Honest opinion required... (pic)



  • gradgal01
    gradgal01 Posts: 46 Member
    You look so pretty! I don't think it ages you -- maybe your friend meant that the dress was a little (looks a little) more tailored/less casual than what everyone else is wearing, and that threw her off? But more importantly: Where did you get your shoes. I have low arches so I can't wear heels without an ankle strap, but I can't find any heels less than 5 in with a strap. So, props to you. ;)
  • CoachMaritova
    CoachMaritova Posts: 409 Member
    Ages you?! No way. You look great!! Have confidence and keep wearing those dresses!!
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member

    The top half definitely ages you, but as far as the bottom half (and the actual dress), I think you look good. The shrug (I don't think that's a shrug BTW) makes you look like you're in the 50s and doesn't compliment the style of the dress at all. I also think it makes you look bigger than you actually are.

    So no you don't look horrible, but next time try and open sweater with the dress and I bet you'll look better!

    I agree. The shrug thing looks outdated and makes your arms look bigger than they are. Maybe next time try a black (or even pink :wink: ) sweater that's fitted, but not so tight.

    BTW, the dress is super cute and I love those shoes!
  • Simomofmich
    Simomofmich Posts: 126 Member
    Honest < You look really pretty. I don't like the bottom part myself. I think it would have been better a solid black. Don't think it ages
    you tho.

    Nice < You look fine.
  • laz22girl
    I think the dress is cute and I bet it would be a ton cuter without the shrug.

    The shrug gives it a weird shape.
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    You look beautiful.

    Your friend is mean and cruel and jealous. Shame no her.

    I'd walk away and find another friend. How dare she!

    Hold your head high and keep on keeping on. I had a 'best friend/sister' tell me that 'so what if you lost 150 pounds, you still have a fat *kitten*'. Yes, this girl called me my SISTER.

    I haven't spoken to her since April and boy, if I want a good work out, all I do is think of her!

  • catlady100
    I think that *you* look great. The top half of the dress could be a little less severe....it's just that you don't look as great as u probably would in something else. Not a commentary on your looks. I don't think that she's saying that you look bad...and neither am I. The bottom half of that dress looks great on you!
  • whirlingdervish
    You're a very attractive girl, and the dress looks great!!.
    What you don't know is that you have your youth, your health, and beauty, and life's too short. To hell with what people think.
    Go enjoy yourself and live life to your fullest while you got the chance....
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    I would take the opinion of the MAJORITY of guys who have replied here. IT was positive, they liked it!

    Women are weird sometimes.....too picky about styles, trends, every little detail. Men just see an overall impression and of course your beautiful face and smile.

    I say never mind your friend's opinion, honest or not, it really doesn't matter. What matters is how you learn to be a confidence poised woman. Smile! You have lost 45 pounds and are looking fabulous, the best may be yet to come!!!

    For the record, the dress is adorable, you do not looked aged, wear what makes you HAPPY!! Then you will radiate who your beautiful self is! Nothing is more attractive than THAT!!

    (and try to let go of what others think about you that is negative - life gets so much better when you do!)
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I had to look at your profile to determine if it aged you. My first impression was it was pretty cute and you looked like you were in your early 20's. BINGO, so it doesn't age you at all. You look adorable. If you didn't ask your friend for an opinion I would tell her that if you don't ask for it, and it's not a nice comment she should keep them to herself. OMG she sounds like my mother. I finally had to go off on her a few years ago and tell her to F*** off about my looks. My motto is if you don't have anything NICE to say, DON'T SAY IT (except when someone TRULY asks for an honest opinion, then I tell them honestly, but NICELY). KWIM? Keep up the good work and don't let the haters get you down. I wish I could look so good in a short little dress like that!
  • jeniineko
    I think your dress looks nice. I actually think it looks the most 'fun out of all three outfits in the picture.
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    I got myself what I thought was a nice dress yesterday and wore it last night to see my 2 friends for my birthday. I never usually wear dresses and wanted to start wearing them more often now i'm a little happier with my shape.

