Sept Tribal Challenge ~ Week 3 ~ TNT Crew ~ (Closed Group)



  • 9/14/11:
    Water: over
    calories: under
    Pygmy Plus: done
    I should have the 500 crunches in on Saturday.
    Tata for now!
  • Hi - for 9/14:

    Bushmen - done
    Water: over
    calories: under

    I should have the 500 crunches done on Friday.

    BTW, I lost 2 pounds this week. Not sure if I told you although I did log it on my official check in.

    I'm exhausted - going to bed.

    Good Night.
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    For today (9/14) I met the water and was under calories, but no workouts. I'm still a little down.
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    For whatever day I left off on, i've done all my exercises, been over on water and been under calories.
    Today is rest day, and i was over on water, but didnt do the exercises and over on calories. i apologize. back on it tomorrow for sure
  • I'm going through the forums & messages in hopes of getting caught up on Captain duties. That's my before bedtime challenge :smile:
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    exercise done
    water done
    calories under
  • urastupidchimp
    urastupidchimp Posts: 80 Member
    Pygmy done
    Water over
    Calories under
    Abs sore
  • water & calories - good
    exercises - wimpy
    crunches 100 out of 500 completed
  • hey heyyyy everyone!!

    wednesday 9/14:
    calories - under
    water - over
    pygmy - done
    125/500 crunches - done
    30DS L1D3 - done (this doesn't need to be here and i already post it on my page, but i figure some extra accountability wouldn't hurt!)

  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Water: done
    Tabata: Done
    Bushman: Done
    Turbo fire 30: Done
    Turbo Upper 20: Done
    Calories: Below

    Total calories burned1,785
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    exercises done
    water done
    under calories, i will be. :) so done.
  • Hi. A very exhausted Merri tonight. Cheerleading uniform fitting night and back to school night on the same night - UGHHHH... Anyway, for Thursday 9/15:

    I had to go for pygmy tonight but I do have 400 crunches done (will finish tomorrow).
    water: Over
    Calories : Under

    My bed is calling - good night and thank God tomorrow if Friday.

  • My day began with a migraine so I stayed home from work. After resting a bit and taking some Excedrin, I felt better and started cleaning my daughter's jungle of a bedroom. I took out every article of clothing that was on the floor and it made 5 loads (f-i-v-e). Ugg! So in between loads of laundry I did some painting on my wall art that I've had every intention of doing for the past six months. It's going to be finished this weekend!

    I walked for 45 minutes this afternoon.
    I did Pygmy exercises.
    I did 400 crunches making a total of 500 for the week (Bonus!!!)
    Water over
    Calories under
    Weigh-in 159.0.

    So thrilled to have moved past the brief plateau and get into the 150's on the scales. I had been totally discouraged and was in a bit of a funk for lack of a better word.

    Before this afternoon's walk, I did not feel like going. Then I remembered something my daughter told me about how the devil is just trying to keep me from working out. She's right. I want to lose weight the healthy way and to be a role model for others. The devil doesn't want for any of us to succeed in meeting our fitness goals. So I got dressed in t-shirt, shorts & sneakers and headed out. I figured I'd walk for 20 mins & be done, but kept going to 45 mins!!!

    Just in the past few days, a verse came to me and it is Psalm 37:5 ~ King James Bible "Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass."

    I had given thanks to Jesus for my successful losses over the past few months, but had not really asked Him to help me with the journey. Then I said "duh" ... it makes perfect sense to ask God to help me as I go and to help me to stick with it.

    Just sharing.
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    For today 9/15 I was under calories, met water, and did tabata/bushmen workout. I'm also working on the challenges for bonus points.
    125/500 crunches
    10/100 high to low planks
  • TGIF everyone!! :)

    but i'm reporting for thursday seeing as my day still hasn't ended lol.

    thursday 9/15:
    calories - waaaaay under (by accident!)
    water - over as always!
    pygmy - done!
    225/500 crunches - done!
    30DS L1D4 - donedonedoneeee!
  • Hi All,
    Reporting for Thursday. 9/15/11
    Calories under
    Water over
    Pygmy plus done
    250/ 500 crunches in for the week so far.
    Thanks, Cathy
  • KBomar2
    KBomar2 Posts: 157 Member
    I took 9/14 off and it felt great.
    For 9/15
    Exercise: done
    Water: over
    Calories: Under

    45 planks done and 125 crunches done. I'm hoping to get 150 crunches done today or I doubt I will make the 500 by Sunday. How is everyone else doing?
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Water: over
    Calories: under
    Tabata: Completed
    Bushman: Completed
    Turbo Fire 55EZ completed
    Turbo Fire ABS 10: Completed

    Total calories burned:1,839 (WHEW)
  • For Friday 9/16:

    Water - over
    Calories - under
    Tabata - Done and then some!!!!
    Bushman - done

    500 crunches completed.
  • Good evening from "slacker-ville".... LOL.

    Ran out of time this evening, ate a lotta stuff today, didn't drink enough water.

    Tomorrow, however, I am doubling up on challenges to do today's & tomorrow's as well as getting in a minimum 2-mile walk/jog and other exercises. My goal for Saturday workout is 90 minutes total exercise (then maybe I'll feel better for falling off the wagon today... so to speak).

    Good night.