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Info of the Day: "Stop eating Late."



  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    The actual number for starvation mode has been shown to be 600 calories per day.

  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    For some people, having a cut off time for food is a good idea but ONLY because they eat a lot of calories in a mindless way in those hours between dinner and bedtime. In other words, they're eating their 2000 calories for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but then eating another 1000 calories in snacks while watching TV.

    If you're staying within your calorie goals, it doesn't matter at what time of the day you eat them.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    so i don't have to throw up my midnight snack right after i eat it for weight loss? I always try to eat something like a yogurt or a little snack right before i go to bed, because i don't wnat to go 8+ hours withouth eating anything. I know your body slows down when you are sleeping, but if i dont' eat right before bed i wake up starving, and i heard you really shouldn't ever feel hunger pangs
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    for weight loss it makes no difference if you eat 3 hrs before bed or 1 min before bed

    ^^ He's right.

    It matters more WHAT you eat in teh evening, not if you eat. Obviously if you eat a bag of chips before bed, that wasn't the right choice. But some low fat cheese, a protein shake, these things won't make you gain weight overnight.

    but chips will, even if you are in a caloric deficit?

    Well I'm not an expert but follow Tom Venuto's guidence- he said you should eat for what you are about to do. You don't need carbs before bed since you don't need to fuel exercise. His theory also factors in body type- I'm an endomorph, so i should be eating my carbs during the day when I have more time to burn them off. Some people are more carb-sensitive than others.

    I think it depends a lot on the individual as well as the size of the deficit. What do you eat before bed?
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    If you are hungry, eat. It doesn't matter what time of day it is.

    Now if you go to bed at midnight and you scarf down a Big Mac a hour prior to crawling in bed...well you will probably have a very interesting and smelling night and morning...

    aka it's about what you eat, not when you eat it.
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    Lol it makes no difference when you eat its more important what and how much you eat. Plus most animals fall asleep straight after eating if the 3hr rule was true wouldn't there be loads of bloated lions and other animals waddling around?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Well I'm not an expert but follow Tom Venuto's guidence- he said you should eat for what you are about to do. You don't need carbs before bed since you don't need to fuel exercise. His theory also factors in body type- I'm an endomorph, so i should be eating my carbs during the day when I have more time to burn them off. Some people are more carb-sensitive than others.

    I think it depends a lot on the individual as well as the size of the deficit. What do you eat before bed?

    i'm familiar with his writing, i have burn the fat feed the muscle. i eat ben and jerry's and other stuff before bed, depends on how many cals i have left and what i can fit in there
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member

    Well I'm not an expert but follow Tom Venuto's guidence- he said you should eat for what you are about to do. You don't need carbs before bed since you don't need to fuel exercise. His theory also factors in body type- I'm an endomorph, so i should be eating my carbs during the day when I have more time to burn them off. Some people are more carb-sensitive than others.

    I think it depends a lot on the individual as well as the size of the deficit. What do you eat before bed?

    i'm familiar with his writing, i have burn the fat feed the muscle. i eat ben and jerry's and other stuff before bed, depends on how many cals i have left and what i can fit in there

    Well you're lucky then! Eating ice cream before bed won't work for most people, but all the power to you, you look fantastic!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    My nutritionist says to eat protein before bed to aid in weight loss.

    Doesn't help you sleep, though. Protein wakes you up, carbs make you drowsy. Apparently gnocchi is one of the best things to have in the evening as it makes you drowsy digesting it.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Well I'm not an expert but follow Tom Venuto's guidence- he said you should eat for what you are about to do. You don't need carbs before bed since you don't need to fuel exercise. His theory also factors in body type- I'm an endomorph, so i should be eating my carbs during the day when I have more time to burn them off. Some people are more carb-sensitive than others.

    I think it depends a lot on the individual as well as the size of the deficit. What do you eat before bed?

    i'm familiar with his writing, i have burn the fat feed the muscle. i eat ben and jerry's and other stuff before bed, depends on how many cals i have left and what i can fit in there

    Well you're lucky then! Eating ice cream before bed won't work for most people, but all the power too you, you look fantastic!

    thank you for the compliment, but really there is no magic fairy that will turn the ice cream into fat for people running a caloric deficit and eating it before bed

  • Well I'm not an expert but follow Tom Venuto's guidence- he said you should eat for what you are about to do. You don't need carbs before bed since you don't need to fuel exercise. His theory also factors in body type- I'm an endomorph, so i should be eating my carbs during the day when I have more time to burn them off. Some people are more carb-sensitive than others.

    I think it depends a lot on the individual as well as the size of the deficit. What do you eat before bed?

    i'm familiar with his writing, i have burn the fat feed the muscle. i eat ben and jerry's and other stuff before bed, depends on how many cals i have left and what i can fit in there

    Well you're lucky then! Eating ice cream before bed won't work for most people, but all the power too you, you look fantastic!

    thank you for the compliment, but really there is no magic fairy that will turn the ice cream into fat for people running a caloric deficit and eating it before bed

    Completely true. Its not just him. You could probably do it too and be fine if it fits in your macros. I have a dessert most nights before bed if I have the calories and am relatively lean and still losing :]
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member

    Well I'm not an expert but follow Tom Venuto's guidence- he said you should eat for what you are about to do. You don't need carbs before bed since you don't need to fuel exercise. His theory also factors in body type- I'm an endomorph, so i should be eating my carbs during the day when I have more time to burn them off. Some people are more carb-sensitive than others.

