Whole fat foods.

Ok, so I am trying something new. I do not eat low fat foods anymore. I still count my fat and calories as well as my cholesterol and sugar intake. I am starting by only using full fat dairy and just counting the fat and calories. I don't buy packaged food much, but if I do it can't say low fat anywhere on the box/bag. I am trying (very hard) to cut out artificial sweeteners. The theory is that these foods will make me feel more satisfied and I will crave junk like fast food and eat less refined sugar. I would like to know what people think of this. Please be respectful of my choices as well as other peoples opinions.


  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I love fat. :happy: Fat and protein keep me feeling satisfied for a long time. Also, yum!

    It sounds as though you are moving in the direction of trying to eat whole, natural food instead of food that has been modified to be "healthy" and I think that's great. It has worked very well for me. I think it is helpful to take a Michael Pollan approach -- if a food makes a health claim or is advertised on television, avoid it!
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Well... I know my parents went from drinking skim milk and using margarine to eating only raw butter and raw milk and they lost a bunch of weight and lowered their cholesterol. They also cut out sugar entirely, though, and watched their portion sizes, so it's hard to say which factor(s) played the biggest part. They swear by the raw milk/butter, though.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Fats make me feel very satisfied! I buy low fat yogurt and milk but I eat full fat cheese, lots of different nuts, healthy oils, avocados, etc. I stay within calorie goal but don't sweat it if I go over on fat since it is usually from healthy sources (not this past weekend though, lol)
  • CrazyDaisysMommy
    I think it's great that you are trying to eat clean! I try not to put anything into my body that God didn't make.
  • chicago_dad
    Recent thing by Dr. Oz on this-- He advocates for full fat food as well.
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    YES I have been eating clean (mostly) but the full fat is new. I read the recent Time article by Dr. Oz and it made sense in allot of ways especially this one. The obesity epidemic seems to have gotten so much worse since low fat everything has flooded the market.
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    hmmm I agree that additives and artificial sweetners can be bad but I dont think you should write things off just because it says low fat! It is only a label and they might be telling the truth, if a banana had low fat on it would you say no to that?

    I think its just a case of fresh food over packaged food and if its packaged then checking out the ingredients and if it is full of crud to replace the fat then fair enough get rid but sometimes low fat can really be just that. Low in fat.

    Full fat dairy - Scary!! I personally stay well away from cheese and if I have milk, then its semi skimmed.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think it's fine as long as you're choosing healthy foods (that happen to have fat in them) and staying within your allotted calories.

    I do eat low fat dairy because nothing weird is added to it, it's just the same thing as the full fat, but skimmed. Otherwise, I eat the real thing -- even real sugar if you can believe it! I think I'm a dying breed.
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    Recent thing by Dr. Oz on this-- He advocates for full fat food as well.

    Exactly! Did you read the same article? I love Dr Oz!
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    I've reset my MFP goals to 50% fat and make sure it's healthy fat ... you're off to a good start by opening your mind to try something new to see if it works for you. Good luck!

    P.S. my diary is open if you want to see what 50% fat looks like on a menu
  • ncgatorfan
    Recent thing by Dr. Oz on this-- He advocates for full fat food as well.

    I saw the same thing too. Especially saying Skim Milk was a HUGE mistake. 2% is best and better than whole milk, though.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I find when it says low fat it has more carbs. I eat full fat, just less.
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    hmmm I agree that additives and artificial sweetners can be bad but I dont think you should write things off just because it says low fat! It is only a label and they might be telling the truth, if a banana had low fat on it would you say no to that?

    I think its just a case of fresh food over packaged food and if its packaged then checking out the ingredients and if it is full of crud to replace the fat then fair enough get rid but sometimes low fat can really be just that. Low in fat.

    Full fat dairy - Scary!! I personally stay well away from cheese and if I have milk, then its semi skimmed.

    I meant if it is full fat already and the fat needs to be taken out I won't eat it. I will still eat foods that are low fat. Just not low fat that had to have the fat taken out to become low fat. Years ago I had a book called "Whole Foods for the Whole Family" that I got from some friends from La Leche League anf followed that while my biological children were young.
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    I find when it says low fat it has more carbs. I eat full fat, just less.

    And more sugar.
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    Well... I know my parents went from drinking skim milk and using margarine to eating only raw butter and raw milk and they lost a bunch of weight and lowered their cholesterol. They also cut out sugar entirely, though, and watched their portion sizes, so it's hard to say which factor(s) played the biggest part. They swear by the raw milk/butter, though.

    I really want raw milk, but have not been able to find a supplier............ yet
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    hmmm I agree that additives and artificial sweetners can be bad but I dont think you should write things off just because it says low fat! It is only a label and they might be telling the truth, if a banana had low fat on it would you say no to that?

    I think its just a case of fresh food over packaged food and if its packaged then checking out the ingredients and if it is full of crud to replace the fat then fair enough get rid but sometimes low fat can really be just that. Low in fat.

    Full fat dairy - Scary!! I personally stay well away from cheese and if I have milk, then its semi skimmed.

    I think what they meant was things that are 'unnaturally' low in fat...like low fat yoghurt, low fat cheese etc...
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Well... I know my parents went from drinking skim milk and using margarine to eating only raw butter and raw milk and they lost a bunch of weight and lowered their cholesterol. They also cut out sugar entirely, though, and watched their portion sizes, so it's hard to say which factor(s) played the biggest part. They swear by the raw milk/butter, though.

    I really want raw milk, but have not been able to find a supplier............ yet

    Sorry...but what do you mean by 'raw milk'?? Think I'm the other side of the pond lol :-))
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Fats make me feel very satisfied! I buy low fat yogurt and milk but I eat full fat cheese, lots of different nuts, healthy oils, avocados, etc. I stay within calorie goal but don't sweat it if I go over on fat since it is usually from healthy sources (not this past weekend though, lol)

    You read my mind. Thanks. Now I don't have to write it!
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I also get about 50% of my calories from fat, almost all of it full fat. Raw dairy when I can get it. Raw cheese and butter daily but raw milk's becoming tough to get in Florida...luckily we've got lots of Weston Price people in the area. :smile:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Well... I know my parents went from drinking skim milk and using margarine to eating only raw butter and raw milk and they lost a bunch of weight and lowered their cholesterol. They also cut out sugar entirely, though, and watched their portion sizes, so it's hard to say which factor(s) played the biggest part. They swear by the raw milk/butter, though.

    I really want raw milk, but have not been able to find a supplier............ yet

    Sorry...but what do you mean by 'raw milk'?? Think I'm the other side of the pond lol :-))

    Not pasteurized (heated to kill bacteria).

    I think you can find it if you buy directly from a dairy farm, but I wouldn't take my chances.