


  • agwilker
    agwilker Posts: 104 Member
    For my high school graduation, my grandma gave me a used tube sock with one of those matchbox sewing kits in it that you get from hotels. She wrote some stuff on it with a Sharpie, that I couldn't read. I suppose it wouldn't have been so bad, if I didn't open my gifts at an open house in front of 60 people, as some of them didn't know she was eccentric.

    Buuut until I started writing this, I realized she didn't even wear tube socks. :huh:

    My oldest sister, who is in her early 40's, has got my mom a bath kit from Kmart for the past 6 years or so for her birthday. The last three years it's been the same scent.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    regifted door prize heart shaped box of chocolates three days AFTER valentine's day from the ex.

    he won them at a party i hadn't been able to attend and i guess he didn't think i'd notice...?

    oh and i don't like chocolateS. i like chocolate! but not chocolatessss.... ewww. the stuff inside is gross.

    Not a fan of the "gamble chocolates" either...worst gift for me was from Secret Santa a few years ago...I got 2 BROKEN picture frames from the dollar store...nice...
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    A few years ago my wife & children bought me a little cement statue of a rabbit.

    I know, WTF?

    Apparently, we had seen this rabbit at an artisan shop a few weeks earlier and I had made some comment about it being cute.

    I do not remember this but I will not argue. I will say anything at artisan shops or craft fairs if I think it will get us out of there sooner!

    I love my family and I am almost always composed enough to make certain I do not react poorly when I get an ugly tie or smelly cologne as a gift. This however caught me completely by surprise and I had a less than gracious reaction.

    I still feel bad but hey, it was a cement rabbit statue!!

    Thanks for the great question!
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    My MIL bought me a book the first year I was married I can't remember the name cos I burned it

    but it was how to be a proper southern lady

    when i questioned her.....She told me the title should help you understand I know you a tad bit slow on these manner darling.....

  • GypsysBlood
    GypsysBlood Posts: 42 Member
    my ex's mom gave me a ring from those 25 cent machines...still in the plastic container thing. she said it would suit me....:ohwell:

    cold blooded, aren't you glad she isn't your mother in law?
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    My Ex husband when he was my boyfriend:

    - A silver Elephant ring....that moved. The only thing that I like about the ring, was that it was silver.
    - Marvin the Martian eyes weren't pierced.

    From my ex mother in-law:

    - For my bridal shower she gave me used utensils and a broken and very used blender. A flour sifter that was very rusty and barely turned.

    From family now:

    - A pair of XL men's sleep pants.
    - Every coffee mug that you could think of.
    - Hideous kitchen towels with woodland scenes on them.
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 665 Member
    My ex and I bought a softop jeep on our anniversary for her, so I put new tires and rims on it, she complained about the stereo so I bought one and installed it myself all for her anniversary gift. So we drove down to gatlinburg on our anniversary Where we got married, got our cabin again, had a nice dinner. Time for bed so I had bought a card for her to have something to open and in it confessed my undying love for her. I eagerly waited for her response and visualized the events that would ensue after she read it.... She read it, told me it was nice, and layed down and went to card for me, no long into the early morning anniversary gift from her at all....

    Needless to say it was a long quiet ride home, I moved out two weeks later and the divorce was finalized that December. So mine is a story of the best gift I ever received, in the form of those papers!
  • GypsysBlood
    GypsysBlood Posts: 42 Member
    I'm not entirely sure how to describe it, but I will try.

    It was a picture of a waterfall in a giant, gold, plastic frame that was supposed to be plugged in to an outlet. When plugged in, it lit up and a mechanism behind the picture would move in a failed attempt to make the photo "come to life". There were also sound effects of water splashing and birds tweeting.


    haha that picture is supposed to go with your faded black unicorn t-shirt the one with the lightening in the background haha fun..........oh you don't have one....I know what your're getting next year.

    literally LOL'd :laugh:
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Apparently, we had seen this rabbit at an artisan shop a few weeks earlier and I had made some comment about it being cute.

    I do not remember this but I will not argue. I will say anything at artisan shops or craft fairs if I think it will get us out of there sooner!

    I love my family and I am almost always composed enough to make certain I do not react poorly when I get an ugly tie or smelly cologne as a gift. This however caught me completely by surprise and I had a less than gracious reaction.

    I am a knitter and a sometimes video gamer. So when the game Kirby's Epic Yarn came out, I said it was cute. My hubby told me I should get it. I said, "Nah. I just think it's cute. I wouldn't pick it up though." A couple months later, he's going on about a gift he got me. I jokingly said, "I hope it's not Kirby's Epic Yarn." It actually was. So he got mad at me and took it back. He did pick up Super Mario Bros. Wii instead, which I DID want.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    These stories are cracking me up! Great topic! I have tons of bad gift stories to tell, including receiving obvious re-gifts. Lovely!

