200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • kmturtle3

    (ps. you are both gorgeous. pics are awesome. love you.)
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    I'm going to Olive Garden tonight, and I've been meticulously planning out my meal since last night. No breadsticks! I found out that their salad is a super sodium salad, so no salad either! I swear, it's like I'm planning a strategic attack on my stomach. I'm trying SO HARD this week to make up for the 2 pound gain from the bad food the week before, and so far the scale isn't on my side. I hate that thing.

    I deactivated my Facebook account earlier this week, and even though I don't really miss it I can't help worrying that I'm missing something. I will probably be back on there; I basically just did it to show Facebook how much I hate their new updates. Not that they'll take my feelings into account. The layout thing is not a huge deal, but I really hate that everyone can see everything I'm doing the instant that I do it on that ticker, and I hate that I can see everything everyone else does the instant that they do it too. I can even see when my friends do things on pages of people who aren't my friends, which means to me that when my friend who is still Facebook friends with my ex posts on my wall, my ex will be able to see it on that ticker thing. UGH. Despite how I am on this forum I'm usually a very private person, so changes like that drive me bonkers.

    However, now that I know that Amy posted 300 pics on Facebook it makes me want to reactivate!

    Jessi, how can it be possible that no one you work with knows what a muggle is? What? I know what you mean about the awkwardness of eating out with coworkers too; I always dread that. It's not that I don't like my coworkers, but I'm just pretty awkward around people in general unless those people are close friends or family. Also, the treadmill thing might be worth it for you. When we bought our house in March the sellers asked if we might want their treadmill since they were going overseas and didn't want to have to move it. Saying yes was the best decision ever! Our neighborhood is full of hills (I'm talkin' WV "hills" which are really more like mountainous climbs), so I never would've started running without that treadmill. I do have a gym membership, but I do most of my workouts at home...the only reason I keep my membership is because they have an indoor pool, and that's a nice workout option to have.

    Rain, I just got a crockpot so I'm looking for recipes too. Amy shared this one from Peas and Thank You (thanks, Amy!)...I haven't tried it yet, but it looks good: http://peasandthankyou.com/recipage/?recipe_id=6000512&prev_term=african

    Kerry, you should never be bummed. You are my hero! You will mix it up and blast right through that plateau, I know it.

    Hosanna, great NSV and YAY for the exercise!!

    Victoria, 18 glasses of water? Wow! I think the most I've managed so far is 14 in one day...I can't seem to pass that number.

    Amy and Lacey, welcome back! I love those pictures...you're totally tempting me to go back to Facebook. :)

    Kiki, I'm totally making those cookies this weekend. :)

    Nava, I hope you feel better soon!
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member

    WEIGH-IN 172.8
    Yup. Pretty exciting about that loss. I was expecting to be 173 something.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member

    WEIGH-IN 172.8
    Yup. Pretty exciting about that loss. I was expecting to be 173 something.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Pam: I'm with you on the weirdness of the new Facebook. Luckily, I don't have any exes who are friends with my friends that I honestly give a crap about so I'm just gonna keep on with the Facebook. Good luck with Olive Garden, it sounds like you are making a great battle plan!!!

    Kerry: I LOVE you, girl!! Don't be bummed about the weight, I bet your body is just adjusting to it's new, svelte, not-overweight size.

    Nava: Hiya! I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Get better soon!!!!

    Jessi: Anyone who doesn't know what a muggle is, is NOT worth knowing (in my book). Seriously, do they live in a cave or something??

    rain: Funny story about meeting online: Me & Lacey were at the Moulin Rouge show sitting at a table with a couple from Boston. They were kinda chatty and asked us where were were from and all that getting to know you stuff. When they got to the "how do you two know each other" question, both Lacey and I were silent for a second before saying we met online. You just never know how people take that. I'm glad to hear other stories of people meeting online and being fast friends.

    Victoria: Great loss this week, lady!

    Hosanna: Great job meeting your exercise goals for the month!!!

