September Challenge Week 3 - Team Amazing Grace (CLOSED GROU

Ok team!! We need to get back on track and GET MOTIVATED!!!

If anyone can thing of any fun or catchy little thing to work on getting each other motivated a little bit more - SPEAK UP!!
I know we are all busy, busy, busy, but we can't just GIVE UP!! We have to step it up and push ourselves some more!! (myself included!)

Lisaap has dropped - things are just too busy now that school has started...

sbrown - her friend recently passed away unexpectedly.... she has not been online for several days.

Xtine - said she doesn't have a computer and can't log from her phone for some reason. She sent me messages with a few of her updates, but the middle of the week last week her basement got flooded and last I heard they were looking for hotels. (Yikes!) I've sent her a message to get an update, but haven't heard from her yet.

I haven't heard from walkingingrace either....

I've contacted Gary to see about getting some new people - but if any of you have any friends on your friends list that you know are not in the challenge already and would be interested in joining, let me know.

Today I did day 1 of the Pygmy Series except the 2 mile walk, jog, run. I'll do that tomorrow.
Under calorie goal - check
water - check

I will also commit to 500 ab crunches this week..... I did 75 of them tonight.


  • cath1717
    That's a Captain speach!!! Thanks Amazing for your time, your motivation and the new thread! Let's start over again and ROCK together that challenge! Even if we don't score full points because of people who left, it dosen't meen that we cannot achive the challenges! For me anyways, I don't really do it for the points but for the challenge of it, the motivation of the whole team and to "report" my effort of the week to you guys. That way I'm sure to do them cause I need to report them!

    Go go go we can rock this month challenge, nothing is over yet!

    Cath :D
  • Sunday and Monday - under calorie goal and had 8 glasses of water. I will be doing the pigmy series this week. Sorry was out of action last week, but I had to take care of my tummy. Whew! Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!
  • amazing_grace♥
    Received a message this morning from Xtine that I wanted to share with everybody..... please say a few prayers for her, they are going through alot right now!!!!! Below is the note I received from her.....

    "The company came out yesterday and ripped our wood laminate floor out and about a foot of drywall so our basement is totally in ruins:(

    My computer at home doesn't work so I have to post to the thread when I get to work. Can't do it from my phone for some reason...
    Im here I'll just be a little late on posting!

    xoxox "
    (from Xtine)
  • amazing_grace♥
    That's a Captain speach!!! Thanks Amazing for your time, your motivation and the new thread! Let's start over again and ROCK together that challenge! Even if we don't score full points because of people who left, it dosen't meen that we cannot achive the challenges! For me anyways, I don't really do it for the points but for the challenge of it, the motivation of the whole team and to "report" my effort of the week to you guys. That way I'm sure to do them cause I need to report them!

    Go go go we can rock this month challenge, nothing is over yet!

    Cath :D

    @Cath - you are an AWESOME CHEERLEADER!! Hehe. I love it!!
    Perhaps it would help if we also have a little friendly competition amongst OURSELVES!!

    Let me know what you all think, and I'll see if I can put something together by the end of the day today (for points)

  • amazing_grace♥
    Ok TEAM!! What do you think of our team having its own “Post Card Contest”? The prize at the end of the month for the winner would be to receive a post card in the US Mail from all the other team members. (I just want to make sure everyone is ok with giving out their mailing address – we can do that part via private message). Let me know what you think!

    PRIZE: At the end of the month, we will have one winner (person with the highest score) and all of the other team members must mail a post card to the winner !

    If you are under your calorie goal for the day = 5 points
    If you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day = 1 point
    For every glass of water over 8, you get 1 additional point (10 glasses = 3 points)

    You get 1 point per day for the challenges if you complete all challenges for that day. So even if you don’t do them on the day they are due, but do them before the week’s end, you will get the 1 point.
    However, you get 2 points for completing that day’s challenges if you do them on or before the day they are due. NOTE: You have to do ALL the challenges for that day to get the 2 points, not just some of the challenges and do the rest of them another day.

    I will try to post the stats/scores daily for the previous day so that we can all keep track and see each others “scores”. ( If someone else has any “free time”, you can feel free to help me with this part! Lol.)

    Another idea that I had is to share the “leader” responsibilities… perhaps that would help people to feel more involved in the team. We could have a different person to keep the stats each week and I could email you the spreadsheets to keep track of the points on (excel spreadsheet). Let me know what you think!! I’m just trying to think of ideas to keep everybody involved and interested!! PLEASE feel free to comment and/or give us some of YOUR ideas!!
  • Xtine72
    Xtine72 Posts: 67 Member
    Day 1
    50 Crunches only...

    I'll make up for the rest today! Promise

    Under calorie goal and water CHECK

    Still no weight loss. Holding steady!:ohwell:
  • cath1717
    Amazing, I think the post card competition is such a cute and very fun idea!!!

    But, for the water, I think the point should be 1 for 8 glasses and maybe 2 for 10 and more. Otherwise it's possible that I always win, cause it's not rare that I drink 25 glasses of water / day!!! :drinker:

  • amazing_grace♥
    Amazing, I think the post card competition is such a cute and very fun idea!!!

    But, for the water, I think the point should be 1 for 8 glasses and maybe 2 for 10 and more. Otherwise it's possible that I always win, cause it's not rare that I drink 25 glasses of water / day!!! :drinker:


    @cath - good point Cath... I forgot how much water you drink!!! :drinker:
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    I really like the postcard idea too. I think it would be more of a competitive thing, and would keep us more interested!!

    Cath....25 glasses of water a day?? And I thought Sarah was the water queen :D That's awesome!!

    I'll be doing days 1 and 2 of the challenge exercises today including the 2 mile run/walk/jog. I'll start the crunches too....not sure how many I will do yet. Let's go ladies!!!
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Bump for later.
  • Xtine72
    Xtine72 Posts: 67 Member
    Day 2
    Swimmers CHECK
    21's CHECK
    Chest Fly's CHECK
    Lawnmowers CHECK
    Kickbacks CHECK
    Pushups CHECK

    Water CHECK

    Had to cut my workout short today... Servpro coming by to check the equipment for the flood damage. Try again tomorrow to play catch up! Sheesh!! :noway:
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    Did all of day 1 and day 2 *pygmy* challenge exercises, including the 2 mile run/walk.

    Also have done 100 crunches so far for the week....will do the rest during the week.

    Under cals yesterday and will be under cals today!
  • amazing_grace♥
    @Xtine - awesome!!!!
  • jmanthei98
    jmanthei98 Posts: 85 Member
    Everything is done for today! :-D
  • amazing_grace♥
    OK. Look at my stats for a quick review of how to keep score. The only thing that is changing from what I wrote above is the water intake (because Cath drinks like 25 glasses of water/day!!) So the water points will be 1 point if you drink 8 glasses that day, and 2 points if you drink 10 or more.

    If you do the TEAM challenge (whatever it is for the week) successfully, at the end of the week you will get an additional 5 bonus points added on to your score.

    Also, at the end of the week (Sunday), you will get one point for every pound that you have lost that week.

    So, let's use my stats so far this week as an example ...........

    I did Day 1 of the Pygmy Series EXCEPT the 2 mile run/jog/walk (no points because I didn't do ALL of the challenges for the day)
    Under calorie goal = 5 pts.
    Water = 8 glasses = 1 pt.
    75 crunches = no points until the end of the week --> ONLY if I complete 500
    TOTAL POINTS for me for Yesterday = 6 points

    Day 2 of Pygmy Series = CHECK (2 pts. for doing them on the day they are due)
    2 mi. walk/jog/run from yesterday = CHECK (1 pt. because this is all I needed to do to finish Monday's challenges)
    Under calorie goal - 5 pts.
    Water 10 glasses - 2 pts.
    75 crunches - again no points until the end of the week and ONLY if I complete 500, (then I will get the bonus points!)
    TOTAL POINTS for me today = 10 pts.

