where were you at on 9-11 ?



  • 2dayirun4me
    2dayirun4me Posts: 336 Member
    i was in Minnesota on business. i pulled into the parking lot of the company i was visiting and was listening to the radio when the news broke. I also thought the first plane was an accident but when the second one hit i knew it was an attack. I will never forget how quiet it was outside with no planes flying over head.
  • KiteGirl83
    My first week of school at the U of Scranton. I was in a theology class (required for Jesuit schools) and remember thinking first that it was a joke, and then an accident. It didn't occur to me that someone would do that purposefully. I returned to the dorm to find out that my new roommate's dad was in the Pentagon. She didn't hear from him for 4 days. It was really scary, especially in a school with tons of kids whose parents worked and lived in the city.
  • henney16
    Sophomore year in college, driving to my first class I heard it on the radio. They ended up canceling school, but a couple hundred of us were watching it all unfold in the student center on tv. Remember it like it was yesterday.
  • undermajorconstruction
    I was in my bed asleep...as I had gotten off from graveyard shift (11pm-7am). My phone was ringing off the hook. I just kept hitting ignore. Finally I checked my voicemail. I could barely understand the messages bc everyone sounded frantic. When I realized what was going on, I was sooo scared. Those images! I felt helpless watching all of it. I saw the second plane and just lost it..
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    Going to school (West Coast). Was crazy, spent all day watching news on TV.
  • jalmond27
    I was sitting in yearbook class as a junior in high school. I remember them coming in our class and just turning on the tv and leaving not saying nothing. I watched the 9/11 deal last night and remember even seeing live the second plane crashing into the wtc. About two years later I decided to join the army. I Still wish I could have went over there to fight but I got hurt before I could leave the training to go.
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
    I was in the fifth grade, and didn't really understand what the hell was going on. Stuff like that happened only in the movies, in other countries, not a place that I lived 20 minutes away from by train and that I visited many times and could see from my freaking window. I remember all the parents coming to pick their children up from school, everyone crying, the terrified yet empty expressions of the adults faces. People couldn't accept what happened, nobody wanted to believe it, and with good reason. Mostly I remember my aunt telling how she had to walk through a part near there to get on the bridge back to Brooklyn because all the trains were shut down, and she was choking and crying while talking. I've never seen her like that, and it scared the **** out of me. It's too much pain to handle. Fng *kitten*.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    That day my then husband and I were asleep...it was about 8am or so our time...I think the towers had already collapsed and we did see one of the adjacent buildings fall. We were living with my parents at the time and my mother came in and woke us up, she was holding our son, so we thought he was sick (he was 6 months old). I remember going to my in laws house to watch TV....it was scary.
    I remember all I did the next few days was watch the news...all day....it just didn't seem real.
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    You know what is quite ironic is 9-11 is my anniversary with my partner. We have been together for 10 years! Even though it is such a sad day for America.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    It was my senior year in high school. Was outdoors for gym class, so didn't know about it till walking to next class and all the buzz in the hallway about it. spent the rest of the day at school watching coverage. tragic event. we will never forget.
  • CindyWarner
    I was in my bed asleep...as I had gotten off from graveyard shift (11pm-7am). My phone was ringing off the hook. I just kept hitting ignore. Finally I checked my voicemail. I could barely understand the messages bc everyone sounded frantic. When I realized what was going on, I was sooo scared. Those images! I felt helpless watching all of it. I saw the second plane and just lost it..

    I was on the graveyard shift too. But when I'm on that shift I turn the phone on silence so it does not wake me up. I found out later what happened about 10PM.

