Mini Goal One Week Challenge-9/11-9/17



  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I am totally in. Very interested in the increased accountability and connection support that comes with challenges like this!

    1) Work on body image issue by limiting, if not eliminating, the negative thoughts and self loathing comments towards myself , my current weight and my body..especially in front of my son

    2) park farther, take stairs and stop seeking out convenience when it comes to physical activity

    3) drink more water and less wine :)
    Your goals sound great! Welcome to a great group, great to have you join us!:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Sunday night check in: (Technically my last check in for last week, but whatever)
    1) Exercise everyday--check! Got in 2 really good swims today, so that makes 6/7 days for the week!
    2) Calories in the green--not even a problem today
    3) No meals with over 1000mg sodium--check. Lunch was a little higher than I like, so that & an afternoon snack pushed my total into the red, but not by enough to worry me.
    4) Watch potassium for a future potassium/sodium goal--check. I started looking up more potassium rich foods and adding notes to my food diary to track stuff that doesn't have potassium on the nutrition label. Just for fun, I also sent an email to Trader Joe's suggesting that they should start a Potassium Awareness Revolution by adding potassium to their required info on their nutrition labels because the USDA doesn't seem to care about all of us Americans with hypertension. :laugh: What can I say, I was inspired.
    5) DO NOT WEIGH IN ON ANY DAY OTHER THAN MONDAY--check. I did not weigh in today. I'm a little anxious for tomorrow, but I think it will be okay. Just breathe.

    So that's it. The end of my 7th MFP week and 7th mini-goal challenge week. I don't know where I would be without you ladies. So happy to be starting the new week here! Goodnight all!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    I see a dew more familiar faces and a few more new faces. Welcome everyone. I'm pretty wiped out so just a quick check in for me. But I did read everyone's check in's :smile:

    Sunday check in
    1. Week 13 of P90X - starts tomorrow!
    2. Get in 3 non P90X workout's in. 1 for 3 so far. Got in a nice long bike ride.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work everyday I did eat lunch and dinner at home today. Plus my lunch for tomorrow is packed and ready to go for tomorrow !
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) <sigh> had a few here and there while I was packing my lunch.

    Have a great Monday everyone. Lets start the week off strong!
  • SheriWerth
    SheriWerth Posts: 17 Member
    My goals for the week are:

    1 To keep walking 20 min everyday.
    2 I want to do the elliptical for 5 min each day.
    3 Continue to log all my food and water
    4 I would like to see a 2 pound weight loss this week.

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Sunday check in... Logged food & exercise, walked 30 minutes, did great with water and kept dessert under 100 calories :happy:

    Good night and have a great Monday! :flowerforyou:
  • Maputi
    Maputi Posts: 49 Member
    Great idea relative to Trader Joe's. I will do the same.
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Check in for Sunday:

    YES! at least 96 ounces! 1. Drink a minimum of 80 ounces of water each day.
    no, only took my evening meds 2. Take my meds/vitamins daily.
    2 MILES last night! 3. Walk a minimum of 5 miles this week.
    only strength was working w/a crazy dog! 4. Some sort of strength/cardio 4 days of this week
    began research 5. Purchase a HRM by the end of the week.

    Okay, I feel much better about my goals this week. They are certainly attainable and I CAN DO THIS!!
    Some great goals this week. All the best to everyone!
  • KazeKaiyouHime
    I'd like to try this... hopefully it will get me out of my summer rut.

    1) Go to the rec center at least 2 times this week.
    2) Don't procrastinate so much while doing homework so I'll actually have time to make it to the gym.
    3) Don't go to bed later than 11:30 pm.
    4) Plan all my meals and log them each morning (and do not deviate from the plan).
    5) Actually get my 20-30 minute morning walk in at least 2 times like I wanted to do a month ago.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Sunday night check in: (Technically my last check in for last week, but whatever)
    1) Exercise everyday--check! Got in 2 really good swims today, so that makes 6/7 days for the week!
    2) Calories in the green--not even a problem today
    3) No meals with over 1000mg sodium--check. Lunch was a little higher than I like, so that & an afternoon snack pushed my total into the red, but not by enough to worry me.
    4) Watch potassium for a future potassium/sodium goal--check. I started looking up more potassium rich foods and adding notes to my food diary to track stuff that doesn't have potassium on the nutrition label. Just for fun, I also sent an email to Trader Joe's suggesting that they should start a Potassium Awareness Revolution by adding potassium to their required info on their nutrition labels because the USDA doesn't seem to care about all of us Americans with hypertension. :laugh: What can I say, I was inspired.
    5) DO NOT WEIGH IN ON ANY DAY OTHER THAN MONDAY--check. I did not weigh in today. I'm a little anxious for tomorrow, but I think it will be okay. Just breathe.

