The Diamond Challenge: Round 5 (Week 3) - Town Hall Meeting!

Okay Ladies,

This is not as elaborate as the first one, but here is the Town Hall QOTD and Weekly Challenge info:



  • ShiningDiamonds
    My response to the question of the day: i have known my longest friend for about 25 or more years. We moved to the small town of Eufaula, AL when I was in 4th grade and that is how I met her entire family...we are not as close as we were way back then, but we keep in touch with FB :bigsmile:
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    My oldest friend is called niina and I met her aged 3 and a half, we are both 32 now and both mummies. We meet about four times acyear and I find we are so comfortable in each others company as if we are sisters.
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    I've known my longest friend for 22 years. Hard to believe it's been that long and when I read this question and called him to tell him, he couldn't believe it either, lol. We met at the bust stop on my first day in a new school and him and his sister were the only two people who were nice to me.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    My oldest friend I have know for 29 years! I met her in college.
  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    Hmm I dont have any friends that are not related to me. I suck! :(
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Feeling old - mine was in Kindergarten, which was 37 years ago (I think)....
  • balowry1
    I don't have any friends. I'm basically by myself, except for my husband. I've known him for two years. I've moved around.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    My oldest friend Tracey was my next door neighbour when I was 4 and she was 6, I'm 45 now. Saw her in march it is always fine tho not living in the same country limits our contact a little!
  • ShiningDiamonds
    You know it's nice to know that even with miles between friends and weeks/months between seem to pick up where you left off previously.

    I have another friend that has been one of my best friends since 91 and we met the 2nd half of our freshmen year in high school, she was one of the first people to ever speak to me. Even through some rough patches we always go back to the way it was before our "falling out". Our friendship is a little strained and has been since I married my husband (he's not a huge fan of her...LOL), but we do still try to have lunch occassionally and email each other all the time.
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    :-) definatly a do-able challenge! And as for the question I met my friend Nicole in kindergarten which was about 23 yRS ago we lived next door to each other til high-school keep in touch only through fb though :-( I guess u just grow up :-/
  • Crooks0204
    Hmm I dont have any friends that are not related to me. I suck! :(

    This is my answer as well!!!
  • Starleng1
    Hmm I dont have any friends that are not related to me. I suck! :(

    This is my answer as well!!!

    Same here. Left a lot of drama behind. Some times I wish I would have kept in better contact, but then....
  • mom715of2
    My oldest friend I meet was my 1st year of high school... we still keep in touch. When I go home we always hang out like it was back in the day. That was 15 years ago.
  • Jycooper
    Hmm I dont have any friends that are not related to me. I suck! :(

    I dont either
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I don't have much for friends outside of my family either but I do have a few people I keep in touch with through facebook. One of which if she were to live in the same state as me I am sure we would hang out on a regular basis. I met her in Junior High so I've known her for about 19 years. She was there for me through alot. She even keeps in touch with my kids and they call her auntie although they weren't even old enough to remember the last time they saw her.

    I had a suprise visit at work from a girl I was friends with in 5th grade just the other day too... Facebook is awesome!
  • lyntello
    I think my oldest friend is my friend Eric. We met at camp in grade 7 and have kept in regular contact since! I can't even believe we're still in touch but it means a lot to me.
  • msmith5251s
    Blah. So not the question for me!
    The person I have known the longest is my ex-fiance (as of one week, still trying to recover) :/
    I met him when I was 7 years old, he was 5.
    His family had moved into the house a door down from mine.
  • nafroese
    nafroese Posts: 122 Member
    Okay Ladies,

    This is not as elaborate as the first one, but here is the Town Hall QOTD and Weekly Challenge info:

    I met my oldest friend back in grade 1. I don't remember how we met but i do remember that in grade 3 we became besties and have been ever since and we now have been besties for 20 years!!
  • Shawn_Marie
    QOTD - My longest friend would be Patti - we met when she was just a teen and I was in my early 20's. Her mom had died and she was being passed from foster home to foster home. Although there was a few years age difference we had an instant connection. 15 years ago she moved to to mn from wi. Although we have lost each other other over the years because of life when we do talk or get together it does not matter if it has been a day or a year since we have talked you would not know it - we are just that close!
  • emi_esp
    I met my oldest friends (that I've had for the longest time?) in the 6th grade. They're sisters and we were all new to the county so we bonded over that :)

    Also, I'm totally going to do all 3 parts of the challenge tomorrow so that I can lose a bit more for the weigh-in Friday >.<