The Diamond Challenge: Round 5 (Week 3) - Town Hall Meeting!



  • meliturtlee
    My gals and I have known each other since the 4th grade 1998, when I moved. They've known each since kinder. We all have different lives and cannot hang out daily much less weekly but for birthdays and Christmas we always find a way back to each other. I met them on my 1st day of school, I was the new girl but they were all so kind, showing me the ropes and all.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    A good friend of mine I have known for 10 years. Otherwise, my hub is my bud, so he's been my best friend for about 13 years.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I know we said nobody related, but I think mine is an exception to the rule. I have been friends with my friend Jenny since kindergarten (so 25? years). We had a lot of the same classes in elementary school. Jenny is always loved me and stuck up for me. She moved away in middle school, but in high school she moved back and our friendship picked up right where it left off. She eventually married my cousin :heart:, I stood in her wedding, and we both teach at the same school now. So, she is one of my best friends, my cousin, and my colleague :love: .

    And, if that one doesn't count ;), my best friend Lynette and I have been friends since 6th grade (so 19 years?). Movies could be made about our friendship. We were incredibly close in middle school, but she moved out of state in 8th grade. We have lived in separate states since then, but even before email and Facebook, we have kept in touch and still remain close.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I guess my oldest friend is my friend from 6th grade - 15 years ago?
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    Hello Little Diamonds and Shining Diamonds! This is my first Town Hall Meeting. :)

    I met my oldest friend when I was only 2. That was 35 years ago! Yikes, did I say that out loud? hehe.
    We are not close anymore, but we still keep tabs on each other through our families.
  • romade188
    romade188 Posts: 88 Member
    I have known my oldest friend for 23 years. We were still in the womb.. Our parents were also childhood friends so we were destined to be besties.. We've grown a bit a part in the past few years, going our separate ways and such, but I'm sure we will be reconnecting soon..
  • CME37
    CME37 Posts: 16
    1.7 mile done today in walking/running intervals!
  • DiamondsInTheRough
    Thank you so much for putting this together Angie!!! You did a fantastic job!!!

    I love this weeks challenge, completely do-able!!!

    DITR rocked the scale this week with a total of 35.5lbs lost! We had a tie for our "biggest loser of the week". Sandislim and sistermooooon both lost 4lbs each!! Way to go ladies!

    I met my bestie about 25 years ago when I was 2. We were neighbors out in the sticks. We have grown apart over the last 10 years but mainly because we are a few provinces apart now. We catch up every so often, and when we do it's like we were never apart.:heart:
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    My oldest friend is Rita. Her family moved in the house behind mine 41 years ago. We don't see each other often as we live a distance away, but we email.
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    My oldest friend is a girl named Natasha we were at school together from when we were 12but really became friends when we were about 14. We don't have anything in common but I think that's why we get on so well and have been friends for 13yrs.
  • CME37
    CME37 Posts: 16
    I have known my oldest friend Erica for about 17yrs! Wow I can't believe it's been that long! I met her through my son's godfather, they were dating. Once they ended their relationship & parted ways, our friendship has continued to grow & strengthen! We are miles.....states apart now & we don't talk as often because of the expense & she doesn't FB very often, but I love her & I know she's always there for me & I'm there for her as well! Geesh....I'm gonna call her tomorrow! :-)

    P.S. Still friends with Godfather so technically you could say he's my oldest friend, but once he married, the friendship has not been the same. :-/
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    My longest friend... I am friends with people who I grew up with, so a couple girls I've known since I was 5 or 6 years old. They are just "friends" though, who I talk to occasionally.

    My longest "real" friend (who I am close with) is someone I met in the 9th grade (1999), so we've been friends for about 12 years. Wow! It makes you feel old. :laugh:
  • mookgi
    My oldest friend is a lady named Mido we were childhood friends but we never attended the same school and she's a bit older than me. We have so much in common and yet we are so different and that's why we get along so fine and I can talk to her abot anything and she doesnt judge me but support me and lets me do mistakes and learn from them. We have been friends for more than 20yrs.
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    My oldest friend and I met in 7th grade, so 16 years ago. We are not as close as we used to be as I moved away for college but we still hang out a lot when I'm in my hometown (which is currently about every other weekend).
  • mrscampbe11
    mrscampbe11 Posts: 46 Member
    I met my best friend in primary school 24 years ago, and we truly buddied up aged 11. Unfortunately she's in Australia and I'm in Scotland so we don't see much of each other, but emails, phone calls and facebook keep us up to date.
  • Rubyjjones
    I met my oldest friend when we were both 3 yrs old...she was my nieghbor and we are still friends today. That makes it a 30 year friendship!
  • Rubyjjones
    Angie, the Town Hall page looks great! Thanks for keeping us Little Diamonds informed!
  • foxieboxy
    foxieboxy Posts: 52 Member
    Great challenge!

    I've known my oldest friend since we were in kinder together -- we are still friends today (thanks to Facebook). I've known my oldest bestie since we were in 7th grade. We are still friends today, but the best part of our friendship is that we pick up where we left off. We cannot talk for a while and then we pick right back up.

  • ShiningDiamonds
    I didn't even think about posting the information for my group, so here goes:

    Total Loss = 31.7 lbs
    Biggest Partner Losers:
    - Green Diamonds = Sherry (Chirron40) and Jennifer A (duqtape) with a loss of 6.8 lbs

    Biggest Individual Losers:
    - Green Diamonds = Jennifer A (duqtape) with 5 lbs (2.75%)
    - Purple Diamonds = Tennille (TWood10) with 4 lbs (1.48%)
    - Orange Diamonds = Naomi (nafroese) with 2 lbs (1.13%)

    Biggest Team Loser:
    - Purple Diamonds = 13.5 lbs (7.40%)

    For those of you on the Little Diamonds - I am going to contact Jamaica to see if she has had a chance to compile her weight information. If she can get me the overall LD loss, the biggest loser/partners, and which team color lost the most I will post it for her.
  • KeeleySue
    I've known my best friend since the day I was born. Our parents were neighbors and our mom's were pregnant at the same time. We ended up being born on the same day even though I was 6 weeks early.

    We grew up playing together even after my parents divorced and I moved with my mom. We still talk often (email mostly).