**CLOSED** Skinny Chics & A Rooster **CLOSED**

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: CLOSED GROUP :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


Welcome to a new thread - everyone should have received a personal email through MFP with an invitation to join us here! This is a group thread designed to be a place of care, support, accountability, laughter, fun, joy, gratitude, celebration and love! We are on this journey, and while we each have our own path, it is by joining and allowing others to join us, that we truly can know the beauty in ourselves and that surround us.

This new thread will be a smaller, more select group. Our goal is to truly get to know one another so that we can help to celebrate the accomplishments, acknowledge the challenges and shoulder the hurt and fears. We can only do this by keeping our group smaller versus larger. This will enable each of us to develop true relationships and friendships with each other! It is a group for each of us to feel that it is our own... and while we hope that this will prove to be a wonderful group, we will support each other on their journeys - even if that means going down a path without the rest of our little "family." And, if there are members that you would like to bring into our family - you are welcome to do so. However, please remember that our goal is to be a small enough group to continue to really know one another... yet, with every family there will be ebbs and flows, and part of our growth is to bring in new things and people to our hearts!

Welcome! Thank you for coming... I hope that we each find the support that we are hoping for and can give the best to each other because that is exactly what each of us deserve -- THE BEST!! Welcome!

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    How could I not show up for this party? I mean this is like my very own mini bus with a Wombat sanctioned hot tub and massage pad table with a hammock and chew toys... c'mon?

    *rolls over and over in the multi colored ball pit till she gets comfy*

    Oh yeah... yeah this will do...

    *takes a nice nap*


  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    LOL... Thanks Cyndi -- made me feel better already!

    THANKS to all who helped with the ideas and discussion both on the previous thread and via posts/emails. I am really, really, REALLY excited to see if we can get back to where we were at our prime -- and then even more!

    Honestly, I am soooooo tired! I just sent out 17 personal messages for the thread, plus me makes 18. I think that was about what our goal was for getting this started...

    Feel free to do whatever introduction to yourself that you want... most of us know each other through the other/previous thread. Please, remember, that you are still welcome to be a part of any thread you wish. No hard feelings if this doesn't turn out to be your cup of tea. Happy for the 100+ group thread if you continue to be a part of that in addition to this.

  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    Thank you for inviting me, I feel so special considering I am a relative newby to the previous thread.:smile:
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    It's an invitation I can't refuse, you are my support group!! And I love the way you've kitted out the van! I see an opening on wii zumba dance floor beside Becky and am going to go join in!
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    *the Ativan enhanced Wombat begins to wiggle happily in the ball pit to the sound of the happy music*

    I know I just woke up ,but I think it's nap time agan I'm having problems typing... again took 5 tries an ti stll not rigth... hmmm
    okay... ball pit boogie nap, yes... yes... *doosh*dooosh*doosh*dooosh*zzzzz*
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Ok, I'm here...let the party begin!!!

    Hey..........is that a ball pit???? Move your *kitten* over, Wolfie!

    Time to get comfy and wait for the rest to join us :-)

    Thanks for the invite, Becky!
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Good morning! (Or night depending on where you are at)

    **looks around the room* Hot tub? Ball Pit? Zumba? Friends? I know I will bring the music! *Turns on the radio* What music do you all want to listen to? :wink:

    Woohoo! Let's get this party started!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    All right, heading out to the Race and hubbie is taking the camera for pics. Talk to you laters!
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    I'm here, I made it! Thank you for inviting this lowly rooster to your clearly deluxe hen house! I think we should have a secret handshake....or secret milkshake....one with no calories! Now, that would be AWESOME!
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    CANNONBALL!!!!!! Oops, hope I didn't land on anyone! I am loving this ball pit!

    Yay! I am super excited that we got this going! I know that we will get super close...kinda like a slumber party!

