I am addicted to Coke!



  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    If you've gotta have it, treat it like a dessert. Buy the short cans, and make having one an event - really enjoy it. And LOG those calories. That's what I'm doing with beer.

    Just realize that you're giving up a lot of food in exchange for that Coke. A whole medium apple, or an orange, or 3 oz of lean meat, a or medium potato, etc. As you start logging it, you'll be making those equivalence in your mind every time you drink a Coke and you'll probably naturally decrease how often you want one.
  • That's a great way to look @ it. I'm trying to get past my caffeine withdrawal headaches right now. I've been soda free for 4 days. I just quit cold turkey. Try a flavored Crystal Light in some water. They have some that are caffeinated and don't taste half bad!
  • kailey_watson
    kailey_watson Posts: 65 Member
    I completely understand. I love Dr. Pepper WAY too much. Cold turkey has never worked very well for me for quitting much of anything (except going vegetarian for some reason), and after a few attempts of going cold turkey on Dr. Pepper and relapsing, I gave up. I treat Dr. Pepper like a treat- just like at the end of some days I give myself a small serving of ice cream, a pudding cup or some other small reward. if I feel a headache, or think I need the caffeine to get through my next class or just want it while I study, I pour it into a measuring cup, to make sure I'm getting exactly 1 serving, and drink just that. I never drink cans or bottles any more, I just keep a liter in my fridge, and challenge myself to make it last as long as I can.
  • kjenelle
    kjenelle Posts: 61 Member
    I drank a 20oz Diet Mt. Dew not bad! Will keep cutting back.
  • dreilingda
    dreilingda Posts: 122 Member
    Many years ago when I started running alot I made myself drink a lot of water during the day and I somehow rid myself of the soda habit. I really didn't intend to I just got out of the habit of having daily soda's. Now, if I ever drink a soda I feel kind of grossed out by all that sugar and it makes me want to drink a jug of water. Maybe once a year I get a craving for a cherry coke or pepsi but it's rare. Break the habit and drink lots of water...maybe that will work.
  • jess213tx
    jess213tx Posts: 85 Member
    I was the same way with Coke and Dr. Pepper. Whenever I thought a headache was coming on or I felt nauseous, I grabbed a soda! I've quit a couple of times and gotten back on the wagon within a week or two, telling myself that one soda here or there was okay. Well that one soda led to one a day then one at every meal, until I was back on my full blown coke habit!

    What finally worked for me was reading an article on Yahoo! about how soda (even diet soda) was shown to increase belly fat - my archenemy. So I did more research about how bad sugary drinks are for you and I decided to just stop drinking it. I got myself down to half a coke in the morning and half a coke at lunch. Then, just half a coke at lunch. Then half a coke every other day until I didn't need it anymore. I haven't had a soda now in about 6-7 weeks and have no desire to drink one. The first 3 weeks are the hardest, because you get used to having something sugary when you eat.

    Don't give in! "Nothing tastes as good as skinny does. Nothing." That's my mantra now. I eat things that I like, and that are good for me, but I won't eat anything I know is bad for me. Because it's just not worth it.
  • kjenelle
    kjenelle Posts: 61 Member
    I had my first sip of Coke Zero and it was the most horrible thing ever! I think I may just tough it out with water and fruit juice!
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Easiest way, diet and zero. Both taste great IMO. You will get used to them if you drink them more often. I never was like a 'I have a specific drink' person, so thats why I got good about drinking diet and zero though
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Girl, I used to have at least 3 sodas a day. Now I rarely have one, maybe one every two weeks. If I can give the up, anyone can. First I'd suggest replacing your caffeine from other sources. I love tea. I also used to sugar the crap out of it. Now I drink plan black tea Luzianne is my favorite, and I squeeze in some lemon. Lemon is also great for digestion. This way you can ward off caffeine withdrawal headaches.
    Try and limit yourself to one soda a week. I started out that way. Think about it like this 140calories a soda, and you're having two a day?280 time 7? You do the math. I did and thats when I decided they weren't worth it,
  • How about a coke zero. Still has coke taste, just without the calories
  • dietpop
    dietpop Posts: 37 Member
    I used to drink 5-6 cans of Diet Pepsi a day for the last 15 years. Then last March I quit cold turkey and it was actually quite easy. Looking back, it was just a weird habit. I just thought I needed it.

    What blew me away was that I lost 4 pounds immediately. I guess pop makes you retain water.

    Now I drink water and Crystal Light w/ caffeine once in a while. I get my caffeine fix from a black coffee or a super strong Chai Tea w/ milk.
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