Weight or Size Goal??



  • LoSena
    My original goal was 165 & I'm at 171 and now I'm thinking more about what I want to look like naked. I want to be toned and defined, I don't want love handels & I want curves that are sexy, not sloppy. So I'm going to work at achieving that & whatever number I need to get to, then so be it!
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    I'd like to be a certain weight but I'd LOVE to be a uk size 10, simply because I have never been that size, I went from fat teenager to size 16, nothing in-between! So yeah, definitely size for me.
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    size fluctuates so much from manufacturer to manufacturer that i can pick a size. also, i can't necessarily pick a weight because i'll know what my goal is when i get there.

    BUT, it would be nice to have a 30" waist again.
  • FifiLea
    FifiLea Posts: 80 Member
    My (secret) criterion is that if someone happened to see me naked by accident, I'd want to be upset because they'd seen me naked, not embarrassed because my body is grim. (I know, shallow, shallow, shallow).

    But I *do* use my weight as one measure of success. However, also know that even though I have weighed less than I do now, my body is a better shape and has more tone than it ever has done - even when I was a UK8!

    So I think that I'll be at the size (and shape) I want to be at a higher weight than I have been before - i.e. I'll be a UK 10 (my target size) at a higher weight than the last time I was that size - AND I'll look better, because I've been working out and losing inches and shaping my body.
  • Valechka
    for me it is about size and also it is about how I look naked :)) : I want my body to look toned and healthy. Once due to lots of stress I went down to low weight, and it did not really look great naked, bare bones you know are not really sexy
  • ginique
    ginique Posts: 49 Member
    I just want to look good naked. ;)

    Hahaha, that's my goal as well. Whatever size/weight that is, I'll take it! :)
  • Losin_N_2018
    Losin_N_2018 Posts: 24 Member
    I figure the smaller the number on the scale means your getting closer to the size you want to be. For me I need to drop the numbers to get to my goal of fitting into some of my jeans.
  • ostar8433
    Definitely more concerned about size than weight. I'm currently around a size 20 depending on the brand...so maybe a size 10 or 12?

  • poseidon9447
    I have set my goal as a weight but it is really a combination of the two. When I lose the weight I should be my desired size also (that is not set in stone). I take and record my measurements on weigh in day. The inches gone mean more then the scale does for reinforcing my goal. When I see that I have lost in my waist it is a better feeling then seeing a pound gone on the scale. But I enjoy both, my measurements are how others see me, my weight is how I see myself.
  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member
    Definitely size!

    I hardly care about how much I weigh. I'd like to be under 160, but I'm not sure when that will happen. Ideally I'd like to be a size 10 or less.
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    That is a personal preference.
  • pvtnick
    pvtnick Posts: 18 Member
    I'm more focused on clothing size because I have a pretty solid build. Most people I know who wear the same size clothes as I do weigh 10-15 lbs less :-(
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    For me its both really. My weight goals are based on fitting into my old colthes confortably. I want to be back to a size 6-8 but I know when I'm back down to 114lbs that I will be that size.
  • ahadj
    ahadj Posts: 257 Member
    I want for my tummy not to stick out. It doesn't have to be 6-pack abs or anything, just (more or less) flat.
    My goal weight is just a guess.
  • nikkizmom1962
    nikkizmom1962 Posts: 93 Member
    I don't focus on the numbers on the scale just the numbers on the size tag.
  • LisaMarieee
    LisaMarieee Posts: 176 Member
    I focus on how my body looks, not a certain number on the scale.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Size is more important to me; not weight.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    I think your ultimate goal should come down to the mirror. Almost everyone underestimates the amount of fat on the body and overestimates the amount of muscle they have. This results in 90%+ of the population having to go much lower on the scales than they ever thought they'd need to to achieve real leanness.

    I am talking about 10% body fat/6pack abs for guys, and mid to upper teens for women. Then you add in the fact that most people on here are cardio bunnies and lose a ton of muscle mass due to extreme deficits/inproper protein intake/ and not lifting weights and you have the recipe for many people becoming skinny fat.

    In the end, diet properly. Let the mirror be your judge.
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    (Sorry if this is a repost, I didn't read everyone's answers...)

    I have learned that personally it is what ever works for you and what ever keeps you motivated. I set a number goal at first and then when I got to it I realized that I was still unhappy with parts of my body and wasn't in to the size that I thought I would be.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    my current goal is a 34 in. waist so i can buy a lolita dress...