    Well, I am not sure who is all on here, but I think there might be a couple people that don't really "know" me, so let me formally introduce myself...drum rolll......:wink:

    My name is Lexie, and I currently live in Tennessee. I have been married to my husband for 3 years (dated for 7 years before that), and we have 2 sons, 8 and 4, and a nephew who we are trying to adopt who is 12. My husband is in the army and recently came home in April from a year-long deployment. I am a high school math teacher, and I have been teaching for over 12 years in 4 different states. I actually taught with Mrs. Bobbie (K2Quire) for 3+ years in NC, and it was just by chance that we ran into each other on here. I have been on this weight loss journey for a little over a year. I have had my ups and my downs, but I am not giving up! I may be slow at times and get a little lost (this will be fun getting lost in the ball pit), but I always make it back on the track and continue to find my way. I am so glad that we have this closed group so we can get to know each other more and know that we are surrounded by those that truly care about us and want to see us succeed! YES! I am loving this!!!!
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Thank you for the invite!! I feel special :) I think great minds think alike and this was an AWESOME idea!! Now, I can truly promise to check in more....and be more personal, like I was before. The other thread was TOO busy and harder to keep up with...

    An introduction for those who came in after I slowly faded away (lol)...... I'm Lane. I am a 30yr old single mom to the best 3yo lil man EVER!!! I am a 9-1-1 telecommunicator, it is crazy but I guess I love craziness ;) I live in central NC.....

    Today is my 4 month "anniversary" of my weight loss journey/healthier lifestyle!!!!

    Look forward to reconnecting with you guys and connecting with the newer peeps!!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hmmm...I guess I missed the memo that said reintroduce ourselves...normally when I walk into a party I just shake hands, give hugs, and kiss cheeks.

    Good morning everyone, my name is Bobbie and I'm a "holic"...oh, wait...wrong meeting. Anyway, I really am Bobbie. I'm a licensed teacher of English, Spanish, and Reading, but I'm not in the classroom this year, as I'm trying to help other teachers. I've been on this weight roller coaster since I was young, and after all the climbing, I have finally made it to the top of the hill so I can start the downward spiral. The fortunate thing for this ride is that there are no more climbs once I hit bottom this time! I live in NC (where Lexie and I worked together), but I'm originally from NJ. I have twin daughters who are freshman in college. I'm not married, although there is someone who is working very hard to talk me into it :wink: I may just let him win :love:

    I guess if there's anything else you'd like to know, just ask...I'm never good with these talk about yourself things :blushing:
  • simplysara9
    Move Over Chicks and a Rooster, I am jumping in too!

    Thanks for the invite Becky! I appreciate it.

    A little about myself... As you can see from my screen name my name is Sara! I am 23 years old and have been married for just over two years to an amazing man. I have been large all of life. When I was 16 my family went through some major drama which ended with some jail time and move 1200 miles away after that family member was released. Moving to Florida was supposed to be a new start for the family -- no one knew us, no one knew the story and the town wouldn't be talking about our family. Well, moving 1,200 miles away at the age of 16 is rough on a kid. Half way through high school with no friends... not an easy thing. I turned to food to comfort me because I was lonely. I know when I was 15-16 I weighed around 175 - 180 which was still large on my 5 foot 2 frame but from 16 - 22 I gained almost 100 pounds and ended up around 270! During the 5-6 years I knew I was getting larger, my pants were getting a little tighter so I would buy a new size, but I never really thought anything of it. Well fast forward to age 21, I get married and the next year (exactly 1 year after our anniversary) I am pregnant. I had some complications early on and lost the baby at almost 10 weeks gestation. It was definitely hard on me and again I turned to food. I was in a state of depression for a good 6 months after losing the baby. I decided on January 1, 2011 that I needed to make a lifestyle change. I joined the YMCA and started eating better. I have been working out and eating better on and off for the past 9 months but have only lost about 10 pounds. I feel much better about myself and have a lot more energy but I was told that I need to step it up and start losing the weight by my doctor. So here I am today, still trying to lose weight and still working out. I know this is a lifestyle change and I need to change these things for my future. I am glad that I found this group because you have been here for me the past couple of months with my ups and downs and I am not sure where I would have turned, probably to food, without you all!

