I dont eat my exercise calories...



  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Eh... I think this thread drives everyone nuts... it does for me anyways!

    Some high calorie snacks that are good for you? Nuts! You'd be surprised how much a handful of almonds can add, but it's healthy! Um... it's hard because I have no problem eating enough lol. Maybe try drinking more milk, eating more fruit, etc. Snacking is often considered taboo, but I find that it helps me portion my other meals better and I try to make the snacks healthy. A high fibre muffin with peanut butter, a hard boiled egg. I often have a mid-morning snack and an afternoon snack.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I eat some of the back, usually not all of them. MFP says for me to eat 1230. That doesn't seem like enough if put in an intense work out. So I eat a little more, but I don't force myself to eat them all back. When I didn't eat them back at all I felt blah and didn't lose any weight. I was putting in 400-600 calorie burning work outs a day at that time and trying to fend off 1200 calories
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Thanks for all your advice guys. I'm not sure how I was being defensive towards anyone though? I'm sorry if anyone was insulted with me saying it was pointless to eat back your calories, but that's how i feel, I understand that the program is meant for you to eat them back, but it just seems that way for people like me who are trying to cut over 100lbs of fat. But again, If i sounded defensive, I definitely didn't mean for it to come out that way.

    I'm just very confused with so many differing opinions about this subject. Maybe i should have never asked. This whole thing is frustrating me. I tend to stress out about a lot of things very easily, and i tend to have a lot of anxiety when it comes to certain things. I am having a lot of anxiety and stress with school right now (and it's only the 2nd week) And now i guess i feel overwhelmed by all this advice I am getting.

    But I really appreciate you guys taking the time to give me the advice, and sharing what has worked with you. With all these answers, i found that most people say...yes eat them back, but if you have a lot of fat to lose, then no (and i definitely have a lot of fat to lose).....or people say yes, eat them all......

    I have decided that I will try and eat all my calories back. And also, i want to clear something up. I don't sit there and say "oh, well i burned 600 calories today, so i can't eat any of them at all" If i want something else like drink or a snack, i will dip into those extra calories, I meant to say i don't eat them ALL, as in every last one, but i will dip into them if I want to. Look at my diaries....sometimes i do have a lot left over, sometimes I don't...I have a Dr. appointment at the end of the month. I will ask her opinion about this as well. Seems best to ask a doctor, right? I will explain to her how MFP gives you a calorie deficit of 500 already so she knows.

    Anyone have any suggestions of how i can get over 2000 calories, the healthy way? Earlier, someone mentioned peanut butter....I ate some peanut butter on a wrap earlier and it was only 280 calories....anything else? I will buy some protein bars at the store....can't think of anything else really...

    I don't think you were defensive at all, you were very respectful in your posts. It's just a hot button topic, and people really do want others to be successful and healthy. It gets especially sensitive if people talk about going under 1200 consistently. It's important to at least make sure you are NETTING 1200 a day minimum just to get nutrition you need. Beyond that, sure, you can play with how many calories you eat back to see what balance works for you. For instance, I just used my HRM for the first time and found that MFP was overestimating my calories burned - but that is exactly why I would mostly leave about 100 left over - to account for inaccuracy, now I can be more accurate in my counts. I would ask your doctor - but remember that doctors are not schooled in nutrition, so they can only offer general advice - dietitians are the ones who are best to ask, but I know I certainly don't have access to one. Also, what is your weight loss set at? If you are set at 2 pounds a week, that actually means that MFP is already giving you a 1000 calorie daily deficit (you need a weekly 3500 deficit to lose one pound, sp that gives you 7000). So that's important, too, because then you are already starting at 1000 daily deficit which is a lot, then exercising adds to that deficit. Read the links up there that I sent, one of them has links to several others. Ladyhawk posted them - I believe she's a mod here - and she has been successful and has some great knowledge to share, so I always pay attention to her posts. I'm pretty sure one of them addresses how the heavier you are the longer you can get away with a larger deficit, but then there can still be health consequences. I just want to say again that I really don't think it's about people trying to tell you this is right and this is wrong in terms of there's only one way to do this and you have to do what I say, but I really think it's more about being concerned that people are at least being healthy with their food intake so they don't create other health issues in the long run after they have lost weight.

