OK, Can I vomit now? Woman rapes her ten MONTH old...



  • HisBeloved65
    surely we can find something more positive to discuss, let alone spread around by posting the link...sick

    so agree why the hell would you pst this **** on here its a health website not that kinda crap.. go post it on ya fb page .. cant believe you would post something like that on here MFP... shame:noway:

    This thread is under the "Chit-Chat" forum last I checked. Plenty of MFPers completely dropped their FB accounts in favor of coming over here, so this is their most appropriate avenue to vent about such horrible but true occurrences. Do you suggest we all turn a blind eye and pretend it didn't happen? Put blinders on unless it is glitter and unicorn-related (because there are actual forums specifically for the fitness & nutrition stuff you speak of, don't believe me? Please check for yourself. I'll wait.) Thank GOD that whoever reported that monster mom to police didn't "hear no evil or say no evil" like you seem to expect us to or it might still be happening, heaven forbid.

    So far nobody posted has condoned it or asked how they can get their grubby pedophile hands on the videotape so... On top of that, it is quite clearly labeled. You don't have to read it, much less long enough to scroll down and see a reply you felt worth quoting. You don't chastise a strip-club manager after wandering into the joint and paying admission and don't click on "Jerry Springer" if it pops up in your satellite guide if it's not your cup of tea and then write a nasty-gram to Direct-TV for making it availible for you to chose to watch, do you? If you came by this topic by means of a friend's status update feel free to take it out on him or her personally and/or "defriend". Free-will is an amazing concept, try it if you haven't already.

    -the person who enlisted to give up 6 years of her life to the military who ended up placing me where I had to deal with that "****" literally in my face on a daily basis without the option to "not click" in order to avoid it.

    Completely agree. People are hitting on people and writing some pretty racey stuff so who gets to decide on what is 'appropriate' for the MFP forums. It was titled appropriately. I didnt need to go to the link or read the story. This is very close to my heart and my soul. It happened to me for the first 21 years of my life. Talking about it is okay. Its real. it happens. It is serious. Yes this is a site about health and wellness but it is also a place we have made friends and share our lives.