    and now I feel like Cynthia with my uber long post! At least it's not a full novel, we can call it a novella:laugh:
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi my name is Bonnie I know I have not been an open books so most of your really don't know me so here goes.I am 34 and a have 5 children, I started to gain weight around the time I was 12 about a year after puberty hit. By the time I was 14 I was around 180. My doctor put me on a diet and to my dismay I did not lose a ounce.I decided that I would bike or walk to school instead of taking a bus that small change resulted in me losing 10 pounds I felt great.At 17 I had my first baby and gain 35lbs which I lost with the exception of 10lbs. I got married at 18 and had baby#2 at 19 and my marriage became physically abusive and shortly after find out I was expecting baby#3 it ended. I was a single mom of 3 little boys and alone so I moved to Alberta where my mom was. When I arrive in Aberta I was met by child protection workers and informed that my ex-husband had sexually abused my oldest son and for his safety they were placing my children in fostercare.I went through hell trying to get them back.But in the end they were adopted. I met my now husband shortly after coming back to Alberta and thank god I did because while fighting for my boy I could not have been more depressed. My boys were adopted in 2001 and I had my oldest daughter in 2002 I gained a lot of weight with her and most of the weight stay after she was born.I was about 240lbs and with the help of WW I got down to 190 but it did not last. I was pregnant again and had my second daughter in 2005. I have tryed to get the weight off but I just don't think I ever really made a priority. Here I am going this for me.I want my boys to see a healthy mom when we are reunited and I want my girls to know that anything the put their minds to they can do. Sorry if my post was too personal or LONG!!! I hope to get to know you all.
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Wow...I feel like I got asked to eat lunch at the popular girls table in high school! Thank you for the invitation!

    My name is JJ. I am the mother of four wonderful pre-teen and teenage kids. My daughter is a senior in high school and lives with me here in Oregon where I own a yarn store with my mom. My three boys are in 7th, 8th and 9th grades and live with their dad in Alaska during the school year, which is really hard. I started the C25K almost on a whim on March 13th and graduated on June 7th.

    My sister is the same height as me and has always been a size 0 or 2 and I know that is part of my body image issues as she has always been snotty about it. When I was a teenager we did not have Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez for role models, so even though I was more curvy than fat, I always felt I was fat, especially compared to my sister. After I had my daughter I was working really hard to lose the baby weight, was down a good 15 pounds and I was really proud of my progress, almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight. We went to my sister's college graduation and we had gone swimming one afternoon. She sent me a photo of me next to the pool in my bathing suit holding my daughter in her thank you note, telling me the picture was for "inspiration". I was sobbing, it was so mean-hearted but she would just say she was being helpful. I had worked so hard as a single mom working more than full time to lose that weight and I decided then it was pointless, I was never going to be her size so why even try and gave up. I was always bigger and weighed more than I looked, but after having the boys in about 3 years my body just never quite recovered. I went from being around 150 to being around 175-190 as my "norm". Then when I lost custody of the kids, it was so painful and difficult I turned to food for comfort and went up to 220. A few summers ago I had a weird infection in the lining of my stomach and literally could not keep any food down and lost a lot of weight over three months, I was down to around 175 again. Of course it all eventually came back on plus some in addition to having totally screwed up my metabolism and I flew right on up to 254.

    I saw some pictures of myself this spring (I usually avoid photos like the plague!), someone mentioned C25K to me as something they wanted to do, and for some reason I went and bought a pair of running shoes and socks, downloaded the ap on my iphone and took off. I don't know why it clicked this time. I was never a runner and frankly had no desire to be one. After 3 months on C25K I had not lost a lick of weight, even though I felt 100 times better. I lost it at the doctors office as after all that running, I showed a 2 pound gain on their scale and she told me I needed to write all my food down, and to look for an ap for my phone to make it easier. I downloaded MFP and haven't looked back. I would like to be at least at 150 where I used to be pretty comfortable, but at 5'2" the "official" highest healthy weight is 135 so we will see how I feel when I get to 150 and if I want to try for 135. I think I have a pretty "dense" body with lots of bones and muscle when I am in shape, so 135 might not be realistic, it will all depend on how I feel and look. I would be THRILLED to be in a single digit size.