    Edit: I just wanted to add that the first 35 pounds I lost were super easy for me without having worry about counting every little calorie - that's why it can be important to make sure you are getting the minimal nutrition you need, because that initial weight can come off really easily while you're undereating and thinking you're not hungry and all that and it's working so why bother with making sure I eat my exercise cals all the time. Once you drop that, it gets harder and you have to adjust more things. I am trying to find the balance within my exercise cals that will work for me. So it really isn't eat them ALL back for everyone, but eat some of them back to make sure you are fueling your body properly while not overeating or undernourishing.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Thanks for all your advice guys. I'm not sure how I was being defensive towards anyone though? I'm sorry if anyone was insulted with me saying it was pointless to eat back your calories, but that's how i feel, I understand that the program is meant for you to eat them back, but it just seems that way for people like me who are trying to cut over 100lbs of fat. But again, If i sounded defensive, I definitely didn't mean for it to come out that way.

    I'm just very confused with so many differing opinions about this subject. Maybe i should have never asked. This whole thing is frustrating me. I tend to stress out about a lot of things very easily, and i tend to have a lot of anxiety when it comes to certain things. I am having a lot of anxiety and stress with school right now (and it's only the 2nd week) And now i guess i feel overwhelmed by all this advice I am getting.

    But I really appreciate you guys taking the time to give me the advice, and sharing what has worked with you. With all these answers, i found that most people say...yes eat them back, but if you have a lot of fat to lose, then no (and i definitely have a lot of fat to lose).....or people say yes, eat them all......

    I have decided that I will try and eat all my calories back. And also, i want to clear something up. I don't sit there and say "oh, well i burned 600 calories today, so i can't eat any of them at all" If i want something else like drink or a snack, i will dip into those extra calories, I meant to say i don't eat them ALL, as in every last one, but i will dip into them if I want to. Look at my diaries....sometimes i do have a lot left over, sometimes I don't...I have a Dr. appointment at the end of the month. I will ask her opinion about this as well. Seems best to ask a doctor, right? I will explain to her how MFP gives you a calorie deficit of 500 already so she knows.

    Anyone have any suggestions of how i can get over 2000 calories, the healthy way? Earlier, someone mentioned peanut butter....I ate some peanut butter on a wrap earlier and it was only 280 calories....anything else? I will buy some protein bars at the store....can't think of anything else really...

    In your case it's not vital that you replace all of them, particularly if you have your loss per week goal set at 1 lb per week. In general, in your situation, you just want to make sure your deficit isn't more than about 1000 a day, maybe 1500 occasionally. If you try to make sure your NET (on home page) is at least 1200, you should be ok.

    As for how to increase cals in a healthy way, planning is key. Focus on balanced macros (protein/fat/carbs) in each meal/snack. Gradually increase the amount of cals in each meal/snack. Just 50 cals more for each meal/snack adds up. If you know you'll be working out, increase cals throughout the day.

    If you're not feeling hungry, a good way to increase cals without much volume is healthy fats from natural oils (olive/canola), nuts and nut butters (almonds, pistachios, walnuts), and avocados. Also, I would stay away from "low cal" or "low fat" options. Partly because you want to increase cals, and partly because those foods are usually processed and not nutrient dense, and the cals or fat they take out is replaced by sugar (real or substitute) and sodium - not a good trade off. A fruit smoothie, protein shake or chocolate milk are good cal boosters, because drinking cals can be easier than eating when you aren't feeling hungry.

    Typically, it may be hard for a few days or a week, but your body will adjust to the increased intake and you'll find it isn't an issue for long. Eating more (healthy food) will truly help your metabolism and give you enough energy to really get the most out of your workouts, and your appetite will increase with it.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Aww thanks, Veganbaum :blushing:
  • vannie18

    dont set so many rules for your self, or you will find yourself wanting to break them.

    I agree 100% with you!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    people keep saying "There's NO WAY i want to eat that many calories! Shockingly enough, sometimes I have trouble eating 1400 calories" hate to break it to you, but the reason we are all here is because we have been eating way more than that for a long time..............

    What about the people are that here because they didn't eat enough and went into "starvation" conservation mode? Or those with eating disorders?

