I need a good kick in the pants!



  • I agree with one of the other people who posted, you need some form of exercise that you enjoy. If you have that then it doesnt seem like work and you will loose weight without even thinking about it. Personally I like cycling because you can get out and experience the outdoors in a fun and exploring way and also it burns crazy calories, for two and a half hours I burn about 1400 calories. Good luck!
  • kiwipez
    kiwipez Posts: 144
    Give yourself half an hour to write down why you started in the first place, health reasons, clothes family etc. Write down why you liked being 25lb lighter -

    Great advice - I need to do that.
    Thank you!
  • kiwipez
    kiwipez Posts: 144
    THANK YOU ALL for the kick in the pants and all the great ideas.
    I really needed an attitude adjustment and you all stepped up and let me have it!

    This is why I love MFP - I have not been logging in and I can see it is part of my problem.

    Lighter days are coming!

  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    this has happened to me about 3 major times, where I gained all the weight I lost. Now I tell myself, I don't want to lose all the time and hard work I put in losing X amount of weight.

    MFP has really helped me stay focused when I fall off the wagon.
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    I have fallen (off the wagon) and I can't get up! I have found myself going back to my horrible food habits. Too much fast food, sugar cravings, no willpower, binging. I have put on about 7 pounds since the beginning of July. I just can't seem to get it together. I have no skills to manage my stress other than eating. Exercise is the first thing to go out the window, then the bad food habits creep back in. HELP!

    Oh my goodness! You have to get back on! Look how far you've come!!! I was down 30 lbs last year & moved back home from Missouri. Our kitchen wasn't set up, so we ate out a lot, plus moving is just stressful! So between October of 2010 and June, I gained all but three (3!) of those pounds back!

    I beg you... PLEASE don't do that to yourself! Otherwise, you'll be sitting there this time next year thinking "AH!!! I could have been at my goal weight!!!" Kinda like I am right now.

    You've worked way to hard to let it go, and the older we get, the harder it is to get it off. I can tell such a huge difference in how I'm losing the weight this time, and that's in just a years time.

    I'm telling you this because I so wish someone had told me... just walk away from the goodies. Just decide within yourself that you will stop and you will make it to your goal. You're SO close!
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    I read some but not all of the other post, so if I repeat...sorry. ~~~KICK~~~ Hey, today is a new day right? Everyday you wake up on this side of the flower bed is going to be an awesome one. I found that logging on here everyday and reading so many peoples ups and downs, and how much everyone encourages each other, really helps. I am competitive by nature, and if they can do it so can I. I have cheat days. I still log all my food and beverages on Friday and Saturday, I try not to go over too much, but with a family of 7 sometimes you just have to join in. Then back on track Sunday thru Thursday. I may be losing a little slower than some others, but I will get there. Keep your chin up buttercup and everything will always work out how it is suppose to. Your post for a kick in the butt is a great start!! Happy day!
  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    Have you ever considered getting yourself a punching bag and a great dance video? The endorphins probably do more for stress than almost anything else. Dance around that punching bag and punch it over and over. Then, turn on your favorite driving-beat music and DANCE. I think that you'd find that you felt MUCH better, stress-wise, and then, you could lose the desire to deal with it with food. That's just a suggestion. You've done it, before. You remember how much better you felt. If you make the little step of getting back ON the bandwagon, that will be one LESS source of stress and guilt, right?
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