    So there is my novella. :bigsmile:
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    :bigsmile: Ok so it looks like we are doing introductions so here goes...
    As you can see from my screen name, I am Stephanie. Please feel free to use Steph as Stephanie always makes me feel like I am in trouble. Like many of us, I have always had a problem with my weight. I remember being 12 and weighing 120 and my dad saying if you can stay this weight as you age and not gain anymore you will be fine. So I took that as I could continue to eat that way. My parents both worked and that left me at home helping to raise my brother and sister. The only thing that was consistently there was food and I feel like I just never learned self control. My weight continued to climb and climb. When I was 18 I tipped into the 300's and like at some many other weights I swore that was it.
    Upon finishing University (I was born and raised north of Toronto in Canada), I decided I needed to escape as I felt a lot of pressure to continue to be 'miss perfect' - return to my hometown, teach in the local school, get married, have 2.5 kids, a dog, a cat and a white picket fence (despite never having a boyfriend). Signal packing up and moving to London England where the weight battle continued but the gaining process slowed down. Series of relationships and then 4 years ago met my now wonderful Husband. January 2010 I had a major break down when a size 32 was getting snug and I realised I had hit rock bottom. Scale read 368. Headed out, joined a gym, met my PT Rachel and despite some minor ups and downs have never looked back.
    I was unsure about a new thread for us but I'm just feeling all warm and fuzzy being here!
    That said, move over, I wanna try out the ball pit!! :bigsmile:
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Thanks for the invitation to the party!!!!!!!! I love parties, so how could I not join in!

    Since everyone may not know me, let me introduce myself. My name is Pam. I am 59, live south of Pittsburgh, PA, and I am a nurse practitioner in a busy ER. I have been heavy all my life....kindergarten until now. I don't know what it is like to be slender...I am not even saying skinny....but slender. I have always wanted to be slender, shop for stylish clothes, not have elastic waistbands and not wear "polyester"...you get the picture. So I made half hearted attempts with no results. I was looking through some pictures of our vacation to Mexico last summer with friends. I remember thinking at the time that I looked pretty and the dresses fit well. Well, looking through the pictures, I saw myself next to friends....my arms were twice theirs....and you couldn't even see the chair I was sitting on....I looked bloated, fat, and completely disquisting to myself. And my weight was 336...the highest that I ever was. My size 28's were getting snug as were my 4X scrubs. That was it!!!!!!!!!! Then I found out I had diabetes and sleep apnea. I talked to my doctor, got a stress test, and started on this journey. I made an appointment to see a dietitian. Before I saw him, I wrote down everything that I put in my mouth. I was shocked to find out that I was a grazer....I ate all the time. So logging my food in MFP is just second nature to me. I am far from slender but a size XL or 18W is better than where I started. I am greatful for each and everyone that is here...you are my strength and support. Bless you all!!!!!

    Pam aka Cherubcrnp
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    It is great learning everyone's story! I had, and am having, a great NSV today! My hubby woke up and asked what was for breakfast...which meant I knew he wanted his breakfast of choice...Dunkin Donuts! I was worried because that is a lot of temptation to have in the house and on the drive home. So, I decided to get dressed and I put on a new shirt I got from Old Navy yesterday. And it fit great and I look great! It made me feel wonderful and gave me the willpower to stay away from the donuts! I am feeling great right now :bigsmile: Then I decided to take my boys swimming at the Y. I knew it was time to start my laps, but I was nervous and hadn't done laps in ages! But, I did 10!!!! I was and am pretty happy with myself. And now it is a beautiful day, I just ate a great lunch, and I am going to find something great to do with my family. I am all smiles :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I hope you all have a great day too!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Hello EVERYONE!! :happy: :happy: I'm so happy to see everyone here! I personally am eyeing the curvy slide... so move on over, cause this big ol' body will have some balls flyin' and I'm ALL GOOD with that! he, he, he. :laugh:

    So, following the theme that is establishing... here goes. My name is Becky - I am 36, single, live in Montana. I am a social worker... in every way there is to be one! My current focus is geriatrics but I have worked with kids, domestic violence, sexual assault, addictions, HIV/AIDS, hospital - including trauma through to labor and delivery, etc. In general, I have pretty much taken care of everyone else... leaving myself behind. I have 4 older brothers, including one who is my twin. He had a lot of health issues in his first year of life - which meant that, per my mother's self report, "we had to remind ourselves to hold you, because you never needed anything." I was very young when I was told that I wasn't wanted and my life began to be lived as one of apology, of hoping to prove that it was OK that I was born and here. I know that my mother ws doing the best she could with what she had - her skills were not great, but I do know in my adult life that she tried the best she could. I didn't really start being heavy until the 4th grade and that corresponded with some traumatic events, I know that I thought if I had the weight that would protect me from any further trauma. I lived in a small town and didn't ever really have the negativity from others - outside of my mother - at least outrightly. Went off to school and continued to gain. I didn't think much about it but it did keep adding. I remember when "28" was the biggest size you could find... and how happy I was when stores started carrying up to a "32." Somewhat recently, I had a number of significant losses including my best friend at our 32 birthdays, my grandfather, my great uncle in a traumatic accident, and my dad in January 2010. Fast forward - in November I realized that I had been grieving my dad for close to a year and something clicked... I was NOT going to live my life for anyone else any more! I made an appointment with a local clinic and started my dedicated attempt to taking care of me! So, I started this a little before January. I started really exercising with purpose in May/June and by the end of September I will have released a 3-digit number!

    So... that's about it in a nutshell...

    I find that I do better when I set weekly goals. My weeks run Friday through Thursday, with Thursday being my weigh-in day! Posting those goals makes it a little more real for me so I am gonna continue to do just that!

    GOALS for the week: 1) Focus on Protein, healthier protein options 2) Maximum of 1 pop per day while drinking more water 3) Go to the Gym at least 5 times this week 4) Get to bed before midnight every night!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well family, I need help. I'm screwing up in superior fashion. I will probably change my ticker this week even though I find it embarrassing but it needs done, hoping I've not lost my triple digit. I really am hoping that it's just all the unsettledness I've had the last month with DH coming home, sister coming to visit and the return to work. The beginning of the school year is always stressful. I find myself finishing my diary and it not looking to bad and the munch monster takes over. I know I can do this but suddenly it just seems so UNBELIEVABLY hard. I'm feeling really down about it. Emailed my trainer and confessed all. I know that I am the one who has to do this and I've been here before. I just need to get a reay good day under my belt. No matter what I eat these days, meals or snacks or munchie monster crap I don't feel satisfied. Sorry to ruin the celebrating of the new board. I'm afraid I'm not wallowing in the ball pit, more in self loathing. :sad:
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Well family, I need help. I'm screwing up in superior fashion. I will probably change my ticker this week even though I find it embarrassing but it needs done, hoping I've not lost my triple digit. I really am hoping that it's just all the unsettledness I've had the last month with DH coming home, sister coming to visit and the return to work. The beginning of the school year is always stressful. I find myself finishing my diary and it not looking to bad and the munch monster takes over. I know I can do this but suddenly it just seems so UNBELIEVABLY hard. I'm feeling really down about it. Emailed my trainer and confessed all. I know that I am the one who has to do this and I've been here before. I just need to get a reay good day under my belt. No matter what I eat these days, meals or snacks or munchie monster crap I don't feel satisfied. Sorry to ruin the celebrating of the new board. I'm afraid I'm not wallowing in the ball pit, more in self loathing. :sad:

    Well, you have two viable options and one that is unacceptable. The first is to take a little break. Set your calories to maintenance and just work on maintaining for a couple of weeks. Not a free pass, still have to keep within carbs, proteins, sugars, etc, but a chance to breathe easier and not work so hard and take a little mental break. This is actually reccomended sometimes as it allows the body to readjust and shakes things up a little. The second is to just get back into the swing full-time. Set priorities, put yourself first and if you need to post notes on the fridge, cupboards, bathroom mirror, steering wheel to remind yourself of your goals. The last and unacceptable option is to give up. As far as I see it, those are your choices.

    Steph, go back and read what you wrote just a few posts ago about how far you have come. Try to look at it with different eyes, as if you were reading someone else's post and see if you don't feel inspired, motivated and in awe of someone that could lose 109 pounds through sheer willpower, without drugs and surgery. I know that is how I felt. :smile: