Former smokers: have you been dreaming about smoking?



  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Smoking is probably the only thing i do now that i wish i didnt.

    However, i am a realist, and know that i would not be able to quit at the moment. One thing at a time. It annoys me most when my new gym schedule tells me to run on the treadmill at varying paces for 10 minutes, and im out of breath after 4...even when im now 3 st lighter. I tell people i prefer HIIT, short bursts of sprints, which i do, but in reality its just because i know i cant run for very long!

    I wont deny that i do still enjoying smoking, but with my new fitness mindset every time i do, i cant help but think its not really helping my fitness goals!

    But, atm, id rather be a 12st smoker than a 20st non smoker. AT THE MOMENT.

    In the same way i was overweight for ages, before something just clicked in my head and now my mind simply wont let me overeat, im hoping that one day when i reach maintenance my mind will click for smoking too, and giving up wont be an issue!

    I'm not a bad person though! :cry:
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    I woke up disgusted with myself for having smoked and then I realized it was a dream. Has that happened to anyone else?

    I've had the exact same experience. In fact, during the dream, I also wait for the inevitable nausea and light-headedness that comes from having a puff after a long absence and it never comes. :laugh:

    Then I wake up to feelings of gladness that I didn't smoke and also realize why I didn't feel the nicotine tightening up my veins. It's like waking up from a semi-bad dream.
  • CrazyDaisysMommy

    In the same way i was overweight for ages, before something just clicked in my head and now my mind simply wont let me overeat, im hoping that one day when i reach maintenance my mind will click for smoking too, and giving up wont be an issue!

    I'm not a bad person though! :cry:

    I know how you feel! I quit that way. It took my uncle dying of cancer and thinking how I never wanted my niece and nephew to see me with a cigarette in my mouth. It wasn't really work to give them up at that point, and I was a pack a day smoker. I suspect as you stick with your other healthy lifestyle changes that eventually smoking just won't fit in your life! Best of luck to you!
  • healthybabs
    healthybabs Posts: 600 Member
    Nope! Sure havent!! I quit on Dec 24th, 2010 at 11:50 pm cold turkey! I have not wanted one of those disgutsing things since. I'm offically a non smoker now! And it feels great! It took me 20 years to finally quit. I cant stand to be around them anymore.

    Same here!! I quit on 10/10/09 also cold turkey, haven't had a puff since and I had smoked for about 30 years every day. I also consider myself a non-smoker (and non-drinker, quit that too on the same day). Congrats to all the former smokers out there who have kicked the habit!!!