plan to stop losing at some point. I think it's a survival mechanism. increasing the calories a little lets your body know you in fact are not starving.
  • Karyn1120
    Karyn1120 Posts: 184 Member
    I have read that mixing up your calorie intake for a few days will help. Increase by 10-15% for a couple of days, then come back down and your body should be triggered back into losing.
    I was stuck at 160.8 as well. I just saw 159.8 this morning! I was getting so frustrated. I ate all my calories yesterday (not more) but was totally inactive, so I guess that gave the same effect as consuming more calories. I think sometimes your body just decides that it has to stop losing weight because it doesn't know you plan to stop losing at some point. I think it's a survival mechanism. increasing the calories a little lets your body know you in fact are not starving.

    Congrats on getting below 160! That's my next goal. Wish me luck!
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    I was stuck a few weeks ago, but at a higher weight. I walk daily, but someone said to "mix up my walking routine". They suggested to "skip" some along the way; jog some if I could; stop and do some jumping jacks; stop and do some lunges; do the side step shuffle... basically any OTHER THING than JUST walking. So I did just that! I walked my normal routine the first time around but the second time, well I skipped up a hill as far as I could go and let me tell you skipping really gets your heart rate going! I also did lunges up half another small hill then turned around and walked up the rest backwards. On the flat part of my walk I turned sideways and did a criss cross motion with my legs and really swinging my arms to get the full effect, and that too wears you out. I did not do jumping jacks, sad to say I can not do them after having 2 kids- we won't say anything else about that - :blushing: But when I got on the scale on my scheduled weigh in day I FINALLY moved and moved a good bit... I was down almost 4 lbs that week. So now when I am out walking I do "extra" things. I don't care how silly I look doing them either. I am 39 yrs old and YES I DO SKIP. There are days when I don't feel like doing anything extra so on those days I simply get my arms into action... doing fighting motions or clapping them above my head, then in front of me, then behind me. Anything to add to my heart rate increasing. Hope this helps!