WOW!!! I am soooo mad at myself!!

We out for lunch today and was so proud of myself for choosing such a healthy meal. Spinach salad and grilled shrimp!!! Delicious and healthy!!! I got home all excited to journal my meal as I let nothing past the lips that I dont journal AND I was excited to see how great I did today!! I get proud looking at my journals!! Proud and excited!! :))

I hit add and this spits out!!! GGRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

Applebee's - Grilled Shrimp & Spinach Salad (Ww) Regular, 1 platter 1,010 cal.

Yay me :sad: .... now I am done eating till tomorrow!! I guess I will have to sip sip sip for the rest of the night or snack on veggies with no dip!! :)

Please dont make the same mistake!!! I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy!!! :huh:



  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    Wow, I wouldn't have thought that would be so high in calories.
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    don't stress.. tomorrow is another day!! it happens to all of us sooner or later.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Isn't it amazing how "bad" healthy stuff can be?! Ugh...glad you enjoyed it, and just get back on it tomorrow! :D
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    These evil restaurants adding all these hidden calories, me and my fella love going out for tea but ATM I just can't until I can figure out what I can eat! :(

    I sympathise completely!
  • shad1018
    shad1018 Posts: 191 Member
    I know exactly how you feel and I do love that salad. How about going for another walk or dancing to earn enough extra calories to enjoy that dip with your veggies. I have gotten in the habit of planning what I am going to order before I go out. That way no more suprises. :smile:
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Yup, salads are often your worst enemy at restaurants. Next time, research before you go out to eat, education is power!

    There are many options at Applebee's that are under 500 calories. Check out the Eat This, Not That Top Swaps next time. (For Applebee's)
  • stronglikebull
    the dressing is made with bacon.. what did you expect?
  • AmyS79
    workout add eat back those calories for a dinner... this happens to us all.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    I hear ya. I did the same thing and couldn't believe what the calorie count was on something that "sounded" healthy. I'm sure there was alot of sodium in your meal as well. Sorry, didn't mean to pour salt in the wound. Check out this website, it has alot of national chains listed. Very helpful if you know where you are going.
  • adamsonam
    We all have our days and we all make our mistakes. Don't fret and please do not punish yourself to make up for it either. Tomorrow is another day!
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Have you got a smartphone? If so, you can use the MFP app and check calories BEFORE you eat them
  • curiositycat
    curiositycat Posts: 111 Member
    Restaurant food is evil. I applaud you for having fantastic intentions! Do some extra minutes of working out over the course of this coming week, and you'll make up for those extra calories.
  • janetbefit
    Okay take a deep breath and let's look at this more closely.

    Was there a lot of oil on it? Was there cheese or croutons? What evil lurked in your very healthy sounding salad? Maybe you didn't eat all of the add ons that were counted in the calorie count. I would look for a second opinion if I were you.

    If the calories came from the dressing then much of that would be from oil and that isn't such a bad way to use more calories.

    Don't be too hard on yourself. Depriving yourself for the rest of the day can set you up for a fall. So FIDO (forget it and drive on) sister and enjoy your day.

    It sounds like you have been doing great!!!!

  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    You can eat lettuce... plain at a restaurant and they add 10x more calories... it just happens... they add so much CRAP! I never go to a restaurant preparing to spend less than 1500 calories, UGH!
  • leopardlushh
    Same here. Some friends and I made plans to go to Red Lobster...EEEKK! Scoped out the cal content online before hand...lets just say i didn't start my diet that day. And alcohol is even worse:sad:
  • Gemini_1980
    Gemini_1980 Posts: 349 Member
    Just know that tomorrow you start all over:bigsmile:For future you may want to keep in mind AppleBee's has a pretty good 550 calorie and under menu that's usually pretty safe. I even saw a spinach salad with steak over herb potatoes on that menu and the food is perfect portion control-only downside is the sodium can be killer.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    the dressing is made with bacon.. what did you expect?
    WOW, way to be supportive. You must be a walking nutrition guide.
  • adamsonam
    the dressing is made with bacon.. what did you expect?

    That's super supportive.
  • fastergoofy
    OMG. Yeah, I have stopped ordering anything with dressing, sauce, or cheese at Applebee's. The safest options seem to be chicken or steak without any toppings and a side of veggies. It's not my favorite restaurant anyways. I think the food is way too salty and slathered in stuff you don't really want or need.

    And after shocking myself a few times, I've started looking up food options at ALL restaurants before I order! I'm amazed at how many calories they can pack in. o.O

    Ah well. Just take a walk or get some physical activity and have a better day tomorrow! :)
  • RollinDawg
    RollinDawg Posts: 235 Member
    Just looked it up on their website, did you get it without dressing? It's 680 without dressing, 620 if you have half, 420 if you have half without dressing.

    Geez, what kinda dressing is it? What else is in the salad? Usually grilled shrimp is fairly low calorie.