    You can tally your own score at the end of any given day and post it here on this thread (like I have above), or I can post it for you (for those of you that are extremely busy - I can do it for you - just check to make sure you agree with what I post)

    Be sure to let me know if you have any questions......

    (now I gotta go drink 2 more glasses of water!!! hahah!) Good night all!!
  • Under calories check
    8 glasses water check
    pygmy exercises for Monday and Tuesday check
  • cath1717
    Day 2
    Swimmers CHECK
    21's CHECK
    Chest Fly's CHECK
    Lawnmowers CHECK
    Kickbacks CHECK
    Pushups CHECK

    Water CHECK

    Had to cut my workout short today... Servpro coming by to check the equipment for the flood damage. Try again tomorrow to play catch up! Sheesh!! :noway:

    Poor you!!!! Be positive, everything will be fine soon! Keep up the good work! Wish you luck and courage!!!
  • cath1717

    Water = CHECK (+2 points)
    Under calories = CHECK (+5 points)

    DAY 1 (+2 points)
    10 GlobeJumps=OK / 10 Burpees=OK / 25 ToeTouches=OK / 25 SquatKicks = OK / 2M walk=OK

    DAY 2 (+2 points)
    2X15 swimmer=OK / 2 X15 woodchops=OK / 2X21’s=OK / 2X15 lawn=OK



    Water = CHECK (+2 points)
    Under calories = CHECK (+5 points)

    DAY 3 (+2 points)
    10 GlobeJumps=OK / 10 Burpees=OK / 25 ToeTouches=OK / 25 SquatKicks = OK / 2M walk=OK

    DAY 4 (+2 points)
    2X15 swimmer=OK / 2 X15 woodchops=OK / 2X21’s=OK / 2X15 lawn=OK

    DAY 5 (+2 points)
    10 GlobeJumps=OK / 10 Burpees=OK / 25 ToeTouches=OK / 25 SquatKicks = OK / 2M walk=OK

    DAY 6 (+2 points)
    2X15 swimmer OK / 2 X15 woodchops=OK / 2X21’s=OK / 2X15 lawn=OK

    TOTAL ABS FOR THE WEEK CHALLENGE = 600 (+5 points)
  • amazing_grace♥

    Water = CHECK (+2 points)
    Under calories = CHECK (+5 points)

    DAY 1 (+2 points)
    10 GlobeJumps=OK / 10 Burpees=OK / 25 ToeTouches=OK / 25 SquatKicks = OK / 2M walk=OK

    DAY 2 (+2 points)
    2X15 swimmer=OK / 2 X15 woodchops=OK / 2X21’s=OK / 2X15 lawn=OK



    Water = CHECK (+2 points)
    Under calories = CHECK (+5 points)

    DAY 3 (+2 points)
    10 GlobeJumps=OK / 10 Burpees=OK / 25 ToeTouches=OK / 25 SquatKicks = OK / 2M walk=OK

    DAY 4 (+2 points)
    2X15 swimmer=OK / 2 X15 woodchops=OK / 2X21’s=OK / 2X15 lawn=OK

    DAY 5 (+2 points)
    10 GlobeJumps=OK / 10 Burpees=OK / 25 ToeTouches=OK / 25 SquatKicks = OK / 2M walk=OK

    DAY 6 (+2 points)
    2X15 swimmer OK / 2 X15 woodchops=OK / 2X21’s=OK / 2X15 lawn=OK

    TOTAL ABS FOR THE WEEK CHALLENGE = 600 (+5 points)

    @CATH- WOWSA! You Rock! ...and I was afraid the point system was too much! Haha! You got it perfect! You GO girl! I think you just set the bar!
  • amazing_grace♥
    Under calories check
    8 glasses water check
    pygmy exercises for Monday and Tuesday check

    @walkingingrace... Awesome job! I show you have 8 pts for Monday and another 8 pts for today! 16 pts so far this week!