What keeps YOU on track?



  • Ashley06118
    I look at the progress I have already made when I feel a craving. I notice how my wrist bones are starting to stick out a little bit like they used to. I can actually injure my hip bone now because the layer of fat is not as thick, very exciting although painful because I'm a clutz. I also am starting to have a collar bone which is a new thing for me. I also log into the site to read the posts when I feel like I'm going to do something I shouldn't. It also helps that the my weight loss progress ticker is right there on the homepage.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    1. I don't have "fat days" anymore where no clothes look good and I can't figure out what to wear.

    2. I am no longer embarrassed about how I look in general. I am not afraid to run into people I haven't seen in years, like I was before when I knew I got fat since we last met.

    3. I like the way I feel. I can walk further, hike longer, and thanks to pilates, my posture, flexibility, and strength are getting better by the week.

    4. Clothes shopping is no longer a chore. I can fit into size 8! EIGHT! I was formerly a size 14 (US)

    The reasons above are what keep me going with this whole weight loss thing.

    In general, I like me better at 30 pounds lighter than I liked me when I was 30 pounds heavier. I worked my butt off to lose this weight. I will NOT backslide and have to do this all again.
  • bexxii10
    I found foods which are just as tasty but are less calories. It means I'm not missing out taste, yet I am missing out on the tons of calories I was originally taking in. Examples:
    1. I reach for a Mini Milk (30 calories) instead of a Cornetto which I used to LOVE (a whopping 275 calories!) yet it is just as satisfying.
    2. I have a Frube yoghurt (80 calories) instead of chocolate (about 280 calories?).
    3. I have a Weetabix cereal bar (90 calories) rather than the slice of pizza I used to have in the canteen for my morning snack (200ish calories)
    As long as I have the right foods in front of me that I enjoy, I don't need the motivation because I would rather eat the lovely, more nutritious food. :)
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I found foods which are just as tasty but are less calories. It means I'm not missing out taste, yet I am missing out on the tons of calories I was originally taking in. Examples:
    1. I reach for a Mini Milk (30 calories) instead of a Cornetto which I used to LOVE (a whopping 275 calories!) yet it is just as satisfying.
    2. I have a Frube yoghurt (80 calories) instead of chocolate (about 280 calories?).
    3. I have a Weetabix cereal bar (90 calories) rather than the slice of pizza I used to have in the canteen for my morning snack (200ish calories)
    As long as I have the right foods in front of me that I enjoy, I don't need the motivation because I would rather eat the lovely, more nutritious food. :)
    I kinda agree with you on this to some extend, but seriously to me they are not the sama as a bunch of fresh garlic fries or cold stone icecream. LOL