people that have lostt 30+ pounds..



  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    Fiber One bars since I am usually running out to work & can't sit down to eat. Weekends, I do cereal (Honey Bunches of Oats) or oatmeal and fruit or cinnamon raising bagel thin with peanut butter. Mmmmmm....

    Good luck!
  • kportelli70
    For breakfast I like whole wheat sandwich thins with cottage cheese spread on top. Lunch is usually salad of some sort, or a turkey wrap on whole wheat tortilla.
  • fatty2fabby
    fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
    thanks everyone! :) x
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    I've only lost 28lbs so not sure if I qualify but I LOVE my oats (115 cals a bowl) for breaky
    Salads are great at lunch, falafel (sp?) are really filling a low calorie so with a bit of lettuce and tomato and whatever you can get a yummy lunch for under 100 calories. :)
  • hosegirl
    I eat 1 cup of oatmeal with blue berries and skim milk or 1 cup of Kashi Crunch cearal with blue berries and skim milk. this last longer because of the protein.
  • Ueropa
    Kashi go lean crunch with almond milk for breakfast

    For lunch I have low sodium low fat lunch meat in a wrap or on bread stuffed with veggies, or if I'm in a hurry I'll make a lean cuisine, and something I'll have a veggie burger. I try to switch it up so I don't get bored.
  • slimmerchick
    slimmerchick Posts: 189 Member
    Breakfasts will either be porridge made with water and a banana (and blackberries this time of year) with splash of milk ; or cereal (30 g) plus 150 ml skimmed milk and some fruit ; or crumpets; I often have eggs at the weekend

    Lunch if I am at home I have ham or tuna salad, - if at work I cook some pasta and mix ham cucumber and tomato into it - today instead of having a pack of crisps with my salad I had a minestrone cuppa soup as I was feeling chilly!

    I don't get bored with eating the same things, I vary it all slightly
  • navjhaj
    Either (1) three types of Trader Joe's tofu concoctions (fake chorizo, fake sausage, tofu or seitan) fired with spices and/or onions and tomatoes, with some whole milk Greek yogurt (500-600 calories)

    Or Trader Joe's Irish oats with almond milk and fruit. (400-500 calories)

    Yeah, what can I say, I'm a vegetarian, and Trader Joes is my go-to grocery store. I just stopped purchasing the "Three Buck Chuck" for the time being. :)
  • kimfield99
    kimfield99 Posts: 22 Member
    I always have some protein in the am. It helps curb my appetite. I usually pick two things from the following:
    yogurt with fresh fruit (I hated yogurt until last year - had no idea I could develop a liking for somethign new at 34 but I did)
    granola bars
    hummus on whole wheat English muffins
    ham and egg sanwich
    string cheese
    cereal (dry)
    clementines (best fruit ever)
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    i've lost 46.

    kraft milk and granola bars. in refrigerated section. real fruit, real granola, real milk.

    then a fiber one or something halfway between breakfast and lunch.

    the key is 6 small meals a day.
  • Tereztaylor07
    My favorite breakfast is either toast or an english muffin with two tablespoons peanut or almond butter. It keeps me satisfied. Lunch is usually sandwiches for me too.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Depends on my workout plan...

    AM workout:
    Porridge, special K or a cereal bar for breakfast (up to 250 cal)
    Lunch - Carb & Protein (up to 500 cal) - normally pasta + tuna or chicken

    PM workout
    Porridge, special K or a cereal bar for breakfast (up to 250 cal)
    Lunch - Mostly Carb (up to 350 cal) - Normally a sandwich

    Note - I'm on maintenance now, but I try and make most of the difference between weight loss and maintenance cals up through 'healthy grazing' (fruit & nuts).

    On 'Long run' days where I'll burn 1200-1400 calories I tend to do 'Lunch 1 + Lunch 2' where lunch 1 is a bacon sandwich + a (quality!) milkshake at the cafe where we end the run (11:30am ish, 650cals) , and lunch 2 is as above around 3ish.
  • fatty2fabby
    fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
    thank you my lovelys! x
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    I try to vary what I eat for every meal... sometimes, not the case. Now, if only I can stop drinking beer, I could be in better shape ;) .... but my diary is open if you want to get some ideas.