Name one thing you like about yourself.

HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
I had a meeting with my counselor at school today, and she told me something interesting that I never thought to do. Keep a journal, and each day, write one thing you like about yourself. It could be anything.

Something I like about myself is my ability to care for others. I care about my fiance, friends, and family much more than I care about myself.


  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    When I read the title, the first thing that came to mind was exactly what you said. I care about EVERYONE before myself, I'm an incredibly caring person.
  • alischaid
    alischaid Posts: 46 Member
    I like my ability to make quick decisive decisions.
  • ocnldy
    ocnldy Posts: 123 Member
    That I'm never to proud to be silly.
  • beach_bum_gurl
    I have always liked my eyes...they are blue~ and with great depth~

    Since losing weight, I really love my collarbones. I now realize that I HAVE them, and man, are they sexy : )

    On a serious note, I like that I am a nurse. Nursing is an art and a science, and I blend them together well to help humanity in crises~
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    I like that I'm very organized and methodical. It makes a crazy life seem a little less crazy.

    Oh, and I really love my hair. I get compliments a lot on the color and the length so it's kind of a self-esteem booster. :)
  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    I have always my eyes...they are blue~

    Since losing weight, I really love my collarbones. I now realize that I HAVE them, and man, are they sexy : )

    On a serious note, I like that I am a nurse. Nursing is an art and a science, and I blend them together well to help humanity in crises~

    I have blue eyes too. :)
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    I like that im handy. :) I love to fix things!
  • anniefooz
    anniefooz Posts: 4 Member
    I like my ability to have fun and bring people together.
  • PS5253
    i like this idea :D

    i also thought about keeping a journal of all the "good" things i've done for my health during the day, so i can really reflect on what a difference i'm making. (i.e. went to the mall today-walked past auntie ann's pretzels, baskin robbins, starbucks, and yocream without stopping) it's little things like that that matter :) it's more difficult that i thought it was going to be :/

    Oh, && i like my hair. It's always been my staple. Long blonde wavy hair with a little bit of dark roots showing. :)

  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    I like that I care about others so much, but I also like that I am doing something with my life besides staying home all day and I'm loving it. I also love that I am much more confident and not in my shell so much anymore.

    I also really like my hair color and playing with hair. I can't help but want to play with other people's hair anymore.
  • 99Tinkerbell
    That I am a teacher and my students are amazing people. They all are different and add so much to my life! They are great and I treasure them. I teach adult education Professional Medical Assistant at a Technical school and LOVE my job. It just that they feed us too well and that's why I'm here anyone in the Medical field knows we all usually eat TOO much :huh:
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    That I'm a laid-back person who loves to dance & partyyyyy! :drinker: Well as for my assets, I love my eyes & butt :tongue:
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    I like that I tell good stories, especially 'dirty' ones - - hee hee
    i love my eyes. but more then that i love the love that i have to offer. its such an amazing love.
  • MrsPhan11
    MrsPhan11 Posts: 2,502 Member
    I love that am able to find the positive in any situation and I am a great conversationalist and can make anyone feel at ease. As for physical attributes, I like my butt and the dimples I have in my chin.
  • veggiemuncher12
    veggiemuncher12 Posts: 93 Member
    I will go WAY out of my way to help anyone I can..
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I like my eyes. For some reason my eyelashes are growing like crazy, or just appear to be! I also like to make people laugh, sometimes at my own expense.

    I have kept a journal for YEARS! I tell everybody that a Bic pen & a pad of paper is cheaper then any shrink! I don't keep them anymore though. Now when I write, I shred. Destroy all evidence! I would hurt alot of people if they heard my rants! I write it all out, then it's done & I feel better.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    care about others first, am OCD. But, I am most proud of my determination to push myself both physically and mentally to do something I never thought I would do and enter a Ms. Fitness Bikini Competition.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I love the way my kids turned out to be great young adults
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    That I'm cute and adorable when I want to be.....