    So that's it. The end of my 7th MFP week and 7th mini-goal challenge week. I don't know where I would be without you ladies. So happy to be starting the new week here! Goodnight all!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    uh oh......should I know the correlation between hypertension and potassium because I don't know a thing about it. Would you be so kind as to share Philosohoe ? Thank you!:smooched:
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Ok, I'm jumping back in!
    I have a lot of things going on, so I'll keep my goals the same:

    1- follow chalean X workout schedule
    2- eat 5 veggies/fruits a day

    Sunday check-in:
    1-I brought Chalean with me on my trip, and did push circuit 3 in a tiny hotel room. And 1 1/2 of slow walking/sightseeing.
    2- Nope! poor planning.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    uh oh......should I know the correlation between hypertension and potassium because I don't know a thing about it. Would you be so kind as to share Philosohoe ? Thank you!:smooched:

    Good Morning HeartsDesire! I've been doing some (very casual) internet research and what I've learned is that sodium and potassium are supposed to be consumed at about a 1 to 1 ratio to help maintain healthy blood pressure (so about equal amounts). The average American consumes about 4 times more sodium than potassium, so the balance is completely out of whack. The USDA that sets the guidelines for nutritional standards and what's required to be on food labels insists that everyone label sodium, but because lots of fruits and veggies are potassium rich, there's no requirement to label it--I'm assuming because if everyone is eating their recommended 5-7 servings of fruits/veggies per day, then there's no worry about getting enough potassium. Personally, I have a really difficult time getting 4 servings of fruits/veggies a day, much less 5-7, so I think it would definitely be helpful to have more nutritional info available about potassium.

    Hope that helps. Just google "potassium & blood pressure" and you'll find a ton of information. Have a great day!!
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member

    1. Continue with C25K (I start week 2 on Wednesday)
    2. Workout at least 30 minutes a day the entire week
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    And check in:

    Sunday 9/11: walked for 3 miles, 60 minutes
    Monday 9/12: C25K Week 1 Day 3: 30 minutes
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Monday Check in - Gained a pound, bummed!!! But my exercise was sporadic last week and my food too yummy. Dod not start out the day right, I have had a cup of water sitting on my desk since I came in and I have not touched it yet! Pooh.
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Checking in for Monday:
    Went grocery shopping and planned out dinners for the week. That should help a lot!! Got walk in with co-workers this morning. It's great to see everyone being so diligent about their goals and their reporting in. I hope everyone has a FABULOUS week. Happy Losing :flowerforyou:
  • Biglovelovesme
    Biglovelovesme Posts: 133 Member
    It's Monday night and I am doing my Sunday ck in...ha! Just one day late...:laugh:
    I have made great progress on my water intake. Discovered the joys of crystal light. Today I parked in my normal space (but mainly because I was late to work, not because I was being lazy) but I did take the stairs instead of the elevator..several times. Finally, went into the ladies room looked in the full length mirror before leaving and was able to walk our without saying something hateful about myself (( aloud or to myself)) this is major progress for me. All in all I'd say I had a B+ day.
    Sleep well hard working pals.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    10more - what a fantastic job you did Sunday night, go you!!

    Biglovlovesme - great job on your B+ day, as a teacher I can appreciate the grading scale. I especially respect your goal about self perception. I think that's an amazing goal.

    aim2lose - sometimes the most strenuous can be with a dog. great strength training I think

    KazeKaiyou - hope you get out of your summer rut, starting routines can be challenging but I'm sure you can do it

    Papillon - I just started chalean, and really admire how you even traveled with it! Fantastic dedication

    rbryntes - I have had a goal of exercising everyday, it's challenging but so rewarding. I found it to be addicting as well, have fun and enjoy! Great job meeting two days worth already as well.

    la_nanita - I gained two pounds according the scale today, so frustrating! Hope you've touched your water, and know you can get back on track. BTW, which one is you in the picture?

    danlyn - great idea walking with coworkers, and in the morning too! I should start doing that, it's too hot to walk any other time but early or late :(

    My check in (actually before my day is over, but it's going to run later tonight)::yawn:
    Exercise 5/7: yeppers, that's the plan, and I know I'll at least get in a swim! So 2/7
    Stay in calorie goal: also one I can complete, at 1112 and the only thing I may eat is one more serving of fruit.
    Fruits/veggies: two servings, and if I add in the after swim fruit, I'll have met this one. Even got in one serving of veggies by half with lunch and half with dinner. Yay!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Kris, I think it’s perfectly acceptable to repeat weeks, especially if you don’t feel comfortable moving on yet. I think the important part is that you keep working at it and stay active.

