Honest opinion required... (pic)



  • Determined1980
    I think you look beautiful and I don't blame you for wearing the shrug if you don't like your arms. I think that when you wear things you aren't comfortable in, you find yourself thinking that everyone is staring at you. I for instance hate my thighs and for that reason I don't wear shorts. Wear what makes you feel comfortable.

    Your friend is jealous!
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Thanks guys... I much prefer honesty from people than sweetening it with lies. The dress would look better without the shrug, but I have SUCH a complex about the size of my arms. I guess maybe I should start trying to ditch the sleeves and such and get over this phobia I have of exposing my skin.
  • dieseljay74
    You look great I think....
  • KJanae87
    My honest opinion I think it is cute...but my first thought was it could do without the sleeves. But otherwise I think it looks great on you! :)

    Oh and I have a sleeve complex too...I hate wearing sleevless....I hate hate hate my upper arms!
  • fitnesspirateninja
    I think the dress is cute and I bet it would be a ton cuter without the shrug.

    I agree that the dress is cuter than the shrug. I often cover up my arms with a wrap, shrug, or sweater, too. Sometimes it's hard to find something to wear over a dress.

    But honestly I don't see how the dress "ages" you. It seems like a cute, flirty dress to me.
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    Theres nothing wrong EXCEPT the colour of your shrug/cover up. The black has made you seem like a big block on top and has given the illusion that your wider than you are, if you had chosen a pink cover up then that with the black braking the block colour up would change the way it appears.

    I have an awful relationship with cameras, they really do add 10lbs to me!

    Don't fret about it tho because as long as you have fun thats all that matters.

    One note tho, they say that black is slimming but all over will make you seem like a rectangle and you wont see any features :)
  • chyloet
    chyloet Posts: 196 Member
    I wouldn't take it personally. I don't think that it has anything to do with you, more the dress and personal taste. I too would like to see it without the sleeves. I know that we can be so critical of ourselves and maybe you feel insecure about exposing your arms.? But sometimes covering our "problem areas" actually draws more attention to them.

    I think that you look great . If anything I would say that I don't care for the dress, even then it may not be the dress but the dress w the sweater, but again that's a personal taste thing.
  • CheetoBandoto
    Well, I am simply a humble dude and I say you look lovely. :) I think it's simply a matter of your friend's opinion. Don't let it get ya down.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Your dress is fine.., you friend on the other hand isn’t. She needs to learn to use filters. Disguising it as her 'honest opinion' is total crap.
  • sharitod
    The dress looks nice, you look great - but why not try a short denim jacket or something to flaunt your youth - you are young and can get away with anything - I'd love to look like you! ;)
  • roblow65
    roblow65 Posts: 156 Member
    You look great, love the dress but I do think it would look even better without the sweater. I worry about my arms too but I've been told that sometimes when I try to cover something I'm actually bringing attention to it without meaning to. You're are so beautiful!:flowerforyou:
  • twocsmom
    twocsmom Posts: 120 Member
    I don't think it ages you at all...I think it's quite pretty and you look great! In all honesty, I think friends who say things like that are the type of people who make themselves feel better by demeaning others, sometimes subtly, sometimes not so.

    I think the black sweater looks okay, but I'd love to see you in the dress without it! I agree with the suggestion about the denim jacket...that would look cute!

    Don't let what others think affect you so much...how did you feel in the dress before she said that? THAT should be your guide not someone else's opinion!
  • Dolphingirlie81
    You look great. You're beautiful. You liked the dress when you bought it yesterday, so don't let your friend comment bring you down. I personally wouldn't wear a little sweater over it. You worked hard to achieve your goal, so be proud, show it off.
  • litlpineapple
    litlpineapple Posts: 63 Member
    honistly u look great just take the jacket off and maybe fit a belt or somthing like that to tug it in abit and just play with it abit.
    maybe just were some jewerly.
    but the jacket the down fall really.

    I agree that the accessories are lacking a bit but the dress is super cute. Accessories are a matter of style though.

    I wouldn't wear those shoes with that length of dress because it can cause a shorting visual. Flats or boots maybe? And I don't find cropped tight sweaters to look good on me. I have a big chest and think longer flowy sweaters are cuter on me. The dress is awesome. :bigsmile:
  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
    you look great!!!!!! such a pretty dress and looks fab on you! Don't worry about what your friend said...sometimes people have such low self esteem that they have to put others down to make themselves feel better which may be the case here
  • ColleenH28
    ColleenH28 Posts: 10 Member
    You look great and the dress is cute.
  • chchchangess
    there's nothing about that dress that ages you! in fact, it looks really youthful and fun. :) and you look great in it! I think your friend was a little harsh, and even though they're honest, that comment was probably unnecessary.
  • BustyTransformer
    BustyTransformer Posts: 45 Member
    In my honest opinion, I think you look adorable and young. My best guess for your friend's insensitivity is jealousy, also maybe she dresses flashier or sluttier perhaps.
  • whatwentwrong
    it's... it's not my favorite >_< i can definitely see how someone could say it ages you, because that bottom bright big-patterned part makes it looks like something that someone a little older might wear. BUT, if you like it, some random internet girl's opinion, or your friend's for that matter, shouldn't be a deciding factor in you wearing it :P
  • yogavegan
    yogavegan Posts: 116 Member
    i think you look beautiful. i would probably have worn the shrug too, as i have huge arms and just this summer started feeling comfortable wearing sleeveless things.

    i say wear what you like and what makes you feel good. who cares what anyone else thinks?1