    My most questionable gift was from my then boyfriend who bought me a guitar. I don't play, never expressed an interest in playing and am not musically inclined. So...uh, thanks? Jokes on him, though. Now 15 years later, the thing has been valued at more than $500!

    SO, 2011. At what point do you just throw in the towel, and buy a damn gift card for dinner or movies? And, what I really want? Someone to babysit for free, so me and the husband can go to dinner and a movie!
  • amberdaniels
    My "that" gift was from my ex-husband. For our fifth anniversary he gave me a gift that I had JUST given his mother for Christmas (and that I had searched for and meant a lot to me to give to her), and he didn't even bother getting a card at least! He said, "Well you got it for my mom! I thought since you picked it out that you would like it back!" Seriously?!?!?! His mother gave him like four things to pick from to give me. I was crushed, because the one year that he gave me something and remembered it was our anniversary it was a re-gifted gift. WOW!

    Oh yeah, that was our last anniversary.
  • RJSuperMan
    RJSuperMan Posts: 52 Member
    My ex husband told me he didn't love me anymore...on Mother's Day. No present either. Yep.

    I win. *Sad face*

    BUTTTT - My current SO has made up for that Mother's Day with every holiday since. *Happy Face*

    Gotcha beat. My soon to be ex-wife told me she was leaving me for "Saeed" on our anniversay. She forgot....
  • GypsysBlood
    GypsysBlood Posts: 42 Member
    When I got pregnant with my oldest child I had to leave my job ( I was a single bartender) and some of my regular customers got me a going away present. It was a little figurine of a mommy zebra and a baby zebra....I looked up, managed a smile and said thank you, the husband said , very excitedly, "It is made from real zebra hair!" and as if that didn't excite me enough the wife joked that they got it because it was a mommy and baby with no daddy!

    now years later and married to my husband that I love, but we have our problems like every one else, my MIL just sent us 2 books...the best of the two...The Complete Idiot's Guide to Marriage :grumble:
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    My Ex husband when he was my boyfriend:

    - A silver Elephant ring....that moved. The only thing that I like about the ring, was that it was silver.
    - Marvin the Martian eyes weren't pierced.

    I sure HOPE your eyes weren't pierced! :bigsmile:
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I'm not entirely sure how to describe it, but I will try.

    It was a picture of a waterfall in a giant, gold, plastic frame that was supposed to be plugged in to an outlet. When plugged in, it lit up and a mechanism behind the picture would move in a failed attempt to make the photo "come to life". There were also sound effects of water splashing and birds tweeting.


    lmao.......I had my boyfriend drive me all over the "nice" part of town until we found some grifter dude selling them on the side of a gas station. It was my birthday gift that year. I chose it.
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,341 Member
    Christmas before last, my darling wife got me a coffee maker to replace the one in the kitchen that had just quit working. Nothing fancy, exactly like the old one. I maybe drink 1 cup a week on Sunday morning. She drinks it every day. You do the math.
  • amberdaniels
    We got a clock one year that was horrible. It was cheap "gold" coated plastic with actual dead moths on the hands and other garish decorations.
    We bit our tongues and said thank you. The other couple burst out laughing.
    This clock had been making the rounds as a joke gift and the terms were that you had to keep it and re-gift it as a serious gift.

    That is totally awesome!!!!!!!! LOL
  • cm2two
    cm2two Posts: 194
    When I got pregnant with my oldest child I had to leave my job ( I was a single bartender) and some of my regular customers got me a going away present. It was a little figurine of a mommy zebra and a baby zebra....I looked up, managed a smile and said thank you, the husband said , very excitedly, "It is made from real zebra hair!" and as if that didn't excite me enough the wife joked that they got it because it was a mommy and baby with no daddy!

    now years later and married to my husband that I love, but we have our problems like every one else, my MIL just sent us 2 books...the best of the two...The Complete Idiot's Guide to Marriage :grumble:

    i need to give this book to my idiot husband... :D
  • cm2two
    cm2two Posts: 194
    Christmas before last, my darling wife got me a coffee maker to replace the one in the kitchen that had just quit working. Nothing fancy, exactly like the old one. I maybe drink 1 cup a week on Sunday morning. She drinks it every day. You do the math.

    *snicker* now it's your turn to do something "special" for her this year :)
  • javajunki
    I'm vegan. I have been vegetarian for 17 years, since I was 10, and vegan for 4. My father sent me a box of Omaha Steaks for my birthday last year.

    Understand that one. Where I used to work, exceptional production days,safety records, etc. were rewarded with everyone's favorite: PIZZA. yep smothered with ground up animal parts and dairy by-products..