    I had an NSV today. A guy I've been friends with for 11 years was looking at my pics I uploaded and then messaged me on FB to tell me I look hot. It made me happy. (No, this is not anyone I ever dated)
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    ********** weigh in at 211. *****************

    i will totally blame it on my myself and the work meeting this week....but it's also TOM. yay me.
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
    Hi everyone, I see all these cool posts and luv luv the way everyone is so supportive.. I just dont post very much mainly because I dont know what to say.lol.. and believe you me!! I always have lost to say.. anywho I just want to thank all of you for posting because everyday I find something inspiring. everyday I find something that motivates me and everyday I find something that makes me laugh..

    As for my journey so far. I am totally in luv with my life as of 8-22-11 this is when I started dieting and exercising for the very first time since I have been overweight. I would kinda diet..sometimes but never exercise. Then I find this AMAZING site with wonderful people that motivate and support each other.. I hit the jackpot!! So far I have lost 19lbs in about 5 weeks and its kinda silly but I feel like if it were 50lbs.. I feel so good about myself I am sleeping a tiny bit better, I actually feel bad when I dont go out for a walk at night. I have a very very long way to go but I am taking it one step one zumba one workout at a time. I am KNOW for a fact I will succeed!

    Have a nice weekend!:flowerforyou:
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Noooo, I had a whole reply all written out to everyone and then I accidentally hit the back button on the browser.

    The gist of it was I weighed it at 214 this morning, did a happy dance because while it was only a 1lb loss it got me under 215 which has been my struggling point for a long time. I'd been bouncing between 215 and 220 without going below it for ages!

    I have to run to class so don't have time to go back and read and reply to all the posts now, but Amy the vacation pics look lovely - it looks like you guys had a great time!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I found so many interesting things to comment on today, but I have to start with the pics because they are THE COOLEST THING EVER!!! Amy and Lacey, you both look fantastic and I know you had an amazing time, both because of the place AND the company!

    Nava: We need to get you some Vitamin C or something, chica...you need to get over this yucky stuff!

    Navallez: I was a lurker for a while too, but they kind of draw you in here :-)

    Pam: I've been tired of FB for a while now, but the changes are just making it easier for me to stay away. I don't really put too much of my business on there anyway, just posting pics of family and stuff because I'm not sure how much of my REALNESS my real life family and friends can handle. To be truthful, I really don't give two-sh*ts about half of the nonsense they find important...maybe I'm just selfish, but the whining drives me bonkers!

    Kerry: You are amazing, so put a smile back on that face!

    Speaking of FB...I don't ever unfriend people, simply because I don't accept drama regardless, so they all know that. But anyway, both of my exes are on there. The one, I'm cool with, we've not been together for years. The other one is more recent, and it was a necessary but sad break up. Long story short, we lived together for 6 months, he went to NY to visit a friend, and decided he was staying to work, with the idea that I was just supposed to wait for him. After 6 months of waiting and a lot of thinking on my part, I realized that I should have seen this coming, but I chose to be blind to his priorities thinking we were both on the same page in the same book at the same library...we weren't. Anyway, less than a week ago, he posts a message to me on his wall saying "I miss you". I know it was to me because it was in Spanish, and I am the only person he knows who speaks Spanish, and it's one of only two phrases he even knows...he's from Africa. Really?!?!?! You left in February. I officially ended everything in July, and I've happily moved on to a much better relationship. Now you miss me?? I'm gonna need you to get a grip and get a life. Of course, I did not respond because he would have seen that as an in to a deeper conversation, but it irritated the crap out of me. I told you it was done. I told you I wasn't waiting anymore. I told you there were no hard feelings. AND I told you to not be surprised when someone else replaces you. Sometimes I really wonder what guys are thinking.

    Oh yeah...weigh-in******************************************309.0*******************************************************************
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Already stalked the FB pics Amy and Lacey, LOVE THEM!!! You two are so freaking gorgeous!

