Cant run because its raining outside... what to do?



  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    run in place or around, wherever you can in your house. music helps
  • Ambercita12
    Sometimes when I'm stuck in a hotel without a gym, I turn out a movie and get out a timer. I do 25 minutes of exercise, doing a different thing each minute. Some examples are: high knees, skaters, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, jump rope , push-ups, jogging in place.

    I try to alternate every other minute high impact with low impact so I can catch my breath. If I do it watching a movie, it makes the time go faster.

    Good luck!
  • Shutterpillar
    so many quick suggestions! thank you everyone. I am probably going to try a little of everything. hopefully there will be a break in the rain this afternoon so I can get out there for at least a little while.

    running is just something special to me... there is no exercise like it. its an invigorating experience and I miss it.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Give your kids piggy back and horsey rides (get down on hands and knees and let them ride you around the house). Once your heart rate is up and they are laughing harder than you have ever seen them, sit in a chair or on the couch and stretch out your legs. Have them sit on you legs and hold their hands. Bounce them up and down until you can't do any more. If you have a brave kid, have them stand instead of sit, then you have the extra balancing work to do too. Lay down on the floor and give them 'superman' rides on your knees or your feet. This is a total body workout, and your kids will have even more fun than you do.
  • aunt_hbomb
    I have the same issue sorta. It is raining here and tonight is my running night. I've never run in the rain, I don't have the gear for it and can't afford to go buy it. I don't have access to a treadmill and can't afford a gym membership. I guess I will just pray that it stops raining or at least lets up by tonight when I get home from work. I will find a way because I am determined to move onto W4 of C25K.
  • fbuschur
    run in the rain! It's great!!!!
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    Aerobic housework comes to mind...
  • KiteGirl83
    Do you have cable? My cable company has free on-demand workouts - a pretty good selection too. :) Netflix also has a small selection, if you're a member with them and can stream. You could even try you-tube for isometric exercises and workout ideas - there's all kinds of stuff there!

    Hope it clears up soon so you can get out to play.

    That's what I was going to say! It's what I try when I'm bored.