Surgery or Not?



  • TazzyDB
    TazzyDB Posts: 224
    The choice is between you and your doctor... but try doing it on your own first. Since you used to be smaller, you know you can do it. And you've got all of us to help you....

    Either way, we are here to support you!
  • Jeliica
    For the people who said they had friends who gained back the weight with the WLS, first off, how do we gain weight? By eating the wrong foods.

    You can have a lapband and still cheat. It just something to help you with portion control, you still have to do the work of working out and eating properly.

    So you personally have to do the work, go see a specialist, talk, meet others in support groups, get informative, research. Meet a nutritionist. I did that and I did a regular diet and lost 20 pounds in 3 weeks, but struggled to keep it off. So I ended up doing WLS, and now I'm only a couple days in from it, but I already am making changes, looking up smarter food recipes, and taking care of myself. Things I personally struggled with.

    Only person who can make this decision is you. Good luck!