    I'm enjoying another day off from work. The sad part is that after today, I only have 1 more day of PTO for the rest of the YEAR!!!! (Yeah, I still have holidays off, but OMG! only 1 other day!!!) They only allow 1 person off on any day and the schedule is booked up. Stupid corporate America. Last week and this week there hasn't even been enough work to keep everyone busy, yet they STILL won't let more than 10% of the team off on 1 day. VERY GRRR. The only bright side is that I've used enough PTO this year that I won't lose any. They only allow us to carry over up to 40 hours to the next year, so I will carry over all that I have left.

    In order to meet my gym 3x and Lexi walk 2x week goal, I'm going to have to double up today. Gym and Lexi walk. I felt like CRAP Wednesday and laid on the couch all night. Last night Mr. Reunion and I drove around looking for houses/apartments and then went out to dinner at T.G.I.Fridays. I think I chose well, I got a grilled chicken with shrimp and mashed potatoes. But we also got an appetizer and I ate potato skins, fried mozzarella sticks and a couple of boneless wings. The good news is I'm only up 1 pound from yesterday.

    Oh well. Time to head off to the gym!
  • jessicae1aine
    Pam - My boss asks me EVERY time I wear this shirt what a muggle is. It's usually reserved for weekends, when I don't see him, but the jacket situation made me have to find a shirt that covered my upper arms, because it makes me super-panicky-uncomfortable to even think about the possibility of someone bumping into me at this lunch today (it's a LOT of people) and touching bare skin. The thought of physically touching most people makes my skin crawl. I wish I knew how to swim, or had somewhere to learn! Our local "pool" is actually a mudhole that they charge admittance to, and it's got leeches and bugs and even ducks. It's filthy and terrifying.

    Amy - I think it must be a cave. A big, collective cave. I was actually pretty surprised at how few people were at our midnight HP screening, too - I apparently live in "no one here is awesome" land.

    Kiki - Yay for getting below that point! :D

    Bobbie - I totally understand getting irritated. I used to do a monthly cleanup of friends, but I've instead started making lists, and people I don't really care for are hidden from my feed and can't see most of my posts. Ones that aren't something I'd be hesitant to share get shared with everyone, but anything I'd prefer to avoid the drama of (like planning on having kids, when his family hates me and some are my fb friends) gets posted to private lists. Sheesh that was long. Sorry.

    I'm supposed to be getting things accomplished, but I'm at least a little failing. Just not feeling it today.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I will upload my 477ish pics sometime this weekend. YEAY for being home! I had a fantastical time. Now that I am home and I can step back and look at it all, it ****ing rocked!!! Meeting Amy and her fam was the bomb! (insert hand over arm face wave To Gabriel here!)

    I'm sbout to head t world market in search of a cappuccino maker. I'm already having wirthdrawals.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Okay - gonna try and get the post done before I'm dragged away:

    Katheryne: yeah for collarbones and this is not a 'silly' nsv at all - it is a success!!!
    Kendal: like the idea of badges - but as with others - think the simpler the better otherwise it will be a nightmare trying to work out who gets what.

    Victoria: your exercise plan looks very scary - yeah for weight loss.

    Sarah: hope your friend is improving. Sorry to hear that people are so rude - you are doing so well with your running do not let small minded people upset you. Also, hope your day is improving - complications and needing simplicity - sounds wearing - thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Rikki: can't even begin to imagine how you feeling right now. Thoughts and prayers are with you too.

    Spacegrass: its probably good to not like artificial sweetner - it really is not good for you - the real thing (in moderate amounts) is much better.

    Kristina: you are supposed to be logging lady.................also are you seeing park guy again?

    Kiki: yeah for 14's and well done for actively staying away from pumkin temptations.

    Erin: welcome

    Navallez: well done on the weight loss and don't worry about not saying much - when you have somehing you wish to share just jump in.

    Kerry: love the idea of a written schedule - think I might get one done for my 100 days - okay so it's a bit late but I don't mond backdating - it will be fun to add all those ticks - yeah. Don't get too disheartened re stabilised weight - you have lost loads and loads - your body needs to reset itself so just keep going and it will happen. I think you an totally so the chicago marathon and I will not be at all jealous about the fact you are fit enough to run the distance while I'll only be able to manage (hopefully) to walk it.....