    We had a picture taken last night and I put it on facebook, whereby a good friend of mine (who always gives her honest opinion) told me that it didn't really look good and it 'ages' me. To be honest, it is a terrible picture of me but the comment really cut me deep. I already have big issues with my self esteem and this just knocked my confidence right back. I just wanted to know if I really do look as bad as she made me feel...

    This dress by the way is sleeveless. I just wear a black shrug over the top to hide my awful fatty arms. I'm the blonde on the left by the way.


    I like it, and maybe the coloring is too dark for you, maybe go for a lighter color?..is there any way you can take a pic without the light weight shrug? That might have been another reason your friend said that?
  • rhiannagreene
    I JUST started wearing dresses, I would never be caught dead in one before but I have gained confidence enough to wear them, So dont let your friend get rid of the confidence that you built up to even wear it! Honestly the dress isnt my style, but it certainly doesnt age you at all. I think you should just try to find a dress that is more modern or something. Then see how many awsome comments you get.
  • vespaberrie
    vespaberrie Posts: 86 Member
    you look great!!! however i can tell by your posture that you are a little self-conscious about how you look in a photo. smile, hold your head up, and enjoy yourself!!

    and btw, f*$k your friend.

    Yeah... what he said. Always stand tall, head up, shoulders back and SMILE. Be proud, FAKE it! even if you dont really feel it.

    BTW- Your outfit is better that the other 2 girls in the picture.
  • honistly u look great just take the jacket off and maybe fit a belt or somthing like that to tug it in abit and just play with it abit.
    maybe just were some jewerly.
    but the jacket the down fall really.
  • ChristopherCrane
    ChristopherCrane Posts: 14 Member
    Okay, dear. Let me start by saying opinions are like butt-holes. We all have them, they're all cracked, and most of them stink.

    I am uniquely qualified, because I am a son to a mother, and brother to two sisters. Additionally, I have been married for 17 years, and have two daughters. I've been around women my entire life. Plus, I'm a photographer, so I tend to look at clothing from that vantage point as well (i.e., would I like to photograph a person wearing this.) MY OBJECTIVE OPINION:

    I think your dress is lovely. Doesn't look old fashioned or dated in the slightest. The length is short enough to be fun, without looking "slutty." The black top is slimming, and accentuates your curves nicely. The cover up is nice because it adds a touch of drama to the look, and elongates the arm. The shoe you chose is playful, and youthful, and yet a smart shoe for the look. I've seen this particular color combination a lot this year, even in buying dresses for my own children (13 and 15).

    I'd say your friend expressed an opinion - but as a female, you have to take anything another female says to you with a grain of salt. As a guy, I've watched it for years - woman (especially close friends) can be a little "catty" to one another at times.

    You're beautiful. Start believing it.
  • Leola2011
    My honest opinion is that women with confidence can make a tremendous impression no matter what they wear. If you feel sexy and like the dress it hitting you in all the right spots, WORK IT!! You're not showing off the dress, the dress is showing off YOU! Whether you like to be completely covered, show a little leg, have a plunging neckline or go strapless, it's your confidence and enthusiasm about yourself that shines. I'm not saying be cocky or inappropriate; I'm just saying ROCK YOU and walk like you mean it!
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    You look great! I say take off the shrug and show off your beautiful arms. Be proud of your accomplishment thus far!
  • ScotsLenny
    ScotsLenny Posts: 139 Member
    I don't see a thing wrong with your pic, wear whatever makes you feel good, I at 48yrs old still wear skinny levis I couldn't give a monkey's to what anyone thought, my body I put whatever the hell I want on it
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    you look pretty... lose the sweater and add some higher heels (without a strap as it cuts off your legs and makes them look shorter- i have little bitty short legs so i have learned this lil trick) :p