    I think it depends a lot on the individual as well as the size of the deficit. What do you eat before bed?

    i'm familiar with his writing, i have burn the fat feed the muscle. i eat ben and jerry's and other stuff before bed, depends on how many cals i have left and what i can fit in there

    Well you're lucky then! Eating ice cream before bed won't work for most people, but all the power too you, you look fantastic!

    thank you for the compliment, but really there is no magic fairy that will turn the ice cream into fat for people running a caloric deficit and eating it before bed

    That's ok, we can agree to disagree. You obviously know what works for you :) Everyone has different genetics and reacts to food differently, and there's a reason Tom Ventuo listed ice cream as the number one "food that turns to fat"
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Whenever I eat before bed, I will have nightmares. That's the only reason to stop me from eating too late. But I also heard people who skip dinner "seem" having quicker weight loss but I have never tried that. I figure with one less meal, it essentially means cutting back the calorie intake. In that sense, skipping dinner, breakfast, or lunch should make no difference, or should it?
  • Whenever I eat before bed, I will have nightmares. That's the only reason to stop me from eating too late. But I also heard people who skip dinner "seem" having quicker weight loss but I have never tried that. I figure with one less meal, it essentially means cutting back the calorie intake. In that sense, skipping dinner, breakfast, or lunch should make no difference, or should it?

    Exactly. It doesnt matter at all. Meal timing is irrelevant!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Whenever I eat before bed, I will have nightmares. That's the only reason to stop me from eating too late. But I also heard people who skip dinner "seem" having quicker weight loss but I have never tried that. I figure with one less meal, it essentially means cutting back the calorie intake. In that sense, skipping dinner, breakfast, or lunch should make no difference, or should it?
    If you're eating less calories than your BMR it can definitely hurt you.

    I've also read that spreading the same amount of calories over 3 meals, as opposed to two, will up your metabolism a bit. That was talking about skipping breakfast in particular, but if you're going 16-20 hours without eating (lunch to breakfast), you can't be doing your body much good. I know there are those who eat all of their calories in a 5 hour window, but I can't imagine that works for everyone. I know I would be one very grumpy person.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Whenever I eat before bed, I will have nightmares. That's the only reason to stop me from eating too late. But I also heard people who skip dinner "seem" having quicker weight loss but I have never tried that. I figure with one less meal, it essentially means cutting back the calorie intake. In that sense, skipping dinner, breakfast, or lunch should make no difference, or should it?
    If you're eating less calories than your BMR it can definitely hurt you.

    I've also read that spreading the same amount of calories over 3 meals, as opposed to two, will up your metabolism a bit. That was talking about skipping breakfast in particular, but if you're going 16-20 hours without eating (lunch to breakfast), you can't be doing your body much good. I know there are those who eat all of their calories in a 5 hour window, but I can't imagine that works for everyone. I know I would be one very grumpy person.
    I get what you mean and I don't disagree. :) However, I don't want to sound too judgemental to those who choose to skip a meal as their approach either. Who know. They might have got all the calories with 2 meals.

    I myself can't skip any meal, especially dinner.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,888 Member
    This is a myth. Total calorie intake in 24 hours is the SAME whether you ate it a 7pm or 11:59pm.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    According to my BodyMedia Fit charts I burn .9-1.1 calories per minute when I sleep. I burn 1-1.2 calories per minute when I'm sitting at my desk at work or on my couch at home.

    When I'm awake, I eat something (meal or snack) every three hours or so. I sleep for about six-seven hours each night.

    Which means, technically, if I eat something close to bedtime, my body actually has more time to burn that and turn it into energy than while I'm awake and sitting on my *kitten* at work.

    So while I tend try to not to eat too terribly close to bedtime, if I do, I don't stress about it.
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    If I'm hungry, I can't sleep. So if I feel hungry before bed, I have a snack. One of my favorites is a glass of warm milk with a bit of honey and a pinch of sea salt.

    Oh, and I don't eat breakfast as soon as I get up either. I'm not hungry . If I try to force myself to eat, it makes me nauseous. So even though I'm up by 8am, I typically don't eat until 10:00 or 10:30, ESPECIALLY if I'm going to go work out first thing in the morning, like I did today.

    So if I didn't eat after 7pm, and then ate breakfast at 10:30 am, that's more than 15 hours without eating.. and sorry, but I can't do that! So, yeah, I typically have a snack around 9pm.

    So to say that NO ONE should eat within 3 hours of bedtime EVER is just not true. If it works for you, that's great. But it doesn't work for everyone. And if someone is feeling hungry at 7pm, then they should eat something healthy, rather than try to hold off and then either spend the night tossing and turning because they can't sleep due to hunger pains, or they cave in and then gorge themselves on junk food and over eat.

    God bless!
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    I do tire of all these scientific things that make loosing weight difficult. When I lost 40 lbs the first time around. I was eating lasagna....steak and potatoes, burgers, hotdogs, bread and all kinds of things! I even had candy and icecream. All I did was watch my portions sizes. I gained weigh back because I lost motivation and hit a plateau. I think a lot of these "rules" discourage a lot of people when it comes to weightloss. If you eat too much...watch your portions....if you eat crap, eat more healthy things and less crap. Watch your calories, that's the biggest thing. The more I loose with the way I am and with what I eat I fully believe the whole calories in calories out. I lost 6 lbs in two weeks and I had been known to eat chips right before bed...gasp!