    Amy: great to have you back - really missed you being here but pleased you had a great time. How did the dogs get on??

    Lacey: let me know when we are to get going on food diaries - really don't mind how long it takes (hee hee) - not that I'm into avoidence of accountability.........Food details of Bruge made me smile - do you think they would have managed gluten free!!!!!
    Hope you home safey and recovered from excessive journey.

    As for me - really lazy day today. It has been very hot and as much as I love the sun after we had walked the dog and had lunch (chinese buffet style - but I did consider my choices good!) we were both whacked and in need of a siesta - whose to argue that???
    My 100 day attempt: so far: 6/6 good food choices - although at some point going to need to add something about number of choices!!!! 6/6 for reading 5/6 for exercise and 5/6 for productivity. So very excited but am aware that I can usually manage a week or two of will power then usually fade dramatically - please keep me acountable

    Have great weekends xx
  • hkallembach
    Sorry for making this a really narcissistic reply....

    My life is so stressful right now (d a m n D in philosophy!) and I am getting really p i s s e d that I can't get over this 'twenty pounds lost' hump. *sigh* Plus, I had TOM this week so that pretty much freakin' rocked.

    School is stupid. Can I graduate please!?

    Stupid teacher decided to change the due date from midnight tonight to 5:00 p.m. tonight. Sweet only four more hours to finish my research paper.

    Sorry for the negativity. I have been creepin' on you lovelies though!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    My 100 day attempt: so far: 6/6 good food choices - although at some point going to need to add something about number of choices!!!! 6/6 for reading 5/6 for exercise and 5/6 for productivity. So very excited but am aware that I can usually manage a week or two of will power then usually fade dramatically - please keep me acountable

    Annette: What is this 100 day attempt of which you speak??? I somehow feel like I'm out of a loop, and not even sure which one I'm supposed to be in...like a 3-ring circus...lol
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hailie: It will get better - just stick with it lady!!

    Annette: As far as I can tell, the dogs did ok. My dog sitter told me that Loki pulls on the leash and is quite strong, but I told her that before we dropped him off. Sofie is an angel in her eyes and can do no wrong (I kind of agree with her). So, I guess it was all good!

    Lacey: I am so seriously feigning for cappuccino right now!!!! My 2 cups of coffee can't hold a candle to that cafe outside of Notre Dame or that tea shop across from the hotel in Bruges. Just freaking awesome cappuccinos!!!! (Gabe says to insert hand over face wave back at you- seriously, he thought you were the coolest person he's met in quite some time!!)

    Jessi: I don't like people touching me either. I have this little bubble around me that I totally freak out if someone who is not "cleared" breaches it. I admit to being a weirdo. I also carry hand sanitizer everywhere.

    Kendal: Yay for a day off!!!

    Bobbie: Guys can be really freaking dumb sometimes. That is all.

    Kiki: Yay for a loss!!

    Navallez: I liked your story about being in love with your life. That is soooo important.

    Megan: Howdy!

    Now my head is all swollen from all the comments about my pics. A friend of mine messaged me on FB to tell me to tell Travis to "watch out" as I have become one hot mama. That made me giggle.
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    Hi all! Weight is still 240, may be down 2 from the last time I posted. Hope you all have a weekend!

    ETA: yep! down 2 pounds!!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Bobbie: I realised last Saturday that there were 100 days until the end of the year. Sarah had just posted that 'if someone had told her 115 prior to her post that she would be exercising as she is and have lost soo much wieght etc' that she would not have believed them. Having failed to completed 30 day shred in september and having absolutely useless will power decided I would try and take heed from Sarah, utilise the nice round number until the end of the year and aim to 1) make good food choices 2) read my bible (was supposed to follow a reading plan and complete it in one year but have slipped up on that too) 3) 'Produce' something and 4) exercise on a daily basis for the 100 days.
    I then decided I needed to be accountable (back to rubbish will power) and said I would post (daily if poss) on here how it was going -hoping that a) it would encourage me to keep it up and b) that someone may whip crack should I start to flounder...