    I know there are specials here on Sunday. I'm going to avoid watching the TV. I'm too upset about the people dieing even though it's been 10 years. In another 10 years I might be able to watch them.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I was in Culinary class (10th grade) and at first I thought that it was an accident...then when second tower was hit panic shot through my body. We watched live coverage of the second tower and then them collapsing. My second thought was that my soon to be brother in law would be deployed. I knew that if this really was an assault on the US that we as a nation would find out everything about who attacked us and make them pay. My now ex BIL is still serving in the military (he was deployed to Afgahnistan for 2 years). As a result of 9/11 I currently have 19 friends that are/were members of the military in all branches. Currently I have friends in Japan, Korea, Afgahnistan, Iraq, and Kuwait and 3 more waiting to deploy again. Many of these men and women are on their 3-4 tours of duty. I have a degree in criminal justice and would love to use it, 9/11 inspired me to be a better person because we never know how long we have. We can become healthy, gain fortune, and have the 'perfect American life'...but we don't know when it will end and it may not be fully lived. We may not die at the ripe old age of 100, but at any moment in a freak accident. 9/11 was and is an event that will touch our nations for generations to come...we must never forget.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I was at work. I worked tech support at a phone cable and internet company. A caller told me to turn on the tv just as they went love with the first plane. At first I didnt get what was happening at all. I just thought it was an accident. Then, the second plane hit. Internet was down or slow and people couldnt reach loved ones so our phones started ringing off the hook. People were so angry and scared....
  • Lmaxwell
    Lmaxwell Posts: 42 Member
    I was working as a telephone operator for a beeper company on Long Island. I received a call & the message I was to type was" A plane just flew into the twin towers." I sent the message out & when I turned to tell my supervisor, almost every other operator said they got a similar call. Soon after that our service went down, so we sat in the bosses office & watched it all on TV. I watched when I got home and for the following weeks. Not only are the images engraved in my mind, but also the complete silence in the air when all air traffic was halted. God bless the families of those who lost someone on that day & ever since.
  • Sissy4EverX3
    I had worked 2nd shift the night before and was up until 4am. My then soon-to-be-husband (and now soon-to-be-ex) and I were still sleeping when our phone rang at o'dark thirty for us.. (which was like 8:30ish). It was my mother, all in a frantic, telling me to turn on the tv. She wouldn't tell me why, so I stumbled around until I flipped on the channel she told me to and I saw the plane hit the 2nd tower. I didn't know what the buildings were, where they were or ANYTHING.. but I knew it was big and I hollered for my husband, and sat down on the floor and cried. He came running in, sat down next to me, and we were glued for days..
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    hospital, just having given birth to my 2nd child a few hours before.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I was in my bed asleep...as I had gotten off from graveyard shift (11pm-7am). My phone was ringing off the hook. I just kept hitting ignore. Finally I checked my voicemail. I could barely understand the messages bc everyone sounded frantic. When I realized what was going on, I was sooo scared. Those images! I felt helpless watching all of it. I saw the second plane and just lost it..

    I was on the graveyard shift too. But when I'm on that shift I turn the phone on silence so it does not wake me up. I found out later what happened about 10PM.

    I know there are specials here on Sunday. I'm going to avoid watching the TV. I'm too upset about the people dieing even though it's been 10 years. In another 10 years I might be able to watch them.
    I understand what you mean...I saw a special on PBS and some families do not like the memorial in NY and they don't feel any support or true memorialization of their loved one. I felt so heartbroken listening to them. My greatest wish is some ease of pain and peace that is beyond our human understand for them. I think we should respect them and their wishes for Sunday.
    Continued blessing and peace joy love and honor to you all.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Frosh week, first year of University. Rogers was backed up installing cable in the dorms and I quoted on Sept 10th that the president is going to get shot and we're going to miss it! (not a joking matter but I needed my TV!) And then 911 happened, I heard it on the radio and was wondering why "they" took down the towers, they're weren’t old enough to be scheduled for demolition were they? - that was my first thought/understanding.

    - Canadian.
  • SweetTayta
    SweetTayta Posts: 19 Member
    I actually remember it like it was 2day I was on my lunch break myself & a Co worker walking to grocery store that services hot lunches, when we walked in the whole store was quit even though it was really busy it was ppl were stuck where they stood and the radio playing over the store's intercom that's how I found out so sad bless God and be with our country and all it's people