


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    prob the greatest benefit of the EC stack is it's effect on suppressing your appetite. there are other things out there that will boost your metabolic rate much higher but carry along inherent risks
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Ahh, Hydroxycut... The brand with the bodybuilder before and after pics. Of course, the Before pic was taken in the off season, and the after pic was snapped right before a competition, so Hydroxycut really had nothing to do with his body composition or results, but hey, it's sells the bottles.:laugh:

  • MARI1010
    MARI1010 Posts: 76 Member
    I've always been scared of these kind of pills which claim to give "energy". But i did give the new hodroxycut with the new formula a try hoping for a boost of energy for my workouts. I never took more than one pill and day since i felt the effects with just one pill. On my 3rd week or so i was sitting at my desk at work and my heart started racing real bad. It was the scariest feeling ever. I stoped taking them and will never take any of these pills again. I still think some people are more sensitive to them than other and i get jittery from anything with too much caffeine like coffee.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    it gave me heart palpitations. its full of caffine, and not results.

    ahh but i be likey me caffine
  • Breedy75
    Breedy75 Posts: 54 Member
    prob the greatest benefit of the EC stack is it's effect on suppressing your appetite. there are other things out there that will boost your metabolic rate much higher but carry along inherent risks


    EC gives me an energy boost but more than anything it kills my appetite for the first few days. Different people tolerate it differently. Personally, in the A.M. I feel like a motor mouth and find myself talking up a storm. After my afternoon workout I feel normal again and I am ready for bed by 8pm. Truthfully, I usually sleep better when I am on it. I attribute most of this to a more structured intake of caffeine.
  • getxsleazyy
    i don't understand why you keep suggesting coffee - i mean, i do. but coffee will cause heart palpitations too, and gives me wicked stomachaches to the point where i have to lie down for hours. it's almost the same thing, really. i feel better and in fact less jittery with hydroxycut (so far), but i'm being wary. idk. i'm TRYING it out.