    As others have said, if you have a ton of weight to lose, you can stand to have a larger deficit than someone who has 10 pounds to lose because you have plenty of reserve energy stored for your body to use. In many cases, not eating enough to fuel your body can cause your body to hold on to fat harder because it feels like it needs to build up a store of energy if you aren't going to feed it enough.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I'm not drunk enough to deal with this so I'll just say, "PANTS!!"
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I was going to say this is one of the more sensible discussions I've seen on this topic in a while!
  • RichardCh
    I dont eat my exercise cal and it been working for me fine. I found it hasn't effective me negatively and I haven't ever felt a lack of energy people here may be right when I get close to my goal may need to eat some of them but so far no
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    I dont eat my calories back, but I know they are there for me for days like celebrations and such for when I want to eat a bit more, but still maintain weight loss
  • mel128
    mel128 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I also hesitate to eat my exercise calories back. Well done!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I don't eat back all my exercise calories but try to make sure my NET is at least 1200.
  • DoncasterPhotography


    Anyone have any suggestions of how i can get over 2000 calories, the healthy way? ...can't think of anything else really...

    Plan better. Simples.

    I suspect that many of the "i can't eat xxx cals back if im not hungry" posters, go through their daily routine, breakfast, walk, snack, gym, lunch, jog, dinner, 30ds... then get to 9pm and look at their MFP log and think "ffs i've now gotta try and stuff 2000 cals in".

    2000 cals is nothing! Try loading up 8000cals per day EVERY DAY!

    In my late teens I weighed in at just under 18st.... a GOOD 18st given i only had a 32" waist :o)

    Competative bodybuilding requires massive amounts of cals to fuel and feed the body and the only way to give your body the correct nutrients and fuel levels it needs to "run" at these levels is to PLAN.

    So if you know, at 730am when your alarm clock raises you from your slumber, that you're going to be hitting the gym, make sure that you've planned your food day to incorporate your cals.

    You wouldnt set off on a 700 mile car drive with only 2 litres of petrol in the tank thinking "i'll fill up when I get there" would ya?
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    if youve got a lot to lose, its not particularly important to eat them back as youve got a lot of fat stores to keep you going.
    Once your BMI comes right down, youll probably find you need more for basic energy.

    I dont log consistently so i dont know for sure, but i do eat more on the days i exercise and often the day after a long run im more hungry too, and i listen to my body. If i dont eat exercise calories, i feel weak and achey
  • Scoobies87
    Neither do I, unless I'm feeling hungry. If I'm not, I won't eat.

    Me too. There is no point in eating when I am not hungry. In fact the other night I did a workout then had dinner shortly after. I was so stuffed after dinner that I couldn't eat the snacks I had planned to in the evening, thus making me way under my calorie goal. There was NO WAY I was going to force more food down me just to meet a number.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I didn't eat mine to start with, or at least, not all of them. Of course you will lose weight not eating them, but you will also lose with eating them. I have to eat mine now to stay sane, I am far too hungry on 1500 (maintenance). I need those extras!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    if youve got a lot to lose, its not particularly important to eat them back as youve got a lot of fat stores to keep you going.
    Once your BMI comes right down, youll probably find you need more for basic energy.

    I dont log consistently so i dont know for sure, but i do eat more on the days i exercise and often the day after a long run im more hungry too, and i listen to my body. If i dont eat exercise calories, i feel weak and achey

    Same. I also find if I don't eat enough my running really suffers. I moved up to maintenance from half a lb loss after noticing my 10k time getting worse and worse, despite my training. Now I am back to times I am happy with.
  • Scoobies87
    i dont eat my calories back. but i dont not eat them either.

    if i want something to eat / drink, and my calories are green, then i go for it. if they arent then i dont. this is the same whether i have excersised or not.

    so this means that some days i might eat them back, and other days i wont.

    dont set so many rules for your self, or you will find yourself wanting to break them.

    I LOVE this!
  • juggalotus
    Neither do I, unless I'm feeling hungry. If I'm not, I won't eat.

    Me too. There is no point in eating when I am not hungry. In fact the other night I did a workout then had dinner shortly after. I was so stuffed after dinner that I couldn't eat the snacks I had planned to in the evening, thus making me way under my calorie goal. There was NO WAY I was going to force more food down me just to meet a number.

    I totally agree with you on that! That's my issue sometimes...If I am x amount of calories short...I'm not going to sit there and eat x amount of calories when I am already full from dinner/snack or whatever. That's what I used to do, and I don't want to go back to it. If I am not hungry, I am not going to eat! I'm not starving myself, I am having success doing what I am doing and i have seen a lot of people on here and in previous threads saying that they don't eat their calories and they're maintaining, or still losing. So I am going to keep doing what I am doing and if something stops working, i will change it...gradually.