    Sorry that was such a long explanation. Also, I have now produced myself a chart that I can tick off everyday so that when I don't manage to get to computer I still have a log as I found today I was struggling to remember what I had done when. The two misses - on Monday the time I had allocated to exercise was lost because couldn't get laptop to work and the day I missed 'producing' something was so hectic I just ran out of time (so not feeling too bad so far). But only week one quite a few more to go!!!!
  • jessicae1aine
    Hailie - Sorry things are so stressful! <3 I hope it gets better soon.

    Amy - I'm definitely a hand sanitizer. Some people (particularly strangers) touching me necessitates a ridiculously hot shower, and lots of scrubbing, as well. People make me feel dirty.

    I am seriously ready to punch my modem. Or my internet service. Whatever. I'm the closest thing we have to "tech support" here, and that means I get to do a lot of stuff that's supersimple and people all go "WOW! You're so smart!" Those days are awesome and make me laugh. Today, notsomuch. We're going to be streaming on the internet whenever we can get this all set up, and I had to get a static IP from our ISP, who /provides our modem, and knows what modem we have/... and my modem doesn't have any configuration options at all. I could do it in DOS, except it tells me there's media disconnected, and nothing seems to fix it. They have our modem information, told me they could do it if I couldn't get it, and now aren't calling me back... why, knowing we couldn't set it, didn't they just do it themselves to start with?!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    So, after a full night's sleep, the world is a better place today. It has been a rough week for my friend and her family, and so subsequently...me.

    Amy and Lacey: You girls are so beautiful. I'm so glad you had fun and met one another. Life is for living out adventures, and you are certainly doing that!!

    Hallie: Sorry, girl. You are havin' a rough go of it lately. You are in my prayers.

    Annette: I think you are doing awesome and I am so proud of your progress in just 6 days. Imagine how you'll feel in six more!!

    Kendal: What would I give for any PTO!?! ;-)

    Jessi: I am one of those people in awe of anyone who can do anything technical at all. *technomoron* That's why I married Joe... MFP is about as tech as I get...oh, and checking email. And, I , too, have a really hard time being around people. My skin crawls and I can't handle it. My kids, for some reason, are different. I can clean them up and their messes and be ok...but it may just be that I know where they've been and what they've touched and that they are a part of me. But we do go through an insane amount of hand sanitizer and hand soap around here.

    Hosanna: You are adorable. You crack me up every time I read your posts!! You are just too sweet! (btw, I do log Low Impact Aerobics....)

    Kerry: Breathe and try not to watch for the mailtruck...your chest strap will be there soon. It'll be ok...just estimate on the low side and you'll be fine. Promise. Pinky swear, even.

    Sarah(rain): If you are on FB, you can look up "Crock Pot Girls" and they have about a BILLION crock pot ideas. Check out the "discussion" page...

    Nava: Girl, It's time to shake this... seriously. Garlic and red onion soup... You don't smell good, but you can't smell anyway.... it'll make it go away.

    Pam: I totally get your irritation with FB.. I don't like it either, but that is how I keep in touch with most of the people in my life. I wish I could deactivate!! Also, at Olive Garden, I only eat the Minestrone or Zuppa Toscana....nothing else is worth the cals in MY opinion!!

    Apryl: Exciting about the loss!! Good job!

    Victoria: Great job on the daily numbers!! If I had P90X I would follow your schedule, but it's all Jillian for this girl. I found another DVD at the Goodwill for $1.99!! Now, THAT'S exciting!! :)

    Joy: Great job on the 2 lb loss!! That is an awesome number!!

    Ok, this girl needs a shower and to shave her legs. I am off to get a pedicure. I haven't had a pedi since I was pregnant with my first, and I only had that because it was a gift. I just won't spend the money. Well, Hubby did. So, hi-ho, hi-ho off to the spa I go!!
    For those of you counting: that is 90 (!!!) minutes all to myself. 90!!!!

    I'll check in with you later!! You girls keep me going and I appreciate it every single day!