Any Foodies out there?

Although not new to MFP I mainly use to just use my phone app to keep track of my calories. Now I have found a whole new world of like minded people!

My question is... Are there any Foodies out there? I'm like totally addicted to Food Network and cooking EVERY meal from scratch! My favorite movie is "Julie and Julia" and I swear I am the healthy version of Julie! (although I do own Julia Childs Cookbooks too!)

I plan my entire week's worth of food and LOVE shopping for it! When a new Cooking Lighht or Food Network Magazine shows up it's almost like Christmas to me! I look forward to trying every recipe! Most of my friends can't believe I have lost this much weight eating like I do. (I usually post my meal pictures on my Facebook)

Usually my "Cheat Day" revolves around a new recipe I just have to try that won't fit into my calories for the day....

Anyone else this obsessed with cooking?


  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    i loveeee cooking :D
    i loveeee baking with my daughters too although of course ive had to find some low cal things to bake/cook now :P
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    is most definitely addicted to Food Network. Can't get enough of Chopped and love all the girls. The guys aren't bad either. It's my porn.
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Me me me!!!!

    I even tried out for the Next Food Network Star! Oh, and I also led a MFP Chopped challenge. What a blast!

    Part of the reason I think I've had weight loss success is because I've learned to enjoy renovating recipes to make them more healthy. We are also salt conscious in my house, so that adds a whole 'nother layer of difficulty. But it makes it more of a challenge and fun - I try to one-up myself each week my faking out my regular-chow friends with a low-cal, lower-fat, low-sodium swap. Sometimes I'm successful, sometimes I flop - but it keeps it interesting!
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    Foodie here!.. I make my own recipes now :laugh: I love eating, talking, shopping for food! Oh and my new recipes... my family loves them and thats all im concerned about! :drinker:
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    I LOVEto cook tooo! And LOVE to watch the Food Network. I love looking at all the food I know I can't eat! lol. but then as you do, I turn them into a healthy version.
  • KayaSamantha
    KayaSamantha Posts: 157 Member
    ME! Food Network is pretty much the only channel that's ever on in this house!!!!! LOVE searching for DDD's in Victoria :S
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    If you lived near Fort Bragg NC I would pay you to cook for us. I HATE COOKING.
    I am glad that you love it though, it is so cool to know people really enjoy things.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I am addicted! Chopped, Top Chef, Diners Drive-ins, Aarti Party, Crave, Best Thing -- pretty much anything (except I hate the Neeleys!)

    I find ways to make all sorts of recipes I see on those shows using alternate ingredients so I don't really need a cheat day. Love love love it! Oddly, I can watch them and they don't make me hungry -- just give me inspiration.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    TOTAL foodie here!!! As I type this I am waiting for my whole grain, gourmet pizza dough to rise!!! I also made the sauce myself as well. I roast my own coffee beans, make my own salsa, jams, jellies, EVERYTHING!!!
  • pavlinm
    Me loves cooking and that's honestly what got me into trouble. I thought I needed to cook a different dish for every meal and that caused me to gain weight to be honest. Since I cook for myself most of the time I have to deal with leftovers or too much food sometimes.
    now I like to experiment with healthy ''dieting recipes'', the only difference is that I know what approximate serving sizes for one person/one meal are. I learned how to skinny up some recipes by following some of Change One recipes and trimming down sugar and fat from recipes. I also cook half of the recipes( when it says it's for 4 people, I cook half of the portion and I stilll have about 4 meals from it) and cut my dishes into right serving sizes. For the rest of the week I eat already prepared serving sizes right out my freezer. it helps a lot
  • jaramae
    jaramae Posts: 100 Member
    Food is my life. I love watching cooking shows, reading cooking books, cooking for family/friends, doing cooking classes and writing my own food blog.

    Being part of this has changed my whole outlook on food and the kinds of things I look for in recipes and meals. It's been such a learning experience but no matter what, the bottom line is a I love food and cooking :)
  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member
    Omg I want to add you all!!! I have been so alone with this! Everyone I know, especially the friends I have got to join MFP with me think a can of tuna and whole wheat crackers is what this is all about while I'm over here fixing Peppery Shrimp and Lingne with Ciabatta and olive oil!

    So before I send out a bunch of friend requests... Add me if you like to brag about what healthy meals are making you skinny!!,
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I actually had to curtail all the magazines I used to get....Cooking Light, Clean Eating, Better Homes & Garden, Vegetarian Times (not a vegetarian but loved the recipes)...and any cookbook. I love going to the library and checking out new cookbooks just to read!!!!!!!! I watch the cooking networks daily. I love to cook..sadly bc my job changed locations I have to commute so I do what I call 'flash cooking'. Still healthy but just not long and drawn out like I used to. I usually have to cook on the weekend so I don't have to during the week. put me as a friend if you wish.
  • sneezles
    sneezles Posts: 165 Member
    While I don't watch Foodnetwork, I am a Foodie and have been for decades.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Omg I want to add you all!!! I have been so alone with this! Everyone I know, especially the friends I have got to join MFP with me think a can of tuna and whole wheat crackers is what this is all about while I'm over here fixing Peppery Shrimp and Lingne with Ciabatta and olive oil!

    So before I send out a bunch of friend requests... Add me if you like to brag about what healthy meals are making you skinny!!,
    I so understand most of my friends don't like to cook at all!!!!!!!!!! Not even hook up a 'store bought' food.
  • Justkf
    Justkf Posts: 208 Member
    I am a foodie except I don't do a lot of TV. I love Julia and Jacque and pretty much feel like butter is my middle name and wine being my 2nd middle name! When I started MFP my vintage gas range had just died and the one I wanted was an 8 week wait No cookin made takin the wiehgt off helpful. So now that it is finally here... it is in my kitchen, my lovely Fivestar gas range and I have to get my cookin' back on without gaining weight back! Sounds like Cooking light is a good magazine, I will look for it.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    My obsession is more with baking than cooking, but I definitely love it all. I'm going to be entering into the baking program at my local community college (since my state has no real culinary school) and I'm planning on starting my own catering business. Eventually I'd love to open a restaurant!
  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member
    Me me me!!!!

    I even tried out for the Next Food Network Star! Oh, and I also led a MFP Chopped challenge. What a blast!

    My family is trying to get me to do this too.... Don't think I'm quite there! LOL
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    My obsession is more with baking than cooking, but I definitely love it all. I'm going to be entering into the baking program at my local community college (since my state has no real culinary school) and I'm planning on starting my own catering business. Eventually I'd love to open a restaurant!

    Wow!!!!!!!! Excited for you!!!!!!!
  • rsparks38
    I love food network! I can always find something to watch. Their magazine is my favorite magazine ever.