    Lttee, how long have you two been apart? In my 11 years of marriage, I never once was separated from my hubby until last year when he went on a two week training followed by two weeks overseas a few months later. I was miserable. I can’t imagine being separated long term from him. LOL, love the idea of stockpiling exercise. I completely understand where you’re coming from. As for chocolate covered raisins, I’m on board for fruit (after all, raisins come from grapes and chocolate comes from the cocoa bean which is also a fruit). :)

    La_ninita, welcome back! Great goals! Logging before eating can definitely help you figure out how much you should eat of various things. I know it’s how I plan dinner each night, because that’s often where I run low on calories. As for the weight gain, I wouldn’t worry about it. I can gain as much as 4 lbs in a single day with just water and food consumption weight. We all have times where our weight goes up. Keep up the good work you’re doing and that will reverse itself shortly. Drinking water will definitely help as well.

    Hearts Desire, the bedtime goal is so difficult and yet so necessary. Great job with being focused and making healthy food choices.

    Biglovelovesme, welcome to the group. We are always glad to have new members and you’ll find a very supportive group of ladies here (so far no men have joined, but all are welcome). I love your goals, especially the first one…too often we sabotage ourselves with negativity and it’s nice to change our mindset as that is half the battle. I often tell my students to think of one thing each day they like about themselves to combat their moments when they feel the most low. Maybe you should try it!

    Philosohoe, great goals as always. I am so happy to know you’ve been here with us since your MFP journey has begun. Time certainly has flown, hasn’t it? BTW, I have somehow managed to forget weighing in myself lately. Sadly, that may be because I don’t want to know right now. LOL!

    Mak, you are inspirational as always. I know you will rock your goals. Are you counting down until the end of P90 yet?

    SheriWerth, welcome! Your goals are awesome. I am with you on 5 minutes on the elliptical. I can barely do that. For some reason I find that machine super hard.

    10more, way to rock your first day of reporting in! You are doing great! My favorite dessert 100 calories or less is the ice cream bars. I think I’m addicted.

    Aim2lose, great job on your goals. 2 miles is super impressive! I’ve heard Polar HRMs are the way to go. Then again, I’ve been considering the bodybugg types as they record activity when your heart is at slower rates as well (even sleeping).

    KazeKaiyouHime, welcome to the challenge! I hope it helps you get out of your rut too. We all have them. Your goals sound very doable and I know you will do an amazing job with them this week.

    Papillion, I’m very impressed with you taking your exercise regime with you on a trip. I use weights instead of bands, but I guess if I was going to be missing a day, I’d have to buy some bands to keep up the routine. I know I don’t want to get off on the strength training. Great job on your goals and welcome back!

    Rbryntes, welcome to the thread! Great goals. I’m always impressed with anyone willing and able to run. I know you will rock this week in your challenge (you’re already off to an awesome start).

    Danlyn, great job on making a meal plan. That always makes grocery shopping easier and will help you have balanced meals throughout the week. Hope your exercise went well today.

    My progress:
    1. Do week 4 of Chalean (final burn phase, yes)-keep in cardio of some form.-Burn 1 today, woo hoo!
    2. Plan and pack lunches that keep me interested and are healthy.-awesome lunch today and given everything else that happened today (crisis counseling at a school that lost a teacher, last day at my school, etc) it was good to have healthy options to stuff myself with.
    3. Start my new job on Tuesday with longer hours and still manage to keep up the healthy routine. –tomorrow is my test. Wish me luck!
    4. Check in here everyday, even when I'm tired.-so far, so good.
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Ok... finishing my Monday check in...That cup of water that was sitting at my desk got refreshed at lunch time and I actually had 4 cups before I left work at 6pm. I was peeing like there is no tomorrow but I drank them! I managed to get in the other 4 this evening. Working on the last cup now. Logged everything I ate (not before I ate it all) and worked out for 1 hour. .

    NSV - I had a movie to return and instead of getting in the car and driving to the gas station's blue box, I grabbed the dog and walked 45mins at a moderate pace!!!

    Ladygloria - Thanks for your words of encouragement. Its a little more frustrating this time with the weight because I have not lost any in the last 2 weeks. what is Chalean? BTW I am the one in the purple shirt. The one in black is my little sister.

    All - has anyone tried MIO? Its supposed to be a water flavorer for weight loss. I am wondering if it is worth the hype.

    Have a great night and a better tomorrow! :flowerforyou:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Check in for Monday:

    1. Had a great workout today!
    2. Logged everything, made healthy choices although I planned on eating one TJ's Vanilla Meringues but ate another one, now I feel sick because I finished off a serving which is 4! Definitely 3 to many for me, so it put me over 25 carbs.:sad: Otherwise my diary turned out well today.
    3. Got my water in
    4. Way late bedtime Sunday night and then couldn't sleep... argh! Plan on being in bed with lights off tonight by 9:30pm.
    5. Stayed focused...well that is until the other 3 Meringues got gobbled up. Only 8 carbs in one (1/4 of a serving) so I think from now on when I eat them on occasion that is all that I will indulge in. ONE!:blushing: :tongue:

    Hope you're all enjoying the group... always look forward to posting and reading how everyone is doing!